
Chicken calories. Calories in chicken thighs Calories in fried chicken thighs

Poultry meat, especially chicken, is a very healthy product that is recommended for consumption even by people suffering from certain diseases. The chicken thigh is located above the drumstick, it contains few bones, and a fair amount of meat, which is darker in color. This area of ​​the carcass is considered the most delicious, but has a higher calorie content than the breast - the most dietary part of the bird.


Chicken thigh contains useful substances such as minerals and vitamins. Among the minerals, the composition contains most iron, zinc, manganese, potassium, sodium, and phosphorus. The vitamins contained in the femoral part are group B, A, C, PP, E. In addition, the composition also contains amino acids and protein, beta-carotene, choline.

With constant consumption of this type of meat, a person’s digestion and intestinal activity improve, and metabolism accelerates. In addition, chicken thigh has a positive effect on bone health. Protein is quickly absorbed by the body and provides the energy necessary for normal functioning. In addition, protein helps strengthen and grow muscles. The product also has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels - when included in the daily diet, blood pressure gradually normalizes. Eating thighs will also be beneficial for people with diabetes, as they contain substances that help lower blood sugar levels. Another positive property is the improvement in the condition of the skin, hair, and nails when consumed.

It is worth noting that if you cook such meat correctly and remove the skin from it, then the dish has no contraindications

The nutritional value

Very often people are interested in the calorie content of a particular product, especially for those who want to have an ideal physique. Refusal to eat meat for weight loss is a wrong action, because the body needs the beneficial substances it contains. It is only important to know how to prepare a dish correctly so that the product retains its properties, and the food is enjoyable and very satisfying.

When it comes to the calorie content of boiled meat, for example, chicken thigh, it is considered dietary only without the skin. It has been proven that 100 grams of such a dish contains only 160 kilocalories. Therefore, you can safely eat without fear for your weight, the main thing is to observe portion sizes in everything.

100 g of boiled skinless chicken thigh contains:

  • calories - 160 kcal
  • proteins - 21.2 g
  • carbohydrates - 0.1 g
  • fats - 10.7 g

Nutritionists advise eating small amounts at least 4 times a day, while eliminating all unhealthy foods. In this case, there will be no problems with excess weight, constant feeling of hunger and overeating as a result. From chicken meat, namely the thigh, when the skin is removed and the product is boiled, you can create any masterpiece in the form of a salad or hot appetizer. It is worth emphasizing that it is prohibited to add various seasonings and salt to meat.

Of course, the chicken breast is the healthier part, but the thigh, if cooked properly, cooked for at least an hour and finally skinned, has even a slightly lower calorie content.

For those losing weight

Those who are losing weight can include this product in their diet, but remember that it has a higher calorie content compared to the most dietary parts. To further reduce the number of calories, it is necessary not only to remove all the skin, but also to remove the existing layer of fat. Also, when cooking, you should put the meat in cold water - most of the remaining fat will thus go into the broth.

Despite the fact that the number of calories in this part of the chicken is higher than in the breast, eating it will be useful for everyone, without exception.

Chicken calories: 160 kcal.*
* average value per 100 grams, depends on the part of the carcass and the cooking method

You can prepare many delicious dishes from chicken that are nutritious and beneficial for the body. Meat is classified as dietary; the main thing is to choose the right part and method of heat treatment.

How many calories are in chicken

The most dietary part of a poultry carcass is fillet, with a calorie content of about 110 kcal. It contains no carbohydrates, minimal fat content and a lot of protein. Fillet can be included in the diet for various diets, including the most strict. You can learn more about it and its benefits for weight loss from the article.

In terms of energy value, chicken can be compared with seafood or freshwater fish.

Due to the low fat content, the body is quickly satisfied with this meat, and there are no problems or discomfort when digesting the product. Not all parts of a carcass have the same nutritional value. The calorie content of chicken thighs and wings exceeds that of the breast - 185 and 186 kcal, respectively. It is not recommended to overuse chicken skin during a diet. Despite the excellent taste that this part acquires when baked, its calorie content exceeds 212 kcal per 100 g.

