
The extreme points of the Donetsk region are named. The world of biology and geography. Southern point: Belosarayskaya spit

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In 2012, No. 97 (9375) from August 24-30), “Evening Donetsk” talked about the geographical center of the Donetsk region. Let us remind you that it is located in the village of Peski, Yasinovatsky district. That publication only fueled readers’ interest in the historical and geographical topic. Now they are asking to tell us about the extreme points of the region. So, welcome to the east, west, north, south!

Eastern point: Verkhniy Kut village

It’s impossible to talk about this point on the map of our region without mentioning Dmitrovka. Because Verkhny Kut and other farms are nothing more than the “children” of the village of Dmitrovka.

Located in the Shakhtarsky district of the Donetsk region, Dmitrovka borders on the Lugansk and Rostov regions. The Mius River flows through the entire village. According to one of the main legends, the river received its name from the figurative expression of a certain esual. Having admired the winding banks, the captain said: “It curls like my mustache!” People liked the metaphor. The right bank of the river is elevated, the left bank is low.

The village was founded about 400 years ago. Since ancient times, these places have attracted people with their beauty and fertile lands. Picturesque estuaries, water meadows. And further away from them on the slopes of the hills there are oak forests with mighty oaks. At that time, the trails of peasants fleeing serfdom to the Don and Kuban passed through the area. On this path, they actively settled along the banks of the Mius.

It is generally accepted that the first settler of these places was a certain Ryabokon, so nicknamed because he arrived on a speckled horse. Then Empress Catherine II gave these lands to Count Dmitry Ilovaisky, where the name actually comes from and Dmitrovka originates. The story goes that Ilovaisky exchanged 10 Russian men for greyhounds in the Ryazan region and settled them on one from the hills of the village. In memory of them, this part of Dmitrovka is still called “Russian”.

In 1777, Count Ilovaisky founded a settlement at the confluence of the Mius and Nagolnaya rivers. In 1781, there were already 84 households and 509 residents in Dmitrovka. And according to the census of 1782, along the Nagolnaya and Krynka rivers, in particular, in the farmsteads of military ataman Alexei Ilovaisky, there were already 427 male souls and 282 female souls. On the farms of Colonel A. Lukovkin there are 198 men and 130 women.

After the death of Dmitry Ilovaisky, these lands were transferred to Countess Kutuzova in 1862.

The long-awaited and promising reform of 1861, although it did not live up to the far-reaching expectations of the serfs, to some extent freed their hands. The more or less wealthy of them got the opportunity to buy plots of land from those who wanted to sell them. At that time, the farms of Verkhny Kut, Shapovalov, Zrubnoy, Dubrovka, Kozhevnya, Chugunno-Krepinka, and others appeared on such cut-off lands.

The Countess managed her estate remotely - from St. Petersburg. Its manager lived in Dmitrovka, who directed all local life. Although the local people were hardworking, they were far from indifferent to the political and economic events taking place at that historical moment in Russia. During the revolution of 1905-1907. village resident Lavrin Petrovich Podmogilny and his comrades actively refused to work for the kulaks and landowners. One of these protests was a raid on the Pan's current in the midst of threshing the harvest. As a result, the peasants stopped working and the clerk fled.

A native of these places, Dementy Morozov, took part in the uprising on the battleship Potemkin. Soloviev took part in the soldiers' uprising.

All this time, the village of Verkhny Kut lived the life of the big Dmitrovka (read Dmitrov village council), which, by the will of geographical fate, turned out to be the eastern point of Donetsk areas. Once upon a time it was a large village with its own school, store, and medical center. The adult population worked on the collective farm, raising future grain growers, livestock breeders, vegetable growers, and gardeners. But the youth no longer had enough civilization. She began to leave her native place en masse. It came to the point that in 2005 there were only 9 residents left here. And in 2007 - only two. Husband and wife Morozov. Raisa Pavlovna has already died, and Ivan Gavrilovich lives with his children in another place. They were the last inhabitants of the Verkhniy Kut village. Today, empty houses and abandoned estates overgrown with weeds remind us of it.

Western point: Kamyshevakha

This village was formed as a result of the division of the state reserve and the master's lands between the peasants. The year on the calendar was 1920. There is a lot of uncertainty in the country. Previous socio-political foundations, views on life and life itself are rapidly changing. By this time, the population of the village of Gavrilovka, Pokrovsky district, Dnepropetrovsk region, had reached such a size that it became unbearable to manage it according to the old system, and living in one “cauldron” became extremely uncomfortable for a large number of people. Just think - 18 thousand population! It’s no longer a village, not a town, but a whole city!

Although the meeting of the poor peasants' committee was stormy, its decision turned out to be well thought out and deeply reasoned regarding the future fate of the majority of the peasants. By decision of the committee of the poor, some of them were allocated land outside the borders of the Gavrilovskaya community. 35 kilometers south of the village. It has not yet come to allotments of land. And those peasants who were especially impatient, in March 1921, on carts drawn by horses, oxen, and oxen, were already traveling to their future place of residence. The families of Yarovykh, Nazarenko, Pudly, Kolesnik were the first to stop then on the hill of the left bank of the Voronaya River.

The river - you can't stop looking at it. Depth up to 15 arshins (one arshin - 0.71 m - author's note). And the banks are a solid wall of thick, tall reeds. They immediately came to the decision to name the village Kamyshevakha.

Most of the early settlers built their lives around wagons. Those who were richer dismantled their houses in Gavrilovka, transported them and restored them in a new place. The poor dug dugouts. The spring of 1921 for the new village was marked by the friendly sowing of land plots and the birth of the first street of 10 courtyards. The following year, the large Golovan family moved here from Siberia. Time took those first Siberian settlers to another world. But their descendants still live in the village.

Kamyshevakha did not remain under the jurisdiction of the Pokrovsky district of the Dnepropetrovsk region for long. With the formation of the Velikonovoselkovsky district on March 7, 1923, it became one of its youngest villages. Well, the first settlements on the territory of the Velikonovoselkovsky district are Andreevka and Alekseevka. In 1660 they were founded by the Cossacks.

The village, born in the Donetsk steppe, went through all the stages of socialist construction, and also fully experienced the current, not yet fully defined, transition period from socialism to...

In 1926, the giant state farm “Shakhtar” was organized in the Velikonovoselkovsky district. He did not live long in this format. In 1933, four branches were created on its basis. Number three was Kamyshevakha.

The chairman of the Shevchenko village council, Oleg Belyansky, which includes the village, talks about this period of her life with great pleasure. On the site of the former dugouts, 150 solid houses grew up, in which almost five hundred residents lived. They were engaged in agriculture, animal husbandry, beekeeping, and fish farming. During these years, a community center, a school, a store, a kindergarten, and a first-aid post were built in the village. However, and this is generally accepted, the most successful years of life in the village are the 80s of the last century. In Kamyshevakha, houses for young professionals were intensively built, a monument to the victorious soldiers in the Great Patriotic War was erected...

Today is a different time on the calendar. Another political and social era. There is no collective farm or state farm in Kamyshevakha. There are farms around. Much has changed. One thing has remained unchanged. Goodwill and friendliness towards each other, as well as towards visitors and guests of local people, wonderful nature with numerous bodies of water, and therefore fishing. A forest with an abundance of aromatic herbs, mushrooms...

Northern point: height 195 meters

A charming, magically beautiful view opens up on it from the top of Chalk Hill. A combination of chalk rocks, dense oak forests, pine forests with the air ringing with its purity. And below, the Seversky Donets flows its waters measuredly. To a person who climbs here, the surroundings of the entire Krasnolimansky district appear in full view for many kilometers. There are pipes from the Nikolaevskaya Thermal Power Plant. A little to the left is the mirror surface of numerous blue lakes. If you move your eyes, you will see the outlines of one of the factories in Lisichansk, the city of Seversk. It is best to look at this landscape in the early summer morning, when only the tops of the trees are visible from the thick fog swirling in the lower reaches of the Donets. You can’t take your eyes off such beauty.

On the southwestern side of the peak, from the village of Zakotnoye to the village of Piskunivka, which is already in the Slavyansky region, there is the Cretaceous Flora Nature Reserve. Its area is 1134 hectares. It was created in 1988 with the goal of preserving unique areas of cretophilic vegetation of the middle reaches of the Seversky Donets River. The golden fund of the reserve consists of a relict plant - chalk pine. The flora of the reserve is represented by many endemic species unique to this area. Something like: chalk hyssop, chalk hyssop, chalkwort... The fauna is widely represented by graceful roe deer, wild boars of all stripes and ages, clumsy badgers, nimble hares. It is common to see pheasants, gray partridges, and mute swans here.

In Soviet times, at an altitude of 195 meters there was an observation tower of the Krasnolimansky forestry. There was also a sign on it with the geographical coordinates of the northernmost point of Donetsk areas. Alas, this is already in the past.

The village of Zakotnoye is comfortably located at the foot of the chalk ridge. One of the oldest in the Krasnoliman region. According to local historian V. Moroz, it was founded around 1681 by the Don Cossacks. Then it was a small fortress, protected by an earthen rampart and a deep ditch. In those distant times, a temple of rare beauty was erected in the village. The skillfully executed iconostasis caused genuine delight among the people who visited it. The dome was decorated with the painting "The Last Supper". Alas, the people who came to power in these places at the beginning of the twentieth century did not see or appreciate the beauty and value of the religious building. The temple was destroyed. But... what a coincidence! Exactly a century later, at the very beginning of the 2000s, the beautiful Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary rose above this area again.

The height of 195 meters is nothing more than a product of military toponymy. Due to its geographical location, Zakotnoye and the point dominating the district were at the center of military operations both during the civil and Great Patriotic Wars wars. The front line with all the ensuing circumstances and subsequent events passed along the Seversky Donets. “On March 27, 1942, as the Sovinformburo reported, 173 houses were burned in the village.” Zakotnoe changed hands several times. It was completely liberated only on September 5, 1943, while the entire left-bank Krasnoliman region was liberated on February 1, 1943.

