
How to subjugate your husband and control him. Strong conspiracies to subjugate the will of people. How not to control a man

Every girl has dreamed at least once subjugate a man . Subjugating a man is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Of course, everyone will be flattered by the fact of a reliable lover who does everything you want.

A woman subjugating a man must have the qualities of assertiveness, self-confidence, rational mind. These qualities will certainly help you achieve your desired goal. The one who will not keep the bar will not be able to get results, confusedly taking timid steps in the process of managing the young man.

It is necessary to understand the essence of the male gender in order to identify, analyze and use data to your advantage.

Method 1.Feeling of leadership in the family

Provide the main role in solving family problems. When a man feels that he is in charge, you will be able to control his actions, directing him in the right direction.

Due to his pride, he will not notice your requests much, because he needs to do this, since he is the head of the family, which means it cannot be otherwise. By manipulating feelings, you will get what you expected.

Method 2Share your partner's hobbies

Men pay great attention to their hobbies. Many people like football, hiking, hunting, and other entertaining games. A woman should be interested and take part with him. This will promote rapprochement and gain trust.

Method 3Keep your emotions to yourself

Many people do not like the emotions shown by the female gender. They confuse, bring fatigue, and irritation. Especially if this happens constantly on your part.

You need to control yourself, only in the most extreme cases show negative emotions. After all, they are not so emotional; it is difficult for them to understand the essence of our disorders over trifles. You can also talk it out to your girlfriend, who will understand anyway.

Only someone who is strong, emotionally balanced, knowledgeable and understands the meaning of the moments of manifestation of the outburst of their emotions is ready to subjugate.

Method 4Make yourself ideal

It is easier to manipulate when a person receives something in return. The ideal image of what a girl, a woman should be, becomes a colossal method of subjugation.

Method 5Fall in love until unconsciousness

The simplest way to manipulate is love until unconsciousness. Of course, feelings cannot be used for personal gain, but sometimes this is the only way to subjugate a man.

Make him fall in love with your behavior, smile, manner of speaking, laughing. So that he cannot live even a day without you. It is quite pleasant to control a man, making him and yourself happy.

The main thing is to become an indispensable person for him, without which life seems dull and uncheerful. When subjugating, try not to become bitchy, since you cannot get along with a difficult character.

Your character should be dominated by rational grain"A wise, understanding woman. One that can take over the mind, without direct hints, in indirect ways.

Namely, these indirect paths are spelled out in the five methods given above. Use them wisely to achieve your goals, based on common sense. After all, only common sense will help not to cross the line of subordination and the usual use of men for their own selfish purposes.

I hope that the need to manage men itself does not raise any doubts in you. If you don’t manage a man, then you won’t be able to live happily ever after with him. Therefore, you definitely need to learn how to manipulate it at least a little.

Conventionally, all techniques for manipulating a man can be divided into 3 main groups.

The first group is that you simply become more valuable to men.

That is, not for a specific man, but for men in general. Your man subconsciously understands that you are valuable to other men and will treat you better.

This topic is very broad and therefore there is a lot that can be done. The most effective thing is to understand the psychology of men and develop good self-esteem. Then comes good looks. This is the absence of excess weight, athleticism, good and suitable clothing, good gait, pleasant voice, etc. I repeat that working with appearance is not as effective as working with psychology, but it still gives a good effect. It costs a woman to lose 10 kg. and her relationships with men often improve. What to say about psychology.

This also includes general education, good manners, lack of rudeness, knowledge of languages, etc. These are much less effective techniques. The average woman doesn't need them. But if a girl wants a man with an income of, say, over 10 thousand euros per month, then she can hardly do without it.

The second and most important thing is to increase the value of a woman for a particular man.

If you are just starting to work on yourself, then I recommend that you start here. Especially if you already have a man. And here the most powerful lever is again psychology. The main thing here is to learn not to blow a man’s mind, but at the same time not to lose self-respect. If you succeed, then you have achieved a lot. Then, if you learn not to show excessive initiative and, on the contrary, learn to support the minimal initiative of men, then you will already be able to do more than 50% of women can.
And don’t say that you can’t blow a man’s mind. All girls do this. The question is to do this rarely and for a reason, and not so that it is a background dissatisfaction with one thing, then another, then a third.

The third is manipulation itself.

Many women are quite good at manipulative techniques, even if they don’t realize it. And here I repeat that the main thing is not manipulation (although that too), but who you are. If for a man at the time of the manipulation you are the woman he loves, for whom he is ready to easily give his life, then the manipulation is easily carried out or is not necessary at all.