Fried, boiled, baked chicken

When preparing dishes, you should take into account differences in cholesterol and fat levels in different parts of the bird. The choice of product processing method must also be approached responsibly. You can eat boiled tender meat without worrying about your figure; the calorie content of chicken in this case does not exceed 140 kcal when using lean parts. Otherwise, the indicator will increase to 200 kcal.

If you follow a healthy diet or are trying to lose weight, you can bake or stew chicken fillet (up to 100 kcal).

Interestingly, the calorie content of grilled skinless chicken is only 126 kcal. This is due to the fact that most of the fat is rendered over the fire. The calorie content of fried chicken is about 210 kcal, which is quite low compared to other types of meat, such as pork. It is worth noting that when skin is removed, the value decreases. You can compare the nutritional composition (BJU) of raw, boiled and fried chicken breast.

Calorie content of chicken by-products

The benefits of offal for the body after an illness, reduced immunity, or during intensive weight loss are significant. With regular consumption of chicken gizzards, which contain about 130 kcal, the functioning of the cardiovascular system is normalized, protective functions are strengthened, and the condition of hair and skin improves.

Low-fat foods - navels (115 kcal) and chicken hearts (160 kcal).

You can cook all kinds of dishes from minced meat (140 kcal), and cook soups based on chicken broth. If it is made from lean white meat, then the value per 100 g is equivalent to only 20 kcal. It is best to use recycled broth.

Chicken calorie table per 100 grams

The calorie content table per 100 g will help you determine as accurately as possible what the nutritional value is in different parts of the carcass, and how it changes depending on the method of cooking the meat.

Among most types of meat, chicken stands out for its dietary properties and high content of protein and other useful elements. Nutritionists advise athletes, children and those losing weight to use this product daily.

In ordinary poultry, breasts have always been more attractive than chicken thigh, which has a much higher calorie content. However, the fillet turns off many because of its dryness - yet the majority prefer juicier meat. When fattier types of meat like pork and lamb are prohibited, I would like to at least get more pleasure from poultry! And here you can sometimes afford a chicken thigh - its calorie content can be reduced by skinning and cooking methods. Naturally, boiled meat was and remains the most dietary.

We cook deliciously

For many, boiled meat is boring. However, it can also be prepared in such a way that later the dish will become your favorite. The main thing here is to remember that to get soft, but not falling apart thighs, you need to put them in boiling water, and not in cold water, along with an onion and a small carrot. When the water starts flowing again, half an hour is recorded (per kilogram of purchased spare parts). Ten minutes before hour X, salt and seasonings are added; It's very elegant to add fresh herbs like tarragon, parsley or dill. And here in front of you is a ready-made, aromatic and tasty chicken thigh. The calorie content of such a dish is the lowest and amounts to only 160 kcal per hundred grams of the dish - if, of course, you stepped on the throat of your culinary song and removed the harmful skin from the limb. Together with her, the figure will rise to 177.

Stew with pears

If you are completely tired of boiled foods, allow yourself to go a different route occasionally. stewed ones, of course, are somewhat higher in calories: every 100 grams of them will add 185 kcal to your body, but this is not too much. But you will remember it for a long time. First, chop the onion into squares and grate a small ginger root. The onion is sautéed (preferably in olive oil), then ginger, a couple of small cinnamon sticks, and a little salt and pepper are added. After mixing, four thighs are placed in this sauce, if necessary, a quarter glass of water is added, the container is closed and left alone for 40 minutes. Three rather hard sweet and sour pears are cut into slices and placed in melted butter mixed with a couple of spoons of honey. When the fruits are caramelized, they are transferred to the chicken and stewed together for a quarter of an hour. You can enjoy it!