The last years of the life of the oldest village cannot be considered the best in its history. The two collective farms that were once here, “Chervony Partizan” and “Peremoga,” were first united and named the collective farm named after Zhdanov. Years later it became "Ukraine". And after some time it ceased to exist altogether.

From the village of Zakotnoye to the northern point of the Donetsk region it’s just a stone’s throw.

Picturesque nature with the Seversky Donets, chalk mountains. The history of villages, collective farms, and the Krasnolimashchyna region in general is rich in significant facts. The story is about numerous battles for a height of 195 meters... It’s time to talk about the development of green tourism. Alas, here it is not even in its infancy. And the village of Zakotnoye is far from the same. There are only a few indigenous people. The bulk of those living here are summer residents.

Southern point: Belosarayskaya spit

It is located on...the northern shore of the Sea of ​​Azov, at the entrance to the Taganrog Bay. Today's part of the land in the Ukrainian part of the Sea of ​​Azov is alluvial in nature. Exactly 20 km from Mariupol and 145 km from Donetsk. According to its administrative status, it belongs to the Pershotravnevy district. The village of the same name is located on Kos. The exact date of its foundation is unknown. But in the Middle Ages Belgorod was located here. After being captured by the Tatar-Mongols in the 13th century, the city was renamed Belosaray. Over time it fell into disrepair. During the resettlement of the Crimean Greeks to the Azov region, these lands found a second life.

Originally this was a Pomeranian settlement. Along the eastern shore, starting from the lighthouse, there are almost continuous rows of fishermen's huts and fish factories.

Today the village is a private sector with two-three-story buildings. Its significant landmark is a landscape reserve with an area of ​​616 hectares. In 1980, the spit received the status of a “Reserve of National Importance”, which is part of the Meotida Regional Landscape Park. Here you can find salt marshes, small lakes and estuaries. The spit is connected to the mainland by narrow isthmuses, which are sand and shell deposits.

The flora of Belosarayka is rich. Over two hundred species of plants grow here. Including rare and endangered ones. The estuaries are overgrown with reeds, reeds, cattails, chastukha, bekmania, and sedges. The giant grasshopper is rampant on the sand dunes. Between the dunes the vegetation is represented by meadow herbs. At the base of the spit there is a grove of young trees.

But the main thing here is the Sea of ​​Azov. Together with the above-mentioned natural advantages, it has turned the southern point of the Donetsk region into one of the most popular resort recreation areas both among the population of Ukraine and vacationers from neighboring countries. On the Belosarayskaya Spit you can not only relax, but also improve your health. Including with children. This is favored by the shallow depth of the sea even at a great distance from the coast. It begins to warm up already in May and maintains a comfortable temperature for swimming until September. In coastal waters there are pike perch, goby, sawfish, and flounder. There are practically no sources of fresh water on the spit.

On the Belosarayskaya Spit there are many recreation centers, boarding houses, and hotels where 20 thousand people can relax. Almost all of them are located along the sea line. For entertainment lovers - cafes and bars, discos, slot machines. At the recreation centers there is a wide range of water activities - slides, scooter rides, banana rides and tablet rides. Among the attractions on the spit, 2 versts and 20 fathoms from its end, is a stone lighthouse. Among the famous natives of the village is Mikhail Ivanovich Bezukh. Hero of the Soviet Union.

Belosarayskaya Spit, height 195 meters, Upper Kut, Kamyshevakha...

Southern and Northern, Eastern and Western points of the Donetsk region. This is something like the South and North Poles. There is a reason to go there and take a photo as a souvenir. It is a pity that these places are not marked on the map or directly on the ground either with flags or corresponding signs.


Height 195 meters - the northern point of the Donetsk region.



2 BBK T37 Approved at a meeting of the Academic Council of the Donetsk RIDPO (minutes 5 of the year) General edition: Polyakova L.P., Minister of Education and Science of the DPR, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Chernyshev A.I. ., rector of Donetsk RIDPO, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education Consultants: Simonova I.V., Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the DPR Zaritskaya V.G., vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work of Donetsk RIDPO, candidate of philological sciences , associate professor Compiled by: Pankina V.E., methodologist of the department of natural disciplines of the Donetsk RIDPO Stepanova N.N., geography teacher of the Donetsk specialized school of I-III levels 19 with in-depth study of foreign languages ​​Reviewers: Dubel V.M., associate professor of the department of national and regional of Economics Donetsk National University, candidate of economic sciences German O.I., methodologist of the methodological center of the education department of the Makeevka city administration Korobchenko L.V., geography teacher of Donetsk gymnasium 92, director Technical editor, proofreader: Shevchenko I.V., methodologist of the center of publishing activity of Donetsk RIDPO Geographical local history: Physical geography of the native land: 8th grade. Notebook for practical work / Comp. Pankina V.E., Stepanova N.N. / Under the general editorship L.P. Polyakova, A.I. Chernyshev. Donetsk: Origins, p. This manual is part of the educational complex in the discipline “Geography of the Native Land” and is intended for practical work. The notebook contains 12 practical works on the course physical geography of the native land and tasks for general control, compiled in accordance with the current curriculum and state educational standards. The manual includes all the necessary contour maps. The notebook will facilitate the process of explaining assignments and is intended for students to enter answers to practical work assignments. The manual is intended for geography teachers of educational organizations and 8th grade students. Donetsk RIDPO, 2016

3 Dear friends! This academic year, in geography lessons, you will study our native land and, in accordance with the requirements of state educational standards and the geography curriculum, perform practical work. A notebook for practical work on the physical geography of the Donetsk region was created with the goal of helping you develop practical skills in solving various types of tasks in the field of geographical natural processes and phenomena of our region. Practical work is one of the elements of the educational process, which helps organize your productive work in studying geography and contributes to the development of cognitive activity. With the help of practical work, you will be able to consolidate and deepen your theoretical knowledge, and you will also develop the skills to apply knowledge in practice. By performing practical work, you will be able to improve your skills in working with thematic and contour maps, apply techniques for working with various sources of information, and develop the ability to work in a team. The manual includes 12 practical works. In each of them, a goal is formulated, the order of implementation is described, and tasks of varying levels of complexity are proposed, both for mandatory implementation and for self-education. Each task has its own specific weight in the implementation of practical work, which allows the use of a rating assessment system. In order to successfully complete practical work assignments, use the following algorithm: get acquainted with the topic, purpose and content of practical work assignments; check the availability of the necessary thematic maps; repeat theoretical material on the relevant topic; follow the sequence of actions. Each practical work must be completed with a conclusion. The conclusion must correspond to the purpose of the work and contain the most significant information for you about the natural objects, phenomena and processes being studied. The notebook for practical work reflects the new requirements for the results of mastering the subject “Geography of the Native Land”. In the modern world, not only subject, but also meta-subject and your personal learning outcomes are important. At the discretion of your teacher, practical work can be carried out either during the entire lesson or part of it, depending on the topic and purpose of the practical work, therefore the number of tasks may vary depending on the level of student performance. We hope that this notebook will help you effectively complete practical work and consolidate the material you are studying about the Donetsk region. 3

4 CONTENTS Practical work 1 Designation on the contour map of the boundaries of the Donetsk Territory, neighbors, extreme points, geographical center... 6 Practical work 2 Position of the Donetsk Territory within time zones. Determination of zone and local time Practical work 3 Designation on a contour map of the main forms of relief Practical work 4 Designation on a contour map of mineral deposits Practical work 5 Establishing relationships between tectonic structures, landforms and minerals on the territory of the Donetsk region Practical work 6 Summarizing observation materials weather. Construction of temperature graphs, diagrams of precipitation, cloudiness, wind roses Practical work 7 Designation on the contour map of rivers, reservoirs, canals of the Donetsk Territory Practical work 8 Analysis of patterns of soil distribution in the Donetsk Territory Practical work 9 Compilation of characteristics of physical and geographical units of the Donetsk Territory Practical work 10 Drawing up a navigational route for the Sea of ​​Azov Practical work 11 Determining the ecological footprint Practical work 12 Identification of environmental objects on the map of the Donetsk region

5 PRACTICAL WORK 1 Designation on the contour map of the boundaries of the Donetsk region, neighbors, extreme points, geographical center 5

6 8th grade GEOGRAPHY OF THE DONETSK REGION: NOTEBOOK FOR PRACTICAL WORK PRACTICAL WORK 1 Designation on a contour map of the boundaries of the Donetsk Territory, neighbors, extreme points, geographic center Purpose of the work: to improve the ability to determine the coordinates of extreme points, geographic center; consolidate the skills and abilities to use atlas maps and contour maps. Sources of knowledge: atlas, contour map, supporting and additional information. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Neighbors of the Donetsk region: Direction Neighbors South Sea of ​​Azov South-west Zaporozhye region of Ukraine West Dnepropetrovsk region of Ukraine North and north-west Kharkov region of Ukraine North-east and east Luhansk region South-east Rostov region of Russia Length of the region from north to south 255 km , from west to east 180 km. The total length of the borders is 1526 km, of which: land 1376 km, sea 140 km. The highest place, an unnamed height of 336 m, is located near the railway stopping points “Platform 3” and “Meteorological” in Debaltsevo; the lowest place (0.4 m) water level in the Sea of ​​Azov. Geographic coordinates are geographic latitude and geographic longitude values ​​that determine the position of a point on the earth’s surface. Extreme points: Northern height 195 m on the territory of the subordinate city of Krasny Liman; Southern village of Belosarayskaya Kosa, Pershotravnevoy district; Western near the village of Kamyshevakha, Velikonovoselkovsky district; Eastern near the village of Verkhniy Kut, Shakhtarsky district. The geographical center is located in the village of Peski, Yasinovatsky district. PROGRESS OF WORK 1. On the contour map, mark the borders and indicate the neighbors of the Donetsk Territory. 2. Label the extreme points, the geographic center and determine their coordinates using atlas maps or Google maps: Fill out the table: Geographic coordinates of the extreme points and the geographic center of the Donetsk region Extreme point (center) Name Coordinates North East South West Geographic center 6