If you are nothing to a man, if you are not valued in the market of men and women, then the strongest manipulations work poorly, give a temporary effect, etc. Therefore, of course, you need to be able to carry out manipulations, but understand that this is 10% of the potential influence.

Secret No. 1 Some men are completely uncontrollable or very poorly controlled, and some are well controlled. You should avoid communicating with uncontrollable men.

It would seem like obvious advice, but how often it is violated. Imagine that you got a dog for yourself. However, this dog is completely uncontrollable and therefore cannot be trained. Then she will follow her instincts and behave the way she wants. She will mark the territory of your apartment with her urine, she will bite you, your children and guests, she will climb onto the kitchen table with dirty paws and eat your food, etc.

And at the same time, no punishment, persuasion, or training with the help of a professional trainer will have any effect on her, or at least the results compared to the catastrophic expenditure of time, nerves and money will be absolutely minimal.

Who wants a dog like that? No one.

But when it comes to men, for some reason some women are drawn to men who cannot be controlled, or who are an extremely difficult task with meager results.

I partially understand why this happens. After all, many uncontrollable men are bright stars with bright character traits. They are courageous to the point of admiration, and at the same time they do not play courage, but are really courageous (psychopaths). They can rush to fight with three men, without thinking about the consequences. Or they drive excessively riskily. Or they commit actions that clearly contradict common sense. At a certain age, many girls like this behavior from men.

They can be kind and talented (many are alcoholics at the onset of their illness).

They can be as charming as children, cheerful and happy (many are extremely childish men).

They sometimes think completely differently from other people (some manifestations of schizophrenia or borderline states).

They know how to charm a girl with beautiful compliments and skillfully give the necessary gifts (Home-grown Don Juans. I wrote in detail about this category of men in my book “23 mistakes with men. Mistakes on first dates")

However, even in average forms of manifestation of such characteristics, these men are completely uncontrollable.

Eh, if girls understood that such men cannot be influenced and cannot be tamed, then they would not waste their time on them. However, I see how some girls fly to such men like butterflies to a fire, in the hope that they will be able to make them fall in love with them, that they will be able to influence them, etc.

But there are no miracles in life, at least in this case.

The conclusion from the first point is simple. Don't try to influence those men who cannot be influenced. They will still cheat, lie like crazy when necessary and when there is absolutely no need for it, manipulate and show cruelty. Maybe they will drink or act like an infantile child.

No matter what influence techniques you study, no matter how hard you try, everything will be useless.

In total, there are not so many such men, probably 5 percent. (However, due to the high activity of some of them and the tendency to change partners, it seems that there are almost half of the entire globe.)

Learn to distinguish them, avoid them, and your ability to influence men will immediately increase by 10 times. After all, a normal man can be influenced and trained, even if you are not very good at it.

How to distinguish between men who are influenced and those who are not?

I write about this periodically and will write in the near future.

You can read one of the articles about tough manipulators.

Secret No. 2. Don't fuss and don't rush. Let the man fuss.

Men are creatures who have a highly developed sense of haste and fussiness. If you are in a hurry, then you need something. And the one who is in need cannot rule.

The rule is this. As soon as you start fussing or rushing, you immediately lose 50% of the threads for controlling a man.

Of course, 50% is an approximate figure. The less haste and fuss, the lower the number. And the loss of the threads for control leads to uncontrollability, that is, again betrayal, disrespect, lack of help for you, reluctance to change your habits, etc.

A man is like a dog with a not very strong habit. If you start tugging on the leash, it will definitely jerk and break it. When communicating with him, a woman needs to be patient and never fuss.

Picture this analogy in your head, and you will immediately become a much stronger influence on men.


- You are starting to flirt. You see that the man is interested, but sits and does nothing, does not show initiative. And then you approach him or do something else to attract his attention and get to know him. No need to do that! Continue to flirt for some time, after some time you can stop flirting.

Doesn't fit? And it's not necessary. Maybe it will come up in a few hours or even days when you even forget about it. Maybe it will never do.

But approaching yourself is the same as giving a man a leash from him. That's it, before you is a completely uncontrollable man, even if he is naturally shy and modest. He will sit on your neck and you will be forced to carry him all your life.

Again, I'm not saying that nothing needs to be done at all. Maybe you're not very good at flirting? Then you need to see how others do it and practice.

Maybe you're being flirty in the right way, but in the wrong place or in front of the wrong men. Then you need to decide what kind of men you need or understand where they are and, accordingly, visit them more often.

