
Why do men always have boners? Why do men experience erections in the morning? This is normal

Any man can ignore minor problems associated with deteriorating health. But if he notices that he doesn't have morning erection, then such a condition can cause great concern and force him to consult a urologist. The phenomenon may be like temporary, and permanent, which is due to the influence of factors of different origin. Each of the factors is accompanied by certain symptoms, and therefore requires identification and mandatory consideration in order to develop an individual treatment regimen.

Why is there no erection in the morning?

It is known that an erection is characterized by the filling of the male genital organ with blood, which occurs in the morning, immediately upon waking up. It is in the morning that it is observed high concentration hormones, leading to filling with blood, as well as a lack of demand control in men. Overcrowding often causes erections in the morning. Bladder, contributing to the activation of stimulation nerve endings spinal section.

Most patients lack information about physiological structure genital organ in men causes erroneous opinion relative to morning potency. Some believe that morning erections are facilitated by erotic dreams, others associate the lack of erection with certain problems, namely, impotence. However, both opinions are erroneous, which distorts natural position business

As for the duration and frequency of morning erections, they depend on several factors. Potency can occur more than once during sleep or in the morning. Her total reaches 5 s of varying duration. If the first erection lasts 10-12 minutes, then each subsequent one lasts longer and can take 15-20 minutes. It is during the last erection that a man wakes up.

Often the duration of potency is influenced by the psycho-emotional state of a man. Thus, a physically healthy man, rarely exposed to strong stressful situation, experiences frequent and strong erections. Men who experience intense physical activity every day, as well as those who are in a stressful situation, complain of weak, infrequent morning erections.

A physiological process in which morning potency is accompanied by ejaculation (emission) is considered natural. This condition can occur in those men who cannot boast of an active sex life. If adolescents experience a long duration of arousal in the morning, then with age the erection time decreases significantly, up to its complete absence.

Factors contributing to lack of erection

If there is no morning erection, this indicates serious physiological problems patients requiring immediate elimination, since such a condition not only upsets men, but causes a deterioration in the quality of life. Most men who notice a lack of erection become depressed and begin to worry, believing that impotence is occurring, further worsening the situation, since depression also contributes to weakening of the erection. In fact, there may be several reasons, each of which is due to:

  • hypertension (high blood pressure);
  • varying degrees of diabetes;
  • hormonal disorder;
  • manifestations of heart failure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • bad habits characterized by excessive consumption alcohol, smoking;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • insomnia;
  • increased fatigue associated with intense mental or physical work;
  • depression, regular stress;
  • uncontrolled use of antidepressants, tranquilizers, diuretics.

Of all the above possible reasons lack of potency in the morning is considered to be the most likely increased fatigue, severe nervous excitement. With a strong emotional outburst, especially a negative one, the functions of the genital organs are disrupted, one of which is the lack of morning potency. To prevent development similar situation, experts recommend focusing on rest and sleep. Sleep should be long, more than 8 hours. It is advisable to go to bed not late at night, but at 10 pm, since it is at this time that the body of any person, especially a man, needs rest.

As for the psychological side of the disease, one should avoid neuro-emotional stress, which not only aggravates the situation, but also contributes to the disorder hormonal balance. In case of physiological disorders of potency, in which the absence of an erection lasts more than a month, associated with diseases of the reproductive system, doctors focus their attention on:

  • erectile dysfunction;
  • prostatitis;
  • venereal diseases.

Self-diagnosis is not appropriate in similar cases due to the versatility of the factors considered. A thorough diagnosis and consultation with a urologist, psychotherapist, and venereologist will help identify the main cause of the disorder and deal with it competently.

Actions of the doctor and the patient in the absence of an erection

If a man notices that there is no morning erection for a certain time, he should not make any independent attempts to increase potency. This approach can only aggravate his condition and further complicate the treatment process.

Many representatives of the stronger sex, when detected in themselves similar problem, avoid visiting a specialist, preferring independent choice and taking drugs that increase potency.

Positive effect may be observed only at the beginning, but all these remedies do not have therapeutic effect, only temporarily eliminating symptoms. The danger lies not only in this. The point is that similar medications can contribute active development(progression) of the main reason for the lack of morning erection, leading to serious deviations.

Taking into account the development possible complications, it is advisable for a man to contact an appropriate specialist in a timely manner, based on the nature of the disease. If, in parallel with the lack of erection in the morning, the patient is bothered by nonspecific symptoms, characterized by itching, discharge from the genitals, unpleasant smell, you should contact a venereologist. If the potency disorder is caused constant stress, nervous overexcitation, mental or physical activity, consulting a competent psychotherapist will help.

After the examination, which consists of passing some tests, diagnostics internal organs, detection possible processes inflammation of the genital organs, treatment is prescribed by a specific specialist. They could be a sex therapist, urologist, venereologist, andrologist, endocrinologist, psychologist. Treatment is medicinal in nature and is aimed at eliminating the identified cause of the disorder. A complex approach to treatment allows you to restore and maintain male potency as much as possible.