7 Designation on the contour map of the boundaries of the Donetsk Territory, neighbors, extreme points, geographical center PR 1 Using the mathematical method, determine the coordinates of the geographical center of the Donetsk Territory using formulas and label it on the map: φ center = (φ northern point + φ southern point) / 2; λ center = (λ eastern point + λ western point) / 2. Solution. φ geogr. center = λ geogr. center = 3. Determine the length from north to south and from west to east in kilometers and degrees. Solution. 1) In degrees: - from north to south: φ north. points - φ southern point = - from west to east: λ east. points - λ app. points = 4. 2) In kilometers: Method 1: by scale Map scale: M 1: ; Distance from west to east: Distance on the map: Distance on the ground: Distance from north to south: Distance on the map: Distance on the ground: Method 2: convert degrees to km. Distance from west to east: 1st to 47th parallel is 75.36 km; Distance in degrees: Distance in kilometers: Distance from north to south: 1 along the meridians is 111 km. Distance in degrees: Distance in kilometers: 7


9 Designation on the contour map of the boundaries of the Donetsk Territory, neighbors, extreme points, geographical center PR 1 Method 3: on Google map: 255 km: 5. Determine the area of ​​the Donetsk Territory? Compare the area of ​​the Donetsk Territory with other neighboring administrative units: 6. Give examples of states whose area: less than the territory of the Donetsk Territory: approximately equal to the territory of the Donetsk Territory: several times larger than the territory of the Donetsk Territory: 7. Complete the sentence: The total length of the borders of our region makes up, of which: land, sea 8. Compile a description of the geographical location of your locality. 9

10 8th grade GEOGRAPHY OF THE DONETSK REGION: NOTEBOOK FOR PRACTICAL WORK 9. Determine the positive and negative features of the geographical location of the Donetsk Territory. Fill the table. Positive features Negative features 10. Determine the distance in degrees from the geographic center to: (It is known that the geographic center of the Donetsk region is located in the village of Peski, Yasinovatsky district) North Pole South Pole Equator Conclusion. What are the features of the physical and geographical position of the Donetsk region? _ 11. * Calculate what part of the globe, land, continent, Europe is occupied by the Donetsk region. S of the globe 510 million km 2 S of land 149 million km 2 S of Eurasia 54.6 million km 2 S of Europe 10.5 million km 2 10

11 PRACTICAL WORK 2 Position of the Donetsk Territory within time zones. Determining zone and local time 11

12 8th grade GEOGRAPHY OF THE DONETSK REGION: NOTEBOOK FOR PRACTICAL WORK PRACTICAL WORK 2 The position of the Donetsk Territory within time zones. Determining zone and local time The purpose of the work: to consolidate knowledge about time zones, to develop the skills to determine the location of the Donetsk region within time zones, to calculate local and zone time of different geographical objects. Sources of knowledge: time zone map, atlas maps, contour map of Europe, supporting and additional information. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Zone time is the mean solar time determined for the median meridians and valid within the time zone. Standard time in adjacent zones differs by 1 hour. Zones are counted from west to east. Local time is the same time for all points of one meridian. To determine local time, it is assumed that in a day (24 hours) the Earth rotates 360 around its axis, therefore, in 1 hour by 15, and in 4 minutes by 1. Geographic time zone is a conditional strip on the earth's surface exactly 15 wide (± 7.5 relative to the middle meridian). The Greenwich meridian is considered the middle meridian of the zero time zone. PROGRESS 1. Determine the boundaries of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd time zones, if it is known that the boundaries of the 0th time zone are 7 30 west longitude. (the length of one time zone is 15). Time zone boundaries. 1) Borders of the 1st time zone. Western border 7 30 E, eastern border 7 30 E + 15 = E The 1st time zone has boundaries: 7 30 east longitude. 2) Borders of the 2nd time zone. Western border: Eastern border: The 2nd time zone has borders: 3) The borders of the 3rd time zone. Western boundary: Eastern boundary: The 3rd time zone has boundaries: 2. Draw the boundaries of the indicated time zones on the outline map of Europe. 3. Complete the task to determine local time: 1) Determine the local time in Kyiv if it is 13:17 in Donetsk. Solution. Longitude of cities: Kyiv east, Donetsk east. Distance between cities in degrees: 12

13 Position of the Donetsk region within time zones. Determination of zone and local time PR 2 In 4 minutes the Earth rotates around its axis by 1, which means Local time in Kyiv is different from Donetsk, because: 13

14 8th grade GEOGRAPHY OF THE DONETSK REGION: NOTEBOOK FOR PRACTICAL WORK 2) Determine the local time of Moscow if it is 02:15 in Donetsk. 3) Determine the local time in Donetsk, if on the zero meridian the local time is hours. 4) Calculate the time difference between the western and eastern points of the Donetsk region. 5) Determine at which meridian it will be 19.00, if the local time is in Donetsk Fill in the blanks: The prime meridian passes through the city At the North and South Poles they use the Date line runs along the Donetsk region is located within Time within a certain zone is called The globe is divided on time zones. Points located on the same meridian have time. 5. Complete the task to determine standard time. 1) Determine what the standard time will be in these cities if it is 21:00 in Donetsk? In Moscow In Kiev In Tokyo In New York In Rio de Janeiro 2) Calculate how different the standard time is in the cities: Warsaw and Moscow Kiev and Madrid Sydney and Rome 6. Determine the distance in degrees between Donetsk and Lugansk if the difference in local time is 8 minutes. 7. Determine the distance in degrees between the zero time zone and the third time zone. _ 14

15 Position of the Donetsk region within time zones. Determining zone and local time PR 2 8. Analyze the number of time zones in the countries: Ukraine Russia Belarus Germany China Brazil Canada 9. Solve the problem. It is 21.00 on the Greenwich meridian, and at point A it is local time. Determine the geographic longitude of point A. 10. Identify the object. The geographic latitude of the object ", and local time is 2 hours 33 minutes ahead of Greenwich Time. 11. Think about whether the time of sunrise in the eastern and western points of your locality differs. How many minutes earlier does the Sun rise in the eastern point of your locality than in its western point? Conclusion. What is the position of the Donetsk region relative to time zones. 12. * Imagine that you need to call your friends in New York. At what time should you make the call so that your friends’ phone rings at 8 o’clock in the morning? 15

16 PRACTICAL WORK 3 Designation on the contour map of the main landforms 16

17 Designation on the contour map of the main forms of relief PR 3 PRACTICAL WORK 3 Designation on the contour map of the main forms of relief Purpose of the work: to consolidate knowledge about the forms of relief of the Donetsk region, the concepts of “relative height”, “absolute height”; improve skills in determining the absolute and relative heights of a point, working with atlas maps and contour maps. Sources of knowledge: physical map, contour map, reference and additional information. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Denudation is a set of processes of destruction of rocks on the surface of the earth's crust and the transfer of destruction products to a lower level, where they are deposited. Endogenous processes Endogenous relief-forming factors mean processes caused by the internal development of the lithosphere and creating unevenness of the earth's surface. Exogenous processes Exogenous relief-forming factors mean processes caused by external energy sources. PROGRESS OF WORK 1. Fill in the blanks: The set of irregularities of the earth's surface is called the Plain on which the Donetsk region is located is called Plains in height are divided into Relative height is Absolute height is Relief of the Donetsk region The main forms of relief of the Donetsk region: In the south, the Donetsk ridge is surrounded by hills. A feature of the coast of the Azov Sea is the highest point of the Donetsk region 2. Mark on the contour map: the main forms of relief: Donetsk Ridge, Azov Upland, Azov Lowland; maximum elevations of the Donetsk Ridge and the Azov Upland: Saur-Mogila, burial mound Mogila Ostryuya, Mogila Goncharikhu; sand spits of the Donetsk Azov region: Belosarayskaya and Krivaya. 17


19 Designation on the contour map of the main forms of relief PR 3 3. Give examples of the influence of internal (endogenous) and external (exogenous) processes of the Earth on the development of relief forms. Internal (endogenous) processes External (exogenous) processes 4. Determine the relative height between the Ostra Mogila mound and the Saur-Mogila mound. 5. Construct a profile of the terrain along line A-B, using a horizontal scale: 1 cm 100 m and a vertical scale: 1 cm 10 m. 6. Give examples of geographical objects from which the names of the relief forms of the Donetsk region are derived. 19

20 8th grade GEOGRAPHY OF THE DONETSK REGION: NOTEBOOK FOR PRACTICAL WORK 7. Determine the absolute height of your settlement 8. Give an economic assessment of the relief of the Donetsk region. Write down your conclusions in the form of a diagram: Positive features Negative features 9. Solve the problem. The length of the ravine is 150 m, the average depth is 3 m, and the width is 8 m. What area of ​​land is occupied by the ravine, what is the volume and mass of rocks removed from it, if their density is 1.4 g/cm Compare the relief of the Azov Upland and the Azov Lowland. Identify common and distinctive features. Common Features Distinctive Features 20

21 Designation on the contour map of the main forms of relief PR Name the reasons for the presence of man-made relief in the Donetsk region. Conclusion. What are the features of the relief of the Donetsk region? _ 12. * Calculate what the height of the waste heap will be in 25 years, if the process of rock denudation occurs at a speed of 51 cm/year, and the height of the waste heap is 120 m. 13. * Determine the absolute and relative height of the mountain, if the air pressure at the foot of the mountain is at at an altitude of 200 m above sea level it is 760 mm Hg, and at the top of the mountain at the same time 720 mm Hg. 21

22 PRACTICAL WORK 4 Designation on the contour map of mineral deposits 22

23 Designation on the contour map of mineral deposits PR 4 PRACTICAL WORK 4 Designation on the contour map of mineral deposits Purpose of the work: to consolidate knowledge about the minerals of the Donetsk region, the patterns of their distribution; improve skills in working with atlas maps and contour maps of the Donetsk region. Sources of knowledge: atlas, contour map, supporting and additional information. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Minerals are rocks and minerals that are used by humans in economic activities. PROGRESS 1. Complete the diagrams using the list of rocks and minerals: (gas, basalt, granite, marble, chalk, titanium ore, peat, marl, gold, coal, oil shale, tin, aluminum) Minerals by origin Sedimentary Igneous Metamorphic Minerals by use Fuel Ore Non-metallic 2. Remember, draw and sign the symbols of minerals. 3. Think about what criteria are used to evaluate mineral deposits? 1) 2) 3) 4) 23