Maybe you need to work on your appearance in order to be more attractive to men in general or to certain men. (If, for example, you need to please 18-year-olds, then a shorter skirt, a deeper neckline on the chest, youthful manners. If men are over 40, then a longer skirt, a smaller neckline, more expensive clothes, a well-groomed face, the ability to listen, speak)

Maybe you need to stop wearing headphones in your ears or stop looking too businesslike.

There may be 10 more options. Remove obstacles. However, there is no need to approach the man. About how to please a man.

— The man took the phone number and did not call back on the same day or the next.

Are you starting to get nervous and fidgety? Or, God forbid, even decide to call him yourself?

Don't ever do that. As soon as you start fussing and the man feels it, that’s it, he’ll sit on your neck. Carrying a heavy man on a woman’s delicate neck is quite difficult.

Therefore, complete peace of mind, even if you are not very calm inside.

It's better to throw away the phone than to call yourself.

— You quarreled a little, and the man fell silent.

You cannot stand the tension with silence, so you approach it and begin to make peace.

I don’t know for sure whether it makes sense in your situation to come first and make peace or wait until the man approaches. (It is impossible to give definite advice here).

However, there are two big differences when you approach simply out of desire or understanding that it is your own fault and when you simply could not stand the silence, but your partner messed up big time. A man will immediately feel it. After all, males instinctively feel weakness and strength.

And if you think that you don’t need to approach, but need to remain silent, then if necessary, learn to remain silent at least until your well-deserved retirement.

A quick note here. A rather significant difference in the psychology of men and women is that the majority of men (70 percent) calm down during silence (you, of course, don’t believe it, but it’s true). A woman, during a man’s silence, can reach white heat. And then, when a man, having calmed down, finally decides to come up and ask for forgiveness, a “pleasant” surprise often awaits him. (Sometimes, of course, a woman calms down during silence, and a man begins to lose his temper. See specific cases).

If you say you belong to the 70 percent of women who do not calm down during silence after a quarrel, then repeat to yourself: “During silence, my man calms down and I calm down”. Repeat like a mantra. Suddenly the mantra will help, and you will hit the man with a frying pan not with all your strength as you wanted, but a little weaker. And if after reading this article 100 women do this, then I will consider that I did not waste my time on the article.

— Usually your man would hand you outerwear, open the door, etc., and then at one “wonderful” moment he suddenly stopped doing this.

There is no need to fuss and rush. You don't have to open the door yourself. There is no need to even scold the man for not thinking to open the door. Just stand rooted to the spot near the door and don’t move anywhere. In half an hour he will definitely figure out what’s going on and open the door. (will hand you your fur coat, move your chair in a cafe, etc.)

Of course, this example is designed for men with some degree of education. If a man is proud of the fact that he has never used napkins in his life (and wipes away the grease dripping from his lips with his sleeve), is proud of the way he spits on the floor with relish and pulls out the remnants of food from his teeth with dirty, greasy fingers, then perhaps this example cannot be applied directly.

But I always encourage you to be critical of examples. After all, the rules almost always apply, and a specific example may not fit your situation. People are different and their life circumstances are different.

With this example I end the first part of this article. Always remember that if you and men constantly have some problems, then the reason, of course, is not in men, but because you don’t know or can’t do something. Or you choose the wrong men.

And as soon as you receive new information and practice using it, everything will become much easier. Men will love you, respect you, chase you, line up to chat with you, etc.

The ability to properly manage a man is exactly the skill that will allow you to achieve these goals. Read the continuation of the article at the link

Best regards, Rashid Kirranov.

Anyone who has ever tried to manipulate a man knows: this is not the easiest task. Moreover, both tough argumentation and tears turn out to be equally ineffective - these tactics send most representatives of the stronger sex into a rage. However, not only from these.

How not to control a man

It doesn’t matter what exactly you are going to get from a man - buying a new dress or banning him from going to the bathhouse with friends on Saturday - remember a few important points.

1. Don't blackmail him. Blackmail with feelings (“if you love me, then...”), resources (“I gave birth to a child, it’s up to me to decide”), status (“real men don’t do that”) or one’s emotions (“if you don’t do this, then I’ll feel bad”) will not help you control a man, but will only cause him anger and resistance. “Sooner or later the relationship will be broken, or its quality will suffer greatly. Therefore, try to avoid manipulations that cause a man to feel guilty, angry, depressed, hopeless, fear, and shame. They definitely will not bring any benefit and will only lead to loss of trust, closedness, lies and other similar troubles,” explains Tatyana Gavrilyak, psychologist, gestalt therapist at the Clinic of Dr. Isaev.