Bake in Madeira

Cooked calorie content is higher - as much as 216 kcal, so people on a diet rarely indulge. However, they also have holidays, and for such occasions, here is our recipe. A kilogram of thighs, washed, with the fat cut off, is placed in a greased form, sprinkled with salt and your favorite seasonings and “massaged” for their better distribution. Place skin side up. Then a glass of Madeira is poured out (you can also use dry wine, but the taste will not be the same), the mold is wrapped in foil and placed in the oven, where it spends half an hour at 210 Celsius. Next, the foil is removed, and the thighs are brought to a crust without it.

By the way, if you remove the skin, the calorie content of the dish will drop to 195 kcal.

Frying thighs

This, of course, is the most harmful method of cooking: fried ones will add as much as 245 kcal. But on the most solemn occasion, you can treat yourself to such a delicacy. About six washed thighs are rubbed with pepper and salt, wrapped in a bag and left overnight to marinate. You can skip this step, but the marinated ones will be much tastier. In a frying pan with a thick bottom, sunflower, odorless oil is heated until it bubbles, chicken parts are placed and fried for five minutes, then turned over - and the procedure is repeated. With such turns, the process lasts about a third of an hour in total. When the juice begins to stand out clean, without blood, the thighs are smeared with grated garlic, the frying pan is covered for about ten minutes (for rest and flavoring), and the delicious meat is served for dinner.

Chicken thighs not only have good taste, but are also a healthy product. They are among the most high-calorie parts of the carcass. Compared to chicken breast, it has fewer minerals, but more vitamins: PP, beta-carotene, A(RE), B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, E, H, choline.

The composition includes proteins - 21.3 g, fats - 11.4 g, unsaturated fatty acids - 4.5 g, ash - 0.8 g, cholesterol - 80 mg, virtually no carbohydrates - 0.1 g. The mineral composition is presented macro- and microelements: potassium – 260 mg, magnesium – 20 mg, calcium – 16 mg, sodium – 85 mg, phosphorus – 140 mg, iron – 2 mg, etc.

One chicken thigh weighs about 200 g. Satisfying the daily requirement of 100 g of product: vitamin B3 - 16%, B6 - 25%, B12 - 20%, H - 20%, PP - 63%, choline - 15%, sulfur - 19 %, phosphorus – 21%, cobalt – 120%.

How it affects the body

Chicken thigh meat is an indispensable product for humans, which supplies the body with all necessary substances. A small layer of fat contains useful acids and has a positive effect on life.

When consumed regularly, chicken thigh helps normalize metabolic processes. It prevents cardiovascular diseases, heart attack, and stroke. Improves the condition of the musculoskeletal, nervous system and blood vessels. Reduces sugar levels, normalizes blood pressure, improves blood composition. Has a beneficial effect on mental activity: improves memory and attention. Increases immunity, has an antibacterial effect, and has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

The rich vitamin composition ensures the normal functionality of the entire body, including the kidneys, adrenal glands, liver, and lungs. Clears fat deposits and promotes fat burning, stimulates digestion. Useful for gastrointestinal diseases. It is beneficial for gout, polyarthritis, and peptic ulcers.

How to choose correctly

Chilled and frozen chicken thighs are available for sale. If desired, you can buy skinned and with the femur bone removed. The quality of the chilled product can be determined by pressing on the surface of the meat. If the structure is quickly restored, then the meat is fresh.

Storage methods

A fresh thigh can be refrigerated for 1-2 days. Keeps in the freezer for 6-9 months. Repeated defrosting is unacceptable, since significant amounts of useful substances are often lost and taste deteriorates.

What does it go with in cooking?

Chicken thigh meat is a universal product that is suitable for preparing broths, soups, cold appetizers, vegetable and meat dishes. It is used to make pilaf, shish kebab, grilled, baked with cheese, potatoes, and stewed in lemon, honey and garlic sauce. The pulp is used to prepare minced meat and make chicken cutlets, rolls, and meatballs.

Goes well with rice, beans, cabbage, pearl barley and corn. Often served with sauce: kefir, pineapple, honey-soy, garlic. For marinades, tomato paste, basil, coriander, curry, paprika, cumin, saffron, ginger, and other spices are used.