Morning erection is a delicate issue. They don't usually talk about him, but they joke about him. And the surprising thing is that even men do not know the reasons why their boyfriend wakes up with them in the morning. Even scientists who have been studying this issue for several decades find it difficult to answer the question of morning erection. However, during this time many theories have been put forward. Let's talk about the most common of them.

Why do men get up in the morning?: Even men themselves cannot answer this question accurately.

Theories about why men get erections in the morning:

Testosterone explosion

One theory says that morning erections occur as a result of an increase in the amount of testosterone in the blood. Male hormone reaches maximum concentration between 5 and 9 a.m., causing the member to get erect.

Full bladder

Very often in the morning, men are faced with the problem of their bladder overflowing overnight. When filled, its walls send an impulse to the spinal urination center. Having become very excited, this center transfers the impulse to another area located nearby, which is responsible for an erection.

Although some scientists argue that a full bladder begins to put pressure on the walls of the prostate gland, stimulating an erection.

Blood renewal

According to the third theory, the penis simply needs arterial blood, which enters it only when an erection occurs. Being in calm state for a long time, the member begins to experience a lack of oxygen, or hypoxia. If morning and night erections did not occur, the man could easily become impotent. This is especially important for men who various reasons, are not sexually active.

System testing

Waking up in the morning, our body begins to check whether everything in it is working. And naturally, it comes to the penis. Urologists confirm the importance of morning erections. In their absence, they begin to sound the alarm.


The assumption about why men's penis gets erect in the morning is also related to brain activity during the phase REM sleep. During this phase, a violent brain activity. The body begins to react to it, including tension in the penis.

Erotic dreams

In fact, this theory is in last place in importance. What girls should know. The penis erogates several times during the night and during the day. But this does not always mean that the man is excited. It happens on its own.

Whatever the explanation for why tour men get erect penises, know that this is completely normal, because this is how nature planned it. You should be concerned if your erection disappears. Scientists have calculated that a healthy man has 4-6 spontaneous erections per night, lasting an average of 12 minutes. The reasons for it are not at all connected with any dreams, including erotic ones.

Spontaneous morning or night erections occur, which concerns both people of all ages and themselves. There are no exact explanations, there are only guesses and assumptions. Perhaps not one factor is at work, but several.

Physiological causes of morning erection

It is believed that the body independently tests all its systems. It is believed that early in the morning it improves the efficiency of all organs. Hence the erection. By the way, urologists insist on full examination, if a man noted the disappearance of morning erection.

Bladder fullness by the end of the night with high probability will cause an erection. Prostate experiences pressure from the bladder, causing the penis to rise.

An early morning erection may be considered preventative measure body. Blood must be renewed in all organs, which is what it does. But it flows into the penis only when it is in an erect state.

Many scientists believe that morning erections are a direct consequence of fast phase sleep. The assumption has a right to exist. It’s just extremely difficult to prove it. Therefore, the version remains only a guess.

Early in the morning the amount of testosterone in the blood rises to its maximum possible meaning. This is probably why the penis rises voluntarily.

Emotional reasons for morning erection

The reasons for erections in the morning can be based not only on physiological processes, but also on emotional experiences. The body's dependence on the feelings it experiences has been around for a long time.

If by morning an erotic dream, then with huge probability his penis will rise. Some representatives of the male half of the planet admit that they often dream about sexual themes. Men claim that what they dream about may not excite them real life, but in a dream everything is perceived differently. Colossal excitement from watching a dream naturally results in an erection.

One more emotional reason morning erections can be called the presence of a beloved woman nearby. When a man sleeps with his beloved in the same bed, their bodies touch, this gives unconscious pleasure. It turns out that such a man enjoys the caresses of his woman all night long. Why then be surprised when a persistent erection occurs in the morning? The relationship between lovers is a complex mechanism!

In the pre-dawn hours, men often experience an erection. Most often, even men, let alone women, cannot explain why the penis gets erect in the morning. Let's try to find the answer to this question.

Why do men have erect penis in the morning?

There are several reasons for spontaneous morning erections in men:

  1. Humans have two phases of sleep: fast and slow sleep. These phases replace one another. During the REM sleep phase, a person’s heart rate and breathing increase, and the flow to the genitals increases, which causes an erection in a man. If a man wakes up during the fast phase, he sees his genital organ in a “combat” position. In this case, it makes no difference whether you had an erotic dream or not.
  2. Bladder fullness. When it accumulates in the bladder sufficient quantity urine, then it begins to put pressure on its walls. From them nerve pathways impulse enters nerve center, located in spinal cord and responsible for urination. Strong excitement This center leads to excitation of the erection center located next to it, which is the cause of morning erection.

Why do boys have erect penis in the morning?