2. Don't compare him to other men. Manipulating shame humiliates a representative of the stronger sex, makes him angry and takes this anger out on you. “Under no circumstances compare your man with others. Never. This is the first step towards him finding the woman for whom he will be the best,” comments the psychologist.

3. Don't throw tantrums. Many ladies consider tears to be perhaps the best way to control a man. Perhaps this technique will actually work at first. But only at first. “Then the partner will quickly understand that the woman is manipulating his feelings. And in the future, such behavior will only cause irritation, and you certainly won’t achieve what you want,” adds Tatyana Gavrilyak.

4. Don't try to speak his language. He doesn’t need another man next to him, besides, strong arguments like a man and strong arguments like a woman are completely different phenomena. It is very difficult for representatives of the fair sex to find the right words to convince him for sure, like “a man of a man.” It's better to be yourself - a fragile woman. This is much more effective.

5. Don't boss a man around. Controlling your partner with the words “go, buy, throw away” is a dangerous activity: it will not work on a self-sufficient man, and even if the result is, it is clearly not the one you expect. Tatyana Gavrilyak is sure that the “bring and serve” tactic is obviously losing: “Women are strange creatures. First, they find a man who can be commanded and controlled, and then they are surprised that he cannot make independent decisions, and that the whole family life rests on their fragile shoulders. Somehow you need to decide: either you will see a real mature man next to you, but you definitely won’t be able to openly steer him, or you will be a “doormat”, but quite obedient.”

Managing a man: main rules

It is logical to assume that no normal man will allow himself to be manipulated if he himself does not want it. Tatyana Gavrilyak advises taking a closer look at your life partner and sensibly assessing your capabilities: “There are men who like to be “led”, but they are childish, do not want to grow up and do not take responsibility, so with such a partner, get ready to be a mommy and decide everything problems on your own. It is impossible to control a mature person without his consent, although there are still some harmless tricks.”

Rule #1: talk about your feelings. If everything is not so simple with a strong masculine argument, then you can certainly cope with a purely feminine expression of feelings. The main thing is to build a monologue according to the principle “description of the situation - expression of feelings - proposal - reward or punishment.” Suppose he stays late at work and does not warn that he will return late. The psychologist advises in this case to say something like the following: “Dear, when you come home at two in the morning without warning, I feel anxious, sad and irritated. I would like you to warn about your delays, otherwise I will not see the point in waiting for you in the evening and preparing dinner for you.”

Rule #2: be feminine and affectionate. “Only mama’s boys need men in skirts. A normal man needs a normal woman - feminine, soft, a kind of affectionate cat,” says Tatyana Gavrilyak. Therefore, when achieving what you want, try to approach the man with all love and respect. Recognize that he is strong and irreplaceable for you, focus on his advantages and uniqueness. They like it.

Rule #3: watch your voice and gestures. Voice timbre, smooth movements - all this is very important if you want to control your man. The shrill and twitchy hysterical woman has never managed to control a man. And if he succeeded, it was only because he really needed her to calm down and leave behind. “And don’t forget that you need to speak sincerely, only then will they hear you,” adds the psychologist.

Rule #4: your desire is his decision. The surest way to get what you want from a man is to convince him that this is not your desire at all, but his own decision. Moreover, it is best to act unnoticed. You shouldn’t convince him openly, literally forcing him to listen to you: if he firmly believes that he knows everything better than anyone else, then your efforts will lead to nothing. Try to push him to think that you are right. Let's say you want to vacation in Europe, but he insists on Asia. Don’t create scandals and hysterics, it’s better to search the Internet for information about how dangerous it is now to go on vacation to Asian countries, and accidentally “slip” these frightening facts to your loved one, not forgetting to demonstrate your own concern. If there is a thinking adult man next to you, then he will definitely listen to the “third party” and will not want to upset you.

Rule #5: give thanks. It is very important to show that you are grateful to him for this or that action, that he makes you happy. The likelihood that next time you will again get what you want from a man increases significantly. Washed the dishes? Well done, he helped you so much. Got a long-awaited decoration for your birthday? This is the best present you have ever received. “It is important to learn to feel sincere gratitude for what a man does for you. Often a woman assumes that a man supposedly owes her something, but in reality no one owes anyone anything. Therefore, his every action deserves sincere gratitude,” says Tatyana Gavrilyak.