24 8th grade GEOGRAPHY OF THE DONETSK REGION: NOTEBOOK FOR PRACTICAL WORK 4. Using symbols, indicate mineral deposits. 24

25 Designation on the contour map of mineral deposits PR 4 5. Characterize the Donetsk coal basin. Characteristics plan Donetsk coal basin Geographical location Basin area, reserves, grades of coal Depth and nature of occurrence, thickness of layers Mining method Main mining centers Value 6. Find information about the mineral deposit on the Nagolny Ridge, what kind of deposit is it? 7. Calculate how many years coal will last if its production is 72 million tons per year. (It is known that industrial coal reserves in the Donetsk region are estimated at 25.4 billion tons.) 8. Name an edible mineral. Calculate how long it takes a person to eat a pound of salt? (It is estimated that a person eats 10 g of salt per day, and 1 pood = 16 kg.) 25

26 8th grade GEOGRAPHY OF THE DONETSK REGION: NOTEBOOK FOR PRACTICAL WORK 9. Draw a diagram of the occurrence of coal seams, taking into account the depth, thickness, direction of the horizons of the Donetsk coal basin. 10. Determine in what geological eras the minerals of our region were formed? Coal Chalk Salt Refractory clays Iron ores Gypsum Mercury ores Conclusion. What are the features of the Donetsk region's provision with mineral resources? 11. * Calculate the possible volumes of salt production per year if its reserves are 21 billion tons. (It has been established that the salt reserves of the Donetsk region at current production levels will be enough for 500 years) _ 26

27 PRACTICAL WORK 5 Establishing relationships between tectonic structures, landforms and minerals in the Donetsk region 27

28 8th grade GEOGRAPHY OF THE DONETSK REGION: NOTEBOOK FOR PRACTICAL WORK PRACTICAL WORK 5 Establishing relationships between tectonic structures, landforms and minerals on the territory of the Donetsk Territory Purpose of work: to develop the skills to compare atlas maps of different contents, to identify patterns in the placement of tectonic structures, landforms and minerals on the territory of the Donetsk region. Sources of knowledge: atlas, contour map, additional information. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Tectonic structures are patterns of occurrence of rocks that are naturally repeated in the earth's crust. Platforms are rigid, slow-moving blocks of the earth's crust that have gone through a long stage of geological development and have a three-tier structure. The platforms consist of a crystalline basement (basalt and granite-gneiss layers) and a sedimentary cover. The shield is the exit of the platform foundation, composed of crystalline rocks, to the surface. The shields have a round and convex shape. They arose where the platform slowly rose for a very long time. Mountain-folded areas are characterized by a sharp increase in the thickness of the earth's crust and are formed by the collision of lithospheric plates. Most mountain-folded areas, especially young ones, are characterized by increased seismicity. Of the various geological formations that make up the earth's crust, scientists distinguish three main forms: shields, platforms and folded areas. Shields are stable areas of land that over the past periods of the Earth's development have not fallen below sea level, which is why there are no marine sediments on them. The most common mineral resources here are iron, nickel, copper ores, various rare metals and gold, and non-metallic minerals include mica and feldspars. Platforms are adjacent to the shields. They are usually covered with various sedimentary rocks resting on ancient crystalline rocks. Among the mineral resources, deposits of coal, oil, accumulations of various salts, sedimentary deposits of iron and manganese ores, phosphorites, mineral paints, gypsum, limestone, various clays, etc., are widespread here. But on platforms of non-ferrous and rare metals arising in connection with the cooling of magmatic masses, no. PROGRESS 1. Establish a correspondence between tectonic structures and relief forms of the Donetsk region: 1) Donetsk folded structure; 2) Ukrainian shield; 3) Dnieper-Donetsk depression; 4) Slopes of the Ukrainian Shield. 28 a) Azov lowland; b) Donetsk Ridge; c) Azov Upland;

29 Establishing relationships between tectonic structures, landforms and minerals on the territory of the Donetsk region PR 5 2. Fill in the blanks: Platforms in the relief correspond to and, folded areas, plates, shields. The surface of our region has been formed over eons. The deeper the rocks lie from the surface, the more they are, and the layers of rocks on the surface of the earth are the most. breeds Mountains are common in our region 3. Using the geochronological table, determine the total thickness (m) of Paleozoic rocks. Rock Geological period Thickness (m) Sand Paleogene 7 Jurassic Limestone 6 Coal Carboniferous 5 4. Compare the tectonic structure of the southwestern and northern parts of the region. 5. Draw the boundaries of the tectonic structures of the Donetsk region on a contour map, label these structures and the landforms that correspond to them. 6. Draw on the map, using symbols, the location of mineral resources in the Donetsk region in accordance with tectonic structures and landforms. 7. Determine what tectonic structure your settlement is located on and label it on the map. 29


31 Establishing relationships between tectonic structures, landforms and minerals on the territory of the Donetsk region PR 5 8. Complete the logical chains: Mobile sections of the earth's crust Stable sections of the earth's crust Boundaries of lithospheric plates Processes predominate in the formation of relief: Processes predominate in the formation of relief: 9. Using thematic maps of the atlas, fill out the table: Name of the tectonic structure Donetsk folded structure Azov Upland Features Formed during the era of the Hercynian folding, in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic alpine tectonic movements appeared Name of the relief form Donetsk Ridge Geological structure, minerals Formed by sedimentary, mainly Paleozoic deposits that lie on crystalline foundation (sandstones, limestones, gypsum) Azov lowland 31

32 8th grade GEOGRAPHY OF THE DONETSK REGION: NOTEBOOK FOR PRACTICAL WORK 10. Do you think glacial landforms are characteristic of the Donetsk region? Are glacial landforms related to tectonic structure? Conclusion. What are the patterns in the relationship: “tectonic structure, relief, minerals”? 11. * Determine what forms of relief and mineral deposits would be formed provided that the territory of the Donetsk region is located on the border of lithospheric plates; What natural changes would occur in our region? 32

33 PRACTICAL WORK 6 Generalization of weather observation materials. Construction of temperature charts, precipitation charts, cloudiness, wind roses 33

34 8th grade GEOGRAPHY OF THE DONETSK REGION: NOTEBOOK FOR PRACTICAL WORK PRACTICAL WORK 6 Generalization of weather observation materials. Constructing temperature graphs, diagrams of precipitation, cloudiness, wind roses. Purpose of work: to improve the ability to systematize weather observation materials according to plan, construct temperature graphs, diagrams of precipitation, cloudiness, wind roses; consolidate the skills and abilities to use atlas maps and contour maps. Sources of knowledge: atlas, contour map, supporting and additional information. BACKGROUND INFORMATION An air temperature graph is a graphical representation of the dependence of temperature on the time of day (month or season), made using coordinate axes. A diagram is a graphic representation of the relationship of any quantities using geometric shapes. Therefore, bar charts, pie charts, pie charts, etc. are distinguished. Wind rose (in most languages ​​it is called “Compass Rose”) is a vector diagram in the form of a polygon that characterizes the frequency of wind in a given area. Cloud cover is the totality of clouds observed in a certain place at a certain moment or period of time. Cloudiness is one of the important factors determining weather and climate. A climate map is a map on which, based on the results of long-term observations, the territorial distribution of climatic conditions is presented. Isotherms are lines on a geographic map connecting points with the same temperature. Isobars are lines on a geographic map connecting points with the same atmospheric pressure. PROGRESS 1. Write a description of the weather by filling out the table according to the following plan. p/n Description plan Characteristics 1 Observation period 2 Maximum temperature (t max) 3 Minimum temperature (t min) 4 Average temperature (t avg.) 5 Temperature amplitude (A = t max t min) 6 Number of days with precipitation 7 Types of precipitation 8 Prevailing wind directions 9 Number of sunny days 10 Number of cloudy days 11 Number of days with partly cloudy weather 12 Number of days with precipitation 13 Natural phenomena during the observation period 34

35 Generalization of weather observation materials. Constructing temperature graphs, diagrams of precipitation, cloudiness, wind roses PR 6 2. Construct a graph of the annual variation of air temperatures using the following data: Month Air temperature, From Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug Sep. Oct. November Dec t air t air Calculate: 1) average annual temperature: t avg. = t / 12 = 2) temperature amplitude: A = t max t min = 3. Using the following data, construct a bar graph of precipitation: Month Amount of precipitation, mm Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug Sep. Oct. Nov Dec) Calculate the amount of precipitation for the year: ; 2) Indicate in which month there was: the greatest amount of precipitation: ; least precipitation:. 35

36 8th grade GEOGRAPHY OF THE DONETSK REGION: NOTEBOOK FOR PRACTICAL WORK 30 Precipitation, mm Precipitation, mm Construct a Wind Rose using the data: Wind direction Number of days NE TO SE S SW NW Calm Northwest West North Northeast East Southwest Southeast South 36

37 Generalization of weather observation materials. Construction of temperature charts, precipitation charts, cloudiness, wind roses PR 6 37

38 Grade 8 GEOGRAPHY OF THE DONETSK REGION: NOTEBOOK FOR PRACTICAL WORK 5. Construct a cloud diagram according to the data in the table of task 1 (p. 10, 11, 12), using conventional signs (shading): cloudy; partly cloudy; It's clear. Cloud diagram 6. Plot isotherms, isobars and prevailing wind directions in summer and winter on a contour map, using the climate map of the Donetsk region. 7. Describe the climate of your locality. 38