Healthy combination of products

Chicken thigh has a low calorie content and is successfully used in dietary nutrition. It is steamed in an air fryer. Dishes made from thigh meat help speed up the digestion process and satisfy hunger well.

The right combination is boiled or raw vegetables, herbs and spices. For example, carrots, onions, cilantro, parsley, horse celery, cucumber, tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, turnips. Salads made from fresh vegetables with the addition of boiled meat work well for weight loss. This dish is best seasoned with lemon juice, olive oil, and balsamic vinegar. With boiled meat and whole grain bread, you get a low-calorie and satisfying sandwich, which will amount to 88 kcal and will not damage your figure.

Chicken broth is especially popular in weight loss diets. To reduce calories and create dietary broth, the following method is used:

  • Before cooking, the fat layer and skin are removed.
  • The product is placed in cold water.
  • During cooking, the fat that forms on the surface is removed.
  • To reduce nutritional value, a technique is used: the more liquid, the fewer calories.


When prepared correctly, chicken thigh has virtually no contraindications. Use caution if you have possible allergies to chicken meat, gastritis, or high acidity. To avoid harmful substances entering the body, it is recommended to soak the meat in cold water for several hours before cooking.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

Chicken thigh meat is used to improve immunity, as well as for anemia, diabetes, gout, varicose veins, and polyarthritis. Prescribed for the prevention of atherosclerosis, heart attack, hypertension, stroke.

The broth is recommended for colds, apathy, and weakness. To cleanse the liver, improve the functioning of the adrenal glands and kidneys, and remove toxins. Prescribed for certain gastrointestinal diseases, after operations and serious illnesses. Eating thigh meat promotes rapid restoration of bone tissue and is indicated for fractures. Regular use improves the condition of the skin, hair and nail structure.

But you may be wondering how many calories are in that chicken on your plate.

People eat various parts of chicken, including chicken breast, thighs, wings, and drumsticks. Each part contains a different number of calories and different proportions of protein and fat.

Here are the calories for the most popular parts of chicken.

Chicken breast: 284 calories

Chicken breast is one of the most popular parts of chicken. It is rich in protein and low in fat, making it an excellent choice for people trying to lose weight.

One cooked skinless, boneless chicken breast (172 grams) contains the following nutrients ():

  • Calories: 284 kcal.
  • Protein: 53.4 g.
  • Carbohydrates: 0 g.
  • Fat: 6.2 g.

A 100 gram serving of chicken breast contains 165 calories, 31 grams of protein and 3.6 grams of fat ().

This means that approximately 80% of the calories in a chicken breast come from protein and 20% from fat.

Keep in mind that these amounts are for chicken breast without any added ingredients. Once you start cooking it in oil or adding marinades or sauces, you will increase the total number of calories, carbohydrates and fat.


Chicken breast is a low-fat, high-protein part of the chicken. One chicken breast contains 284 calories, or 165 calories for every 100 grams. About 80% of calories come from protein and 20% from fat.

Chicken thigh: 109 calories

Chicken thigh is slightly more tender and flavorful than chicken breast due to its higher fat content.

One cooked skinless, boneless chicken thigh (52 grams) contains ():

  • Calories: 109 kcal.
  • Protein: 13.5 g.
  • Carbohydrates: 0 g.
  • Fat: 5.7 g.

A 100 gram serving of chicken thigh contains 209 calories, 26 grams of protein and 10.9 grams of fat ().

Thus, 53% of calories come from protein and 47% from fat.

Chicken thighs are often less expensive than chicken breasts, making them a good choice for anyone.


One chicken thigh contains 109 calories, or 209 calories for every 100 grams. Calories come 53% from protein and 47% from fat.

Chicken wings: 43 calories

When you think of a healthy part of chicken, chicken wings probably don't come to mind.

However, as long as they are not coated in breading or sauce or grilled, they can easily fit into a healthy diet.

One cooked skinless, boneless chicken wing (21 grams) contains ():

  • Calories: 42.6 kcal.
  • Protein: 6.4 g.
  • Carbohydrates: 0 g.
  • Fat: 1.7 g.