Not only men and boys, but even male infants often experience spontaneous erections in the morning. The reasons for erections in boys are exactly the same as in adult men and are in no way related to sexual stimulation or erotic dreams (the latter are unlikely to occur at all) infant). As you can see, spontaneous erection in boys is a physiological phenomenon and therefore parents should not be afraid of its appearance. But parents of boys should pay attention to ensuring that their sons do not delay timely emptying of the bladder in order to achieve sexual arousal (even unconsciously). Boys should be taught to empty their bladder as soon as they wake up. After urination, the erection quickly fades away.

The concept of “morning erection” itself is quite arbitrary, and the condition is spontaneous and involuntary. The fact is that in a healthy man, during the night, the penis swells and increases in size on average three to five times. Most often, this coincides with the REM sleep phase, during which brain activity increases and movement is observed under the eyelids. eyeballs, and the person dreams. However, these erections, which last on average from fifteen minutes to half an hour, are in no way related to the content of dreams. A man can have a dream in which there is not the slightest hint of eroticism, but his penis still gets erect.

Morning erections in men occur regardless of age, and involuntary tension of the penis periodically occurs in boys not only in childhood, but even in recent months intrauterine development. Some mothers, who do not particularly understand the basics of physiology, but are vigilantly concerned about the moral character of their offspring, noticing that their son’s penis is erect in the morning, begin to scold him for his supposedly “unworthy” behavior. Considering that such an erection is absolutely normal and does not obey consciousness, such educational moments are not only wrong, but also create a bunch of serious psychological problems for the boy.

Over the years, the topic of morning erection and the reasons for its occurrence has been studied in detail by scientists. But, despite the scientific nature and depth of study of the issue, today none of the experts is able to answer it unambiguously. Let's take a look at the most common theories of why guys get stiff in the morning.

Morning erection is an absolutely normal phenomenon, characteristic of any healthy man, regardless of his age. The absence of this condition may be temporary, not associated with any pathologies and should not cause any particular concern. At the same time, this may indicate health problems, which requires medical consultation and treatment.

Causes of morning erection

As a result of the research, several reasons were put forward:

  • Hormonal surge - it has been proven that in the period from five to nine o’clock in the morning, testosterone is most actively produced in a man’s body, which causes an erection.
  • Full bladder - accumulates in the bladder overnight a large number of urine, and a signal about its overflow is sent to the center located in the spinal cord, which is responsible for urination. Not far from it is the center of sexual arousal, which also responds to impulses emanating from the bladder and starts the erection process.
  • Increased brain activity - activity increases significantly during REM sleep brain section, which is called the pons and is responsible for a number of processes, including erection. As mentioned above, arousal of the penis occurs up to five times during the night, coinciding with the phases of REM sleep. Moreover, each subsequent erection lasts longer than the previous one, and during the last, longest and most powerful, the person wakes up.
  • Renewal of blood in the penis - for normal condition the penis needs sufficient supply arterial blood providing oxygen and nutrients. And since this occurs most actively during an erection, then morning excitement can be considered as a measure to prevent hypoxia, the development of congestive processes and impotence.
  • Checking the functioning of body systems - according to one version, in the morning the body independently conducts testing normal functioning main systems, including erectile.
  • Maximum relaxation - some experts explain why there is a boner in the morning by the fact that at this time the man’s whole body is relaxed, and in reproductive organs There is an increase in blood circulation, as a result of which the penis fills with blood.
  • Erotic dreams - this version is the most romantic, but least of all corresponds to the truth. After all, even at night, when the penis is excited, it is not at all necessary to dream of naked ladies in sexual poses. In addition, if a man sees erotic dreams every day, it’s time for him to seek help from a sex therapist.

Whatever the reasons for morning erections, doctors of all directions say that they are necessary for health. male body. Especially in cases where intimate life does not differ in frequency and regularity.

Why is it not worth it in the morning?

The absence of a morning erection may be a temporary phenomenon that occurs independent of the condition reproductive system reasons. In this case, you just need to change your lifestyle, make adjustments to your diet, and rest. At the same time, if this situation continues long time, this is most likely due to certain diseases, requiring diagnostics and timely treatment. When waking up, a man may not experience an erection for several reasons:

  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Constant stress and nervous excitement.
  • Depressive states.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Bad habits.
  • Taking some medicines- a similar effect is caused by antidepressants, tranquilizers and sedatives, diuretics.
  • Lack of physical activity.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary organs.
  • Venereal diseases.
  • Erectile disfunction.
  • Age factor.
  • Hypertension.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Diabetes.

If you have not had a morning erection for a long time, under no circumstances should you try to return to the previous state on your own. Self-medication and following unqualified advice can lead to serious complications existing diseases, which will significantly complicate the process of diagnosis and therapy.

How to get your morning erection back?

Medical practice shows that most often in the morning the penis does not stand in men suffering from accumulated fatigue, experiencing constant nervous tension and stress. In this case, to correct the situation, you need to sleep for at least eight hours, not go to bed late at night, and no later than eleven in the evening. You should also, if possible, eliminate tense moments and fill your life with positive emotions.

If a man experiences other painful manifestations, he should definitely visit a doctor, undergo the prescribed examinations and complex treatment violations.

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