39 Generalization of weather observation materials. Construction of temperature graphs, diagrams of precipitation, cloudiness, wind roses PR 6 8. Calculate the air temperature and atmospheric pressure at the highest point of the Donetsk region, if above sea level t = 18 0 C, and the atmospheric pressure is 740 mm Hg. 9. Determine the humidification coefficient of the Donetsk region if precipitation per year is 400 mm, and evaporation is 800 mm. 10. Among the unfavorable climatic phenomena of the Donetsk region, the following should be highlighted: Conclusion. Information about what climatic indicators is needed to systematize weather observations? 11. * Solve the problem. An airplane flies over the coast of the Azov Sea at an altitude of 5 km. Temperature outside the aircraft (9 0 C). Determine what the temperature is at this moment on the seashore? 39

40 PRACTICAL WORK 7 Designation on the contour map of rivers, reservoirs, canals of the Donetsk Territory 40

41 Designation on the contour map of rivers, reservoirs, canals of the Donetsk region PR 7 PRACTICAL WORK 7 Designation on the contour map of rivers, reservoirs, canals of the Donetsk region Purpose of the work: to consolidate knowledge about the water bodies of the Donetsk region; improve skills in working with atlas maps and contour maps, determining the fall and slope of the river. Sources of knowledge: atlas, contour map, supporting and additional information. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Water resources are water from rivers, lakes, canals, reservoirs, seas and oceans, groundwater, soil moisture, glaciers, and atmospheric water vapor suitable for use in the national economy. A river is a constant water stream of considerable size with a natural flow along the bed from the source down to the mouth. A tributary is a watercourse that flows into a larger watercourse (river). A lake is a closed depression of land filled with water and not having a direct connection with the ocean. A canal is an artificial channel filled with water. A reservoir is an artificial (man-made) body of water, formed, as a rule, in a river valley by water-retaining structures for the accumulation and storage of water for the purpose of its use in the national economy. PROGRESS 1. Fill out the diagram. Rivers of the Donetsk Territory Basin Examples of rivers Basin 2. Based on the description, determine the name of the river in the Donetsk Territory. The river originates near the village of Yakovlevka near Yasinovataya on the southern slope of the Donetsk Ridge. The length of the river is 209 km, the basin area is 5070 km². In the upper part, the river flows in a southeast direction, changing it to the southwest within the Starobeshevsky district. It freezes in December and opens in March. The width of the channel is 15 m or more. In the lower reaches the river becomes shallow and the water becomes clear. The muddy muddy bottom gives way to sandy bottom. The banks are covered with thickets of reeds and reeds. There are thickets of various algae in the water. On the banks of the river there are natural monuments that are protected by the state. The tributaries of the river are the Kalchik, Krepenkaya, Sukhaya Volnovakha, Mokraya Volnovakha, and Gruzskaya rivers. River 41

42 Grade 8 GEOGRAPHY OF THE DONETSK REGION: NOTEBOOK FOR PRACTICAL WORK 3. Draw a diagram of the river basin (indicate the source, mouth, direction of flow, right and left tributaries). 4. On the contour map, indicate the water bodies of the Donetsk region: rivers: Seversky Donets (with tributaries Zherebets, Nitrius, Kazenny Torets, Bakhmut), Kalmius (with tributaries Kalchik, Sukhaya and Mokraya Volnovakha, Gruzskaya), Mius (with tributary Krynka), Samara (with the Volchya tributary), Byk, Solyonaya; lakes: Chernetskoe, Liman, Orlovo, Podpesochnoe, Repnoe, Slepnoe and Veysovo; channels: Seversky Donets-Donbass, Dnepr-Donbass; reservoirs: Kurakhovskoye, Karlovskoye, Starobeshevskoye, Uglegorskoye, Starokrymskoye, Kleban-Bykskoye, Krasnooskolskoye, Kalmiuskoye, Zuevskoye, Kramatorskoye, Konstantinovskoye. 5. Name the hydrographic characteristics of the river: 6. Determine the fall and slope of the Kalmius River, if the source of the river is at an altitude of 222.7 m above sea level, and the mouth is at an altitude of 0.4 m above sea level, the length of the river is 209 km. 42

43 Designation on the contour map of rivers, reservoirs, canals of the Donetsk Territory PR 7 43

44 8th grade GEOGRAPHY OF THE DONETSK REGION: NOTEBOOK FOR PRACTICAL WORK 7. Calculate the flow speed of the Mius River if the river width reaches 45 m, depth up to 6 m, average water flow 65 km from the mouth is 12.1 m 3 /sec. 8. Solve the problem. The river width is 20 m, average depth is 1.5 m, flow speed is 2 m/s. Determine the water flow in the river in this area. 9. Explain why the territory of the Donetsk Territory is not sufficiently provided with inland waters? 10. Write a description of the river in your locality. Conclusion. Indicate the main features of water bodies of the Donetsk region. 11. * Determine the correspondence between the ancient and modern names of the rivers: Small Tanaid Byk Tor Mius Biyuk Samar Kalmius Kala State Torets Kayala Volchya Sneporod Seversky Donets Volchi Vody Samara 44

45 PRACTICAL WORK 8 Analysis of patterns of soil distribution in the Donetsk region 45

46 8th grade GEOGRAPHY OF THE DONETSK REGION: NOTEBOOK FOR PRACTICAL WORK PRACTICAL WORK 8 Analysis of patterns of soil distribution in the Donetsk region Purpose of the work: to consolidate knowledge about soil types, factors of their formation and patterns of distribution in the Donetsk region; improve skills in working with thematic atlas maps and contour maps. Sources of knowledge: atlas, contour map, supporting and additional information. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Soil is a loose top fertile layer of earth, the formation of which occurs over a long period of time through the interaction of parent rock, plants, animals, microorganisms, climate and topography. Parent rock is the top layer of rock on which soil-forming processes can occur. Humus (Latin humus “earth, soil”) is the main organic matter of the soil, containing nutrients necessary for higher plants. Humus makes up 85-90% of soil organic matter and is an important criterion in assessing its fertility. Soil profile is a vertical section of soil from the surface to the parent rock, consisting of soil horizons and subhorizons. The thickness of the soil profile ranges from several tens of centimeters to several meters. PROGRESS OF WORK 1. Complete the diagram: Factors of formation of Donetsk chernozems Loess parent rocks 2. Based on the proposed description, determine the type of soil: Description Type of soil 1. Occupy most of the Donetsk region. They are very fertile, well saturated with nitrogen and potassium. The thickness of the humus horizon is 70 cm, the humus content is 4-6%. Fertility scores (on a 100-point scale). 2. Distributed in the Artemovsky and Slavyansky districts of the Donetsk region. Their thickness reaches 150 cm, and the amount of humus increases to 8-9%, i.e. maximum for chernozems. 3. On the northern coast of the Sea of ​​Azov they occupy large areas. The Krivaya and Belosarayskaya spits also have the same soils. 4. They heat up well and are therefore easy to process. The disadvantage of such soils is deep freezing. (shell-sandy, meadow and swamp-meadow soils; sandy soils; ordinary chernozems; chernozems on chalk rocks and marls) 46

47 Analysis of patterns of soil distribution on the territory of the Donetsk region PR 8 3. Determine what influence the atmosphere plays on soil formation? 4. Calculate the area of ​​chernozems in the Donetsk region if they occupy 45% of the territory. 5. Name the microzones of the Donetsk region in accordance with soil and climatic conditions. 6. Solve the problem. Earthworms play a big role in creating humus. They turn over more than 30 tons of soil per year. Find the approximate mass of worms per 1 hectare of chernozem, if the average mass of a worm is 5 grams, and the total number of worms is 140 thousand. 7. Construct a soil profile of chernozems, indicate the main horizons on it: humus, leaching, leaching and maternal. 47

48 Grade 8 GEOGRAPHY OF THE DONETSK REGION: NOTEBOOK FOR PRACTICAL WORK 8. On the contour map, indicate the main types of soils in the Donetsk Territory. 48

49 Analysis of patterns of soil distribution on the territory of the Donetsk Territory PR 8 9. Calculate by how many hectares the area of ​​eroded lands in the Donetsk Territory will change over 50 years, if each year their area increases by an average of 1%. 10. Draw a diagram that shows the structure of soil types in the Donetsk region. Conclusion. Indicate the main patterns of soil distribution in the Donetsk region. 11. * Calculate how thick the soil will be in 200 years if its thickness is 100 cm, erosion is 0.008 mm per year, and soil formation is 2 cm in 100 years. 49

50 PRACTICAL WORK 9 Compilation of characteristics of physical and geographical units of the Donetsk Territory 50

51 Compilation of characteristics of the physical-geographical units of the Donetsk region PR 9 PRACTICAL WORK 9 Compilation of characteristics of the physical-geographical units of the Donetsk region Purpose of the work: to consolidate knowledge about the physical-geographical units of the Donetsk region; improve the ability to compile characteristics of physical and geographical units according to plan; consolidate skills in working with atlas maps and contour maps. Sources of knowledge: atlas, contour map, supporting and additional information. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Physiographic zoning is the identification and description of territories that are characterized by a certain unity and uniqueness of natural features. Natural-territorial complexes or landscapes are areas of different sizes with certain physical and geographical conditions that arose as a result of the long-term interconnected and interdependent development of natural components in certain territories. Physico-geographical countries are the largest zoning units on land, which were formed within large tectonic structures (platforms, folded structures), and they correspond to landforms (plains and mountains). Natural zones with their inherent climate, soils, flora and fauna are formed due to differences in the distribution of heat and moisture within the climatic zone. Subzones are parts of a natural zone that are distinguished according to moisture conditions. A natural region (province) is part of a zone or subzone in the East European Plain. It is distinguished taking into account the heterogeneity of the surface of the zone, the degree of continental climate, as well as the history of the development of the territory in the Anthropocene (the influence of continental glaciations, the advance of seas). PROGRESS. 1. Make a diagram “Interrelation of natural components”: 51