A 100 gram serving of chicken wings contains 203 calories, 30.5 grams of protein and 8.1 grams of fat ().

This means that 64% of calories come from protein and 36% from fat.


One chicken wing contains 43 calories, and a 100 gram serving of wings contains 203 calories. Calories come 64% from protein and 36% from fat.

Chicken drumsticks: 76 calories

Chicken legs consist of two parts - thigh and drumstick. Chicken drumstick is the lower part of the leg.

One cooked skinless, boneless chicken drumstick (44 grams) contains ():

  • Calories: 76 kcal.
  • Protein: 12.4 g.
  • Carbohydrates: 0 g.
  • Fat: 2.5 g.

A 100 gram serving of chicken drumsticks contains 172 calories, 28.3 grams of protein and 5.7 grams of fat ().

When it comes to counting calories, about 70% comes from protein and 30% from fat.


One chicken drumstick contains 76 calories, and 100 grams contains 172 calories. 70% of calories come from protein and 30% from fat.

Other parts of chicken

While chicken breast, thighs, wings and drumsticks are the most popular parts of chicken, there are also several others to choose from.

Here are the calorie content of some other parts of chicken (, , ,):

  • Chicken strips (small breast muscles of chicken): 263 calories for every 100 grams.
  • Chicken backs: 137 calories for every 100 grams.
  • Dark meat: 125 calories for every 100 grams.
  • Light meat: 114 calories for every 100 grams.


The amount of calories in different parts of chicken varies. Light meat has the lowest amount of calories, while chicken strips have the highest level.

Chicken skin adds calories

While a skinless chicken breast contains 284 calories with 80% protein and 20% fat, these numbers change dramatically when the skin is included ().

One cooked boneless, skin-on chicken breast (196 grams) contains ():

  • Calories: 386 kcal.
  • Protein: 58.4 g.
  • Fat: 15.2 g.

In skin-on chicken breast, 50% of the calories come from protein and 50% from fat. Additionally, eating skin adds almost 100 calories ().

Likewise, one skin-on chicken wing (34 grams) contains 99 calories, compared to 42 calories for a skinless wing (21 grams). Thus, 60% of the calories in chicken wings with skin come from fat, compared to 36% in skinless wings (,).

So if you're watching your weight or fat intake, eat skinless chicken to minimize calories and fat.


Eating chicken with the skin adds a significant amount of calories and fat. Remove skin before consumption to reduce calories.

How you cook chicken matters

Chicken meat alone contains relatively low amounts of calories and fat compared to other meats. But once you start adding butter, sauce, batter and breading, the calories start adding up.

For example, a cooked skinless, boneless chicken thigh (52 grams) contains 109 calories and 5.7 grams of fat ().

But the same batter-fried chicken thigh contains 144 calories and 8.6 grams of fat. A chicken thigh fried in a flour coating contains even more, with 162 calories and 9.3 grams of fat (,).

Similarly, one cooked boneless, skinless chicken wing (21 grams) contains 43 calories and 1.7 grams of fat ().

However, a chicken wing baked in barbecue sauce contains 61 calories and 3.7 grams of fat. This compares to a wing fried in a flour coating, which contains 61 calories and 4.2 grams of fat (,).

Therefore, cooking methods that add a little fat, such as boiling, sautéing, frying, grilling and steaming, are the best choices for keeping calorie levels low.


Cooking techniques such as breading and coating the meat in sauce can add more than a few calories to your chicken. For the ultimate low-calorie version of chicken, you can boil, grill, stew, or steam it.


Chicken is a popular food item, and most parts are low in calories and fat, providing adequate protein.

Here are calorie calculations of the most favorite parts of chicken without bones and skin per 100 grams:

  • Chicken breast: 165 calories.
  • Chicken thigh: 209 calories.
  • Chicken wing: 203 calories.
  • Chicken drumstick: 172 calories.

Please note that eating leather or using unhealthy cooking methods adds calories.

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