52 8th grade GEOGRAPHY OF THE DONETSK REGION: NOTEBOOK FOR PRACTICAL WORK 2. Complete the diagram: Physico-geographical zoning of the Donetsk Territory The territory of the Donetsk Territory is located within the zonal PTC belt and the azonal PTC of the physical-geographical country Steppe natural zone Northern steppe subzone? (region) Donetsk northern steppe province (region)? (edge)? region? region Konsko-Yalyn lowland region 3. Fill in the blanks.? region Donetsk upland region Starobelskaya upland region The Donetsk region is characterized by two types of vegetation: 1) 2). In the south and east the region dominates, in the north and the Donetsk Ridge. More than half of the forests of our region are represented by plantations, and the remains of ancient forests can only be found here and there along the right bank of the Seversky Donets in and regions. Deciduous trees predominate on the right bank: Shrubs are dominated by 52

53 Compilation of characteristics of physical and geographical units of the Donetsk region PR 9 There are many edible mushrooms in the forests. Forests stretch on the left bank of the Seversky Donets. A relict plant grows on the chalk steeps of the Seversky Donets. Only a few hundred trees have survived here from ancient times. Among the fauna that live in forests, steppe vegetation is represented by steppes. In the steppe there are animals such as: 4. Calculate the area of ​​forest plantations in the Donetsk region, based on the fact that modern forest vegetation occupies a small area of ​​our region, covering only 3% of the region’s territory. 5. Write a description of the natural complex of your area. 6. Give examples of literary works that describe the steppe. Name their authors. 7. Think about what landscape of our region A.S. Pushkin said: “The Lukomorye has a green oak tree.” Give your reasons. 8. Mark on the contour map the boundaries of the physical-geographical zoning units of the Donetsk Territory. Sign them. 53


55 Compiling characteristics of the physical-geographical units of the Donetsk Territory PR 9 9. According to the proposed plan, compile a characteristic of two units of the physical-geographical zoning of the Donetsk Territory (one of them is the one in which you live, the other is your choice). Note the similarities and differences. Characteristics plan Geographical location GDF units Relief Climate features Surface water Soil types Flora Animal world Protected areas Similarities Differences 55

56 8th grade GEOGRAPHY OF THE DONETSK REGION: NOTEBOOK FOR PRACTICAL WORK 10. Determine on the PC the influence of shelterbelts in the steppe. 11. Can a school site be considered a natural-territorial complex? Give your reasons. Conclusion. What explains the differences between the components of natural complexes in the Donetsk region? 12. * Determine which countries in the world have natural complexes similar to the Donetsk region? 56

57 PRACTICAL WORK 1 0 Drawing up a navigational guide for the Sea of ​​Azov 57

58 8th grade GEOGRAPHY OF THE DONETSK REGION: NOTEBOOK FOR PRACTICAL WORK PRACTICAL WORK 10 Drawing up a sailing guide for the Azov Sea Goal of work: to improve the ability to draw up a description of the Azov Sea according to plan; consolidate the skills and abilities of working with atlas maps and contour maps, solve problems on determining distances on the ground. Sources of knowledge: atlas, contour map of the Sea of ​​Azov, supporting and additional information. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Sea is a part of the World Ocean, separated by land or elevated underwater terrain. The sea is a natural complex in which, as in land complexes, all components are closely interconnected and interdependent. A sand spit is a low sandy bank, protruding as a narrow long wedge into the river bed. A strait is a body of water located between two land areas and connecting adjacent water basins or parts thereof. A bay is a part of the ocean, sea, lake or other body of water that extends deeply into the land, but has free water exchange with the main part of the body of water. An estuary is a bay in the lower reaches of a river, or a salt lake near the sea, usually rich in healing mud. Salinity of water in ppm is the amount of solids in grams dissolved in 1 kg of sea water. PROGRESS OF WORK 1. Make a characteristic-description of the Azov Sea according to the plan, filling out the table: Characteristic plan Description Geographical location Ocean basin Sea area Average depth Maximum depth Rivers of the Azov Sea basin Salinity of the sea Large bays, straits Sea basin Coastline Sea spits 58

59 Drawing up a navigational route for the Sea of ​​Azov PR 10 Climatic conditions Sea currents Flora Animal life Sea ports Resort cities Ecological situation 2. Determine the width of the Kerch Strait using atlas maps. 3. Mark the main geographical features on the contour map of the Sea of ​​Azov: bays and estuaries; straits; braids; rivers flowing into the sea; sea ​​ports; resort cities. 4. Calculate the mass of salts that are dissolved in the waters of the Sea of ​​Azov, if the average salinity of its waters is 12%, and the volume is 256 km. Explain the insignificant depths of the Sea of ​​Azov. 59

60 60

61 Drawing up a navigational route for the Azov Sea PR List the problems of the Azov Sea. Suggest ways to solve the problems of the Azov Sea PC. 7. Explain the reasons for changes in salinity in different parts of the Sea of ​​Azov. 8. Write an essay on the topic “Is it possible to save the organic world of the Azov Sea.” 9. Answer the question “What do you think is the importance of the Sea of ​​Azov for the Donetsk region? 61

62 8th grade GEOGRAPHY OF THE DONETSK REGION: NOTEBOOK FOR PRACTICAL WORK 10. Solve the problem. How long will it take a ship to cross the Sea of ​​Azov, covering the path from Novoazovsk to Kerch, if its average speed is 25 knots (1 knot is 1.852 km). Conclusion. What natural components does the aquatic natural complex of our region, the Sea of ​​Azov, consist of? How are they interconnected? 11. * Think about why the Sea of ​​Azov had so many different names, and why today it is called the Sea of ​​Azov? In Rus', the Sea of ​​Azov became known in the 1st century AD. They called it the Blue Sea, Russian, Samakush, Salakar, Mayutis. At the beginning of the 13th century. The name Saksi Sea was approved. The collection of names of Azov has been replenished: Balyk-dengiz, Chabak-dengiz, Barel-Azov, Thracian Sea; Surozh Sea, Kaffa Sea, Cimmerian Sea, Akdengiz, Meotida. 62

63 PRACTICAL WORK 1 1 Determining the ecological footprint 63

64 8th grade GEOGRAPHY OF THE DONETSK REGION: NOTEBOOK FOR PRACTICAL WORK PRACTICAL WORK 11 Determination of the ecological footprint Purpose of the work: become familiar with the concept of “Ecological Footprint”, a calculator for calculating the ecological footprint; develop the ability to independently analyze the results obtained and draw conclusions. Sources of knowledge: Internet resources, supporting and additional information. BACKGROUND INFORMATION At the end of the 1980s, the total human impact on the biosphere began to exceed its ability to self-regulate. According to 2005 data, the average “ecological footprint” of an inhabitant of the Earth covered 2.7 hectares, while the planet can only provide about 2.1 hectares to everyone. That is, the impact of the global economy and human activities has exceeded the Earth's ability to provide "environmental services" by almost 30%. The “footprint” of a resident of developed countries in 2005 was 6.4 hectares, i.e. 3 times more than the biosphere can provide! The Ecological Footprint in middle-income countries was 2.2 hectares per person, i.e. 0.1 hectares exceeded the average capacity of the planet. We leave an average footprint of 3.7 hectares, i.e. we need 1.76 planets. But residents of poor countries use only 1 hectare. Why is WWF (World Wildlife Fund) raising the issue of reducing our “ecological footprint”? The answer is simple: there is a direct link between impact on the planet and conservation of biodiversity. When more than 1/3 of the Earth's land area is deeply transformed, almost all large carnivorous mammals (such as wild cats), birds and herbivores are threatened with extinction. The consequences of this for the biosphere and humans are more dangerous than the worst global financial crisis. That is why, in recent years, along with the traditional task of preserving natural biological diversity, we have a second, equally important goal of reducing the “ecological footprint” of humans to the extent that the biosphere can compensate for the impact of economic activity and remain sustainable. “Ecological footprint” is a conventional concept that reflects humanity’s consumption of biosphere resources and is measured in hectares of the planet’s biologically productive surface. The Ecological Footprint is a method that can be used to estimate the size of the area in hectares that is required to produce the resources we consume (for example, thermal energy, motor fuel or food), and to recycle, dispose of, or incorporate into natural cycles the resulting waste. . If more resources are used than the earth can bear, humanity is behaving contrary to the principles of sustainable development. The ecological footprint is measured in so-called. total hectares per person per year. One total hectare corresponds to a hectare-sized area with average biological fertility for the Earth. The Ecological Footprint Calculator is one of the easiest ways to find out how a person's lifestyle affects the sustainability of the globe. The more we spend consuming food, items and energy, the larger the footprint we leave. 64

65 Determining the ecological footprint PR 11 PROGRESS 1. Calculate your ecological footprint using Internet resources (ecological footprint calculator) or by testing, the questions of which are proposed below: Testing: Ecological footprint To calculate the ecological footprint, you need to select a statement that corresponds to your lifestyle and add/subtract the number of points indicated on the right. By adding up the points you get your ecological footprint. Statement Number of points 1. Housing The area of ​​your housing allows you to keep a cat, but a dog of normal size +7 would be cramped Large, spacious apartment + 12 Cottage for 2 families + 23 Divide the points received for answering the question about housing by the number of people living in him. 2. Energy Use Oil, natural gas, or coal is used to heat your home. Water, solar, or wind energy is used to heat your home. Most of us get our electricity from fossil fuels, so add yourself. Your home's heating is designed so that you can adjust it according to your needs. depending on the weather During the cold season, you are warmly dressed at home, and at night you cover yourself with two blankets When leaving the room, you always turn off the light in it You always turn off your household appliances, without leaving them in standby mode 3. Transport You go to work by public transport You walk or ride a bicycle to work You drive a regular car You use a large, powerful car with all-wheel drive On your last vacation you traveled by plane On your vacation you traveled by train, which took up to 12 hours On your vacation you traveled by train, and the journey took more than 12 hours 4. Food In a grocery store or market you buy mainly fresh products (bread, fruits, vegetables, fish, meat) of local production, from which you prepare lunch yourself. You prefer already processed products, semi-finished products, fresh frozen ready-made ones dishes that only need to be heated, as well as canned food, and do not look at where they are produced. Basically, you buy ready-made or almost ready-to-eat foods, but try to ensure that they are produced closer to home. You eat meat 2-3 times a week. eat meat 3 times a day Prefer vegetarian food

66 8th grade GEOGRAPHY OF THE DONETSK REGION: NOTEBOOK FOR PRACTICAL WORK 5. Using water and paper You take a bath every day + 14 You take a bath 1-2 times a week + 2 Instead of a bath, you take a shower every day + 4 From time to time you water your garden plot or wash your + 4 car with a hose If you want to read a book, you always buy it + 2 Sometimes you borrow books from the library or borrow from friends - 1 After reading a newspaper, you throw it away + 10 The newspapers you subscribe to or buy are read by someone else after you - then Household waste We all create a lot of waste and rubbish, so add to yourself In the last month, have you handed in bottles at least once - 15 When throwing out garbage, you put waste paper in a separate container - 17 You hand in empty cans of drinks and canned food - 10 You throw in separate container plastic packaging - 8 You try to buy mostly loose goods rather than packaged ones; - 15 You use the packaging received in the store on your farm. From household waste you make compost to fertilize your plot - 5 If you live in a city with a population of half a million or more, multiply your total result by 2. To summarize: Divide the resulting material by 100, and you will find out how many hectares of the earth's surface are needed to satisfy all your needs, and how many planets would be needed if all people lived the same way as you! Write down your result, compare with the data below: 1.8 hectares 1 planet 3.6 hectares 2 planets 5.4 hectares 3 planets 7.2 hectares 4 planets 9.0 hectares 5 planets 10.8 hectares 6 planets So that there is enough for all of us one planet, 1 person should have no more than 1.8 hectares of productive land. For comparison, the average US resident uses 12.2 hectares (5.3 planets!), the average European 5.1 hectares (2.8 planets), and the average Mozambican only 0.7 hectares (0.4 planets). The average resident of Russia uses 4.4 hectares (2.5 planets). If you want to reduce your environmental footprint, the questionnaire will help you see which area of ​​your life makes the greatest contribution to its size: Think and decide which areas of your life you are ready to change: Maybe you have long dreamed of changing your lifestyle, get on a bike, switch to a healthier one food, optimizing your home or dacha economy, your ecological footprint will not only make your dreams come true, but also help the planet. 66

67 Determining your ecological footprint OL Make a conclusion about the size of your ecological footprint. Think about what you could do to reduce it: Conclusion about the size of your ecological footprint Suggestions for reducing your ecological footprint 3. Think about whether a person can make nature better than it is. 4. Consider why, if you live in a city with a population of half a million or more, then the result must be multiplied by. Prove with specific examples that the ecological footprint of rural residents is smaller than that of urban residents. 6. Can one species of animal disappear without leaving a trace on the environment? Give examples. 7. Solve the problem In 2015, 1.5 million tons of harmful substances were released into the air from station sources of pollution. Calculate how many of these substances are on average per: 1 km2 of the territory of the Donetsk Territory 1 resident of your locality 67

68 8th grade GEOGRAPHY OF THE DONETSK REGION: NOTEBOOK FOR PRACTICAL WORK 8. Calculate how many liters of water your family uses per: Day Week Month Year 9. Explain what interactions exist between man, science and nature. 10. Determine what role geography plays in the relationship between man and nature. Conclusion. What are the reasons for the high ecological footprint of modern people in developed societies? 11. * Calculate the volume of air that can be cleared of automobile gases by 25 chestnut trees planted along the road, if one tree clears an area 100 m long, 12 m wide, 10 m high. 68

69 PRACTICAL WORK 1 2 Designation of environmental objects on the map of Donetsk region 69

70 8th grade GEOGRAPHY OF THE DONETSK REGION: NOTEBOOK FOR PRACTICAL WORK PRACTICAL WORK 12 Designation of environmental objects on the map of the Donetsk Territory Purpose of the work: to consolidate knowledge about the environmental territories of the Donetsk Territory; improve skills in working with thematic atlas maps and contour maps. Sources of knowledge: atlas, contour map, supporting and additional information. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Protected areas are areas that require special protection due to its natural, cultural or other features. A reserve is a section of territory (water area) in which its entire natural complex is preserved in its natural state, and hunting is prohibited. In addition, any human economic activity is prohibited on the territory of the reserve, and the lands are forever withdrawn from any form of use. As a rule, nature reserves (as opposed to nature reserves) are closed to tourists, but some of them still have access control. To visit the reserve, permission from the Ministry of Natural Resources or the direct management of the reserve is required. A natural national park is an area where human activity is limited in order to protect the environment. Unlike nature reserves, where human activity is almost completely prohibited (hunting, tourism, etc. are prohibited), tourists are allowed into the territory of national parks, and economic activity is allowed on a limited scale. A reserve is a protected area in which (unlike reserves) it is not the natural complex that is protected, but some of its parts: only plants, only animals, or their individual species, or individual historical, memorial or geological objects. Regional landscape (landscape) parks (RLP) are a separate category of territories and objects of the natural reserve fund. An important regional step in the hierarchy of nature conservation, which generally consists of global (biosphere), national, regional and local (local) levels. Reserved tract of forest, steppe, swamp and other isolated integral landscapes of important scientific and environmental significance, with the aim of preserving them in their original form. Natural monuments are a specially protected natural area in which a rare or interesting object of animate or inanimate nature is located, unique in scientific, cultural, historical, memorial or aesthetic terms. PROGRESS 1. Complete the diagram Environmental objects of the Donetsk region Natural park 1? ?? Protected areas 13? 70

71 Designation of environmental objects on the map of the Donetsk Territory PR Determine from the description which environmental object we are talking about: a wide strip stretches from the northwest to the southeast in the Volnovakha region of the Donetsk Territory. Area 2543 hectares, founded in the years by V.E. Graff, who was the first to confirm the possibility of creating artificial forests in the bare, waterless steppe; there is a large collection of tree species and shrubs; one of the largest in Europe, founded in 1964 as a research institute; here a new direction was developed: industrial botany, a field of biological science that studies the relationship of a green plant with the industrial environment; Research in this area includes the problems of creating anthropogenic landscapes. is located in the Volodarsky district on the left bank of the Karatysh River. Created in 1927 with the purpose of preserving an area of ​​rocky steppe; the protected steppe lies in a narrow strip between two ridges of rocky hills of bizarre shapes up to 70 m high; bare rocks, shady gorges, areas with different moisture levels formed rocky, steppe, meadow, meadow-swamp, and shrub vegetation here. 3. Identify the environmental objects of the Donetsk region from photographs: Photo of the environmental object Name of the environmental object 71

72 Grade 8 GEOGRAPHY OF THE DONETSK REGION: NOTEBOOK FOR PRACTICAL WORK 4. Use symbols to mark and label the environmental sites of the Donetsk Territory on the atlas map. 72

73 Designation of environmental objects on the map of the Donetsk region PR Propose measures to protect steppe landscapes. 6. Think about the role V.E. Graff played for the steppe natural zone. 7. Calculate the area of ​​protected areas in the Donetsk region. 8. Find out which institutions in our region are engaged in modern research of nature. 9. Suggest an ideal landscape for the steppe zone. 10. Create a travel itinerary for a conservation site of your choice. Conclusion. Determine the purpose of creating protected areas? 11. * Name the landscapes formed as a result of human use of natural resources. 73


75 Designation of environmental objects on the map of Donetsk region PR 12 75

2 PLANNED RESULTS OF MASTERING THE SUBJECT "GEOGRAPHY" Subject learning outcomes The student must be able to: - name methods of studying the Earth; - name the main results of outstanding geographical

Mountain characteristics plan 1. Geographical location. 2. Direction of mountain ranges, steepness of slopes. 3. Length of ridges (km). 4. Predominant height. 5. Maximum height (vertex coordinates).

State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "School 118" REVIEWED AND ACCEPTED at the pedagogical council, protocol 1 dated August 29, 2018. APPROVED by Director of GBOU School 118 I.L. Tuychieva


Mountain description plan 1. Name. 2. Geographical location (continent, country) 3. Age of mountains. 4. Direction of mountain ranges, steepness of slopes. 5. Length in kilometers (using scale) 6. Predominant

Appendix 2.3.1 to the educational program of LLC MBOU "KSOSH 1" WORK PROGRAM "GEOGRAPHY" 5 6th grade 2018 1. Planned results of studying the academic subject The student will learn: 1. use various sources of geographical

Results of mastering an academic subject Meta-subject learning outcomes The student must be able to: -set a learning task under the guidance of a teacher; - plan your activities under the guidance of a teacher;

Examination tickets on the geography of continents and oceans (grade 7): Ticket 1. 1. Geographic map: meaning, types of maps, ways of depicting the main content of the map. 2. Eurasia: geographical location,

General requirements of the Program for applicants. Geography At the geography exam, an applicant to a higher education institution must: be able to freely navigate physical, socioeconomic, and political maps;

1 Title of section, lesson topics Duration Type of lesson Elements of the compulsory minimum education Requirements for the level of preparation of students Practical work Forms of control Homework 2 1 Geography as a science.

List of skills characterizing the achievement of the planned results of mastering the main educational program in the academic subject "Geography" in grade 6 CODE Tested skills 1. SECTION "HYDROSPHERE"

Ticket 1 1.Modern geography and its branches. 2. Atmosphere and its composition. Atmospheric layers. Importance, study and protection of the atmosphere. 3. Practical task: determining the scale of the map. Ticket 2 1. Opening,

Flag of the region

The upper field is blue with a golden (yellow) sun that rises, symbolizing the east of Ukraine.

The lower black field symbolizes coal, earth, and the night Sea of ​​Azov with golden (yellow) reflections.

Coat of arms of the region

The central place in the coat of arms of the Donetsk region is occupied by the "Palm of Mertsalov"

Historical information: “Palm of Mertsalov” is a unique creation of the blacksmith of the Novorossiysk Society of Coal, Iron and Rail Production, Alexei Mertsalov, who forged it in 1896 especially for the All-Russian Exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod. At this exhibition, Palma was awarded the highest award. In 1900, the Novorossiysk Society took part in the World Exhibition in Paris. His exhibition pavilion, which included Palma Mertsalova, was recognized as worthy of the highest award - the Grand Prix. Currently, the Palm is preserved at the Mining Institute of St. Petersburg.

The main colors of the coat of arms are:

  • Gold (shield field) is a symbol of wealth, justice and generosity.
  • Black (edge) is a symbol of the wealth of the subsoil.
  • Blue (palm) is a symbol of beauty and greatness.
  • Green is a symbol of hope, joy, prosperity, developed agriculture

The crown emphasizes that the coat of arms is regional. Oak leaves are a symbol of greatness and reliability. The motto: “The opportunity is proven by deeds” emphasizes the historically formed labor roots of Donbass, its focus in achieving the goal.

Donetsk region is located in the southeastern part of Ukraine.

In the southwest it borders with Zaporozhye and Dnepropetrovsk, in the northwest - with Kharkov, in the northeast - with Lugansk regions of the country, in the east - with the Rostov region of Russia /

In the south it is washed by the waters of the Azov Sea.

Area - 26.5 thousand km. sq(4.1% S Ukr.)

Population - about 5 million people (1st place Ukrainian)

Length The Donetsk region from north to south is 255 km, from west to east - 180 km. The total length of the borders of the Donetsk region is 1,526 km, of which: land - 1,376 km, sea - 140 km.

Extreme points of Donetsk region:
northern - height 195 m in the Krasnolimansky district;
southern - the village of Belosarayskaya Kosa, Pershotravnevoy district;
western - near the village of Komyshevakha, Velikonovoselkovsky district;
eastern - near the village of Verkhniy Kut, Shakhtyorsky district.

Geographical center region is located in the village of Peski, Yasinovatsky district.

The Donetsk region is divided into 18 districts, has 52 cities, including 28 of regional subordination, 132 urban-type settlements, 1,122 rural settlements.

Districts of Donetsk region: Alexandrovsky,

Cities of regional subordination:

Avdeevka, Artyomovsk, Gorlovka, Debaltsevo, Dzerzhinsk, Dimitrov, Dobropolye, Dokuchaevsk, Donetsk, Druzhkovka, Enakievo, Zhdanovka, Kirovskoye, Konstantinovka, Kramatorsk, Krasnoarmeysk, Krasny Liman, Makeevka, Mariupol, Novogrodovka, Selidovo, Slavyansk, Snezhnoye, Torez, Ugledar , Khartsyzsk, Shakhtersk, Yasinovataya.

Goal of the work: improve the ability to determine the coordinates of extreme points and the geographic center; consolidate the skills and abilities to use atlas maps and contour maps.

Sources of knowledge: atlas, contour map, reference and additional information.

The length of the region from north to south is 255 km, from west to east – 180 km. The total length of the borders is 1526 km, of which: land – 1376 km, sea – 140 km. The highest place - an unnamed height of 336 m is located near the railway stopping points "Platform No. 3" and "Meteorological" in Debaltsevo; the lowest place (− 0.4 m) is the water level in the Sea of ​​​​Azov.

Geographical coordinates– geographic latitude and geographic longitude are quantities that determine the position of a point on the earth’s surface.

Extreme points:

Northern – height 195 m on the territory of the subordinate city of Krasny Liman; Yuzhnaya - Belosarayskaya Kosa village, Pershotravnevoy district; Western - near the village of Kamyshevakha, Velikonovoselkovsky district; Eastern - near the village of Verkhniy Kut, Shakhtarsky district. Geographical center is located in the village of Peski, Yasinovatsky district.


1. On the contour map designate borders and please indicate neighbors of the Donetsk region.

2. Sign extreme points, geographic center and define their coordinates,

using atlas maps or Google maps:

Fill the table:

Geographic coordinates of extreme points

And the geographical center of the Donetsk region

Extreme point (center) Name Coordinates




Geographical center

PR No. 1

3. Mathematical method define coordinates of the geographical center of the Donetsk Territory using formulas and label it on the map:

φ center = (φ northern point + φ southern point) / 2;

λ center = (λ eastern point + λ western point) / 2.




λ geogr. center = ________________________________________________________________


4. Determine length from north to south and from west to east in kilometers and degrees.


1) In degrees:

- from North to South:

φ north dots -φ south point = ______________________________________________________________

- from west to east:

λ eastern dots -λ zap. dots = __________________________________________________________


2) In kilometers: Method 1: by scale Map scale: M 1:1 250 000;



· Ground distance: _____________________________________________


Distance from north to south:

· Distance on the map: ___________________________________________________


· Ground distance: ______________________________________________


Method 2:Convert degrees to km.

Distance from west to east:

1° along the 47° parallel is 75.36 km;





Distance from north to south:

1° along the meridians is 111 km.

· Distance in degrees: ___________________________________________________


· Distance in kilometers: _______________________________________________


Designation on the contour map of the borders of the Donetsk region, PR No. 1
neighbors, extreme points, geographic center

Method 3:By Google -map: 255km:

5. Define area of ​​the Donetsk region?


6. Compare area of ​​the Donetsk Territory with other neighboring administrative units:



Give examples of states whose area is:

· less territory of Donetsk region:


· approximately equal to the territory of the Donetsk Territory:


· V some times larger than the territory of the Donetsk region:


7. Complete offer:

The total length of the borders of our region is _________________,

of which: land – ________________, sea – _________________________

8. Make up characteristics of the geographical location of your locality.






9. Define , positive and negative features of the geographical position of the Donetsk region. Fill the table.

10. Define distance in degrees from the geographic center to:

(It is known that the geographical center of the Donetsk region is located in the village of Peski, Yasinovatsky district)

· North Pole ______________________________________________________________

· South Pole ________________________________________________________________

· Equator ______________________________________________________________

Conclusion. What are the features of the physical and geographical position of the Donetsk region? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

11. *Calculate, what part of the globe, land, continent, Europe occupies

Donetsk region.

S of the globe – 510 million km 2

S land – 149 million km 2

S Eurasia – 54.6 million km 2

S Europe – 10.5 million km 2









“PRACTICAL WORK ON GEOGRAPHY IN 8TH CLASS Practical work No. 1 Designation on a contour map of the boundaries of the Donetsk region, neighbors, extreme points, geographical...”


Practical work No. 1

Designation on the contour map of the boundaries of the Donetsk region, neighbors, extreme points, geographical center

Purpose of the work: to improve the ability to determine the coordinates of extreme points, the geographic center of the Donetsk region; consolidate the skills and abilities to use atlas maps and contour maps.

Sources of knowledge: atlas, outline map (template) of the Donetsk region, additional information.

Approximate work time: 20-30 minutes.

In order to introduce a differentiated approach to teaching for weak students, it can be proposed to draw up an outline map (scheme) of the Donetsk region using reference information; for successful students - draw up a contour map (map diagram) without supporting information, using a partial search method; for strong students (if Internet resources are available) do practical work using Google maps.

Basic Information

Neighbors of Donetsk region:

Direction Neighbors

South Azov Sea

South-west Zaporozhye region of Ukraine

West Dnepropetrovsk region of Ukraine

North and north-west Kharkov region of Ukraine

Northeast and east Lugansk region

South-east Rostov region of Russia

The length of the region from north to south is 255 km, from west to east – 180 km. The total length of the region’s borders is 1526 km, of which: land – 1376 km, sea – 140 km. The highest place in the region is an unnamed height of 336 m, located near the railway stopping points Platform No. 3 and Meteorological in Debaltsevo; the lowest place (0.4 m) is the water level in the Sea of ​​​​Azov.

Extreme points of the region:

Northern – height 195 m in the Krasnolimansky district (4915 N, 375050 E);

Yuzhnaya - Belosarayskaya Kosa village, Pershotravnevoy district (465410N, 372037E);

Western - near the village of Kamyshevakha, Velikonovoselkovsky district (475316 N, 363520 E);

Eastern – near the village of Verkhniy Kut, Shakhtarsky district (475704N, 390102E).

The geographic center of the region is located in the village of Peski, Yasinovatsky district (480344N, 374030E).


On the contour map (map), mark the boundaries and indicate the neighbors of the Donetsk region.

Label the extreme points, the geographic center and determine their coordinates using atlas maps or Google maps: Fill the table:

Geographic coordinates of extreme points and geographic center

Donetsk region

Extreme point (center) Name Coordinates

North Eastern South Western Geographical center Using the mathematical method, determine the coordinates of the geographic center of the Donetsk region using the formulas:

Latitude geogr. center = (latitude of the northern point + latitude of the southern point) / 2;

Longitude geogr. center = (longitude of the eastern point + longitude of the western point) / 2.

Latitude geogr. center = (4915 + 465410) / 2 = 480435N;

Longitude geogr. center = (390102 + 363520) / 2 = 374811E.

Determine the extent of the area from north to south and from west to east in kilometers and degrees.

In degrees:

From north to south: latitude north. points - latitude of the southern point = 4915 - 465410 = 22050;

From west to east: longitude east. points - longitude of west. points = 390102 - 363520 = 22542

In kilometers:

Method 1: by scale.

Map scale: M 1:1 250 000 (1 cm – 12.5 km);

Map distance: 20 cm;

Distance on the ground: 20 * 12.5 = 250 km.

Method 2: based on the given distances in degrees.

Distance from west to east:

At latitude 47, the distance to 1 longitude is 75.36 km;

The distance in degrees is 22542.

Distance in kilometers: 22542 * 75.36 2.5 * 75.36 km = 188.4 km.

Distance from north to south:

Distance in degrees: 22050

The distance per latitude is 111 km.

Therefore, the distance in kilometers: 22050 * 111 km 2.3 * 111 km = 255.3 km.

Method 3: according to Google map: 255 km:

Conclusion. What are the features of the physical and geographical position of the Donetsk region?

(Donetsk region is located in the steppe zone, has access to the Sea of ​​Azov. There are favorable natural conditions and resources, as evidenced by the coordinates of the extreme points).

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