Rule #6: show your weakness. It’s much more effective to say: “Darling, please hang out the laundry. You’re so tall, and I can’t reach the ropes,” than to hiss: “Hang up the laundry, and you’re not doing anything.” It is important for a man to understand that you need him and is useful, that except him, no one will do this for you. However, the psychologist is confident that one must be careful when appealing to his strengths: “Yes, this is valuable for a man. But the main thing is not to turn the tactic “you are strong, I am weak” into absurdity, otherwise your “take my purse, it’s so heavy” will be perceived as funny flirtation, and not as sincere praise. But if your washing machine breaks down, and you tell him that with his ability to understand technology, no one can handle it better than him - this will be sincere and real.” Praise him only for what he really has.

Manipulation in a relationship is a subtle point that requires close attention: the destructive desire to command and control a man will most likely lead to a break. But harmless tricks, on the contrary, will help achieve balance and harmony in your personal life.

Manipulation is a psychological method of controlling other people against their will. Actions aimed at replacing other people's desires with your own have a fine line with openness.

A manipulator, unlike a sincere person, never exerts direct pressure; he acts on the sly, secretly and insidiously. The main goal is to obtain personal gain or self-affirmation.

If a girl flirts with a guy because she likes her, this is openness. And if the reason for the manifestation of sympathy is the use of his strength, skills, abilities - this is direct manipulation.

A sincere woman wants the attention of a specific man she likes, but a manipulator needs to achieve what he wants; the goal for him becomes more important than the person through whom it is achieved.

Although manipulation permeates our entire lives and is often justified to achieve specific goals, it is still important to put the preservation of the relationship with your loved one at the forefront of everything. Therefore, control mechanisms should be more subtle, safer and for the benefit of the other half.

To learn to manage a man, use:

1. Gender. At home, in your work team, with your circle of friends, you look like... Men primarily evaluate a woman by her appearance. You can use erotic elements in clothes - slit, lace, mini. Beautifully styled hair, an unobtrusive but attractive aroma of perfume, and a manicure will emphasize sexuality. Master the language of flirting, half-hints, and reticence.

2. Knowledge of needs. By satisfying a man's needs, you become useful and indispensable to him. Show concern, always be there, ready to help in a difficult situation. Surround with care in everyday life, give small gifts. The man needs to be made to understand that it will be bad and uncomfortable without you. Good deeds in return will not keep you waiting. A man will want to do pleasant and useful things and fulfill your desires.

3. Self-control. Be a calm, self-possessed, balanced person. Don't show that you don't like your partner's behavior. If you are in a bad mood or raise your voice, do not respond in kind. Don't get into an argument or show dissatisfaction. Keep silent, show with your eyes that you don’t understand what’s going on. The man will calm down and feel that he is wrong.

4. Small weaknesses. Don't reject his hobbies. Let them go hunting and fishing without scandals and hysterics. Let me watch football while your favorite TV series is on. By fulfilling his wishes, you will become even closer and dearer to him.

Remember the golden rule - before you take, you need to give something. Having received what he wants, it will be difficult for a man to refuse you.

Based on equality and partnership. This can only be so in theory. In real life, we all manipulate each other to a certain extent. Therefore, questions arise about how to subjugate another person.

We have all heard stories about how a seemingly plain woman, not distinguished by either beauty or intelligence, is able to win the heart of any knight. From the outside it always seems that there is some kind of catch in this. "Well, what did they find in her?" - neighbors and colleagues complain. Or maybe she just knows how to subjugate a man and knows how to use her talents not only in bed?

In the old days it was believed that “the husband is the head.” The wife, therefore, will turn her neck wherever she wants. This truth is the main secret of how to subjugate a man to yourself. You need to let him feel like he’s in charge, the “head.” That one and only, for whose sake you are in both fire and water. Is the maxim about “the way to the heart through the stomach” correct? Not for everyone and not always. If you know how to cook your favorite dishes, if you use aphrodisiac products wisely, it is suitable. But let's remember the many stories about how husbands leave their thrifty and excellent cooking wives for the sake of others... For which ones? In fact, it turns out that for the sake of those with whom they feel good not only at dinner or in bed. An important point for those who want to know how to subjugate a man: let him feel freedom of expression. Listen and listen again. Assent, don't criticize. Even when telling you about his feelings for another, he involuntarily becomes dependent on you: after all, no one will understand him like you.

Create and maintain an atmosphere of trust. Allow him to do things that he is not allowed to do at home. For example, throwing socks around the room or smoking in the living room. If you immediately use an orderly tone or find fault with little things, you will not get your goal - the answer to the question of how to subjugate a man. But then, when he understands that you truly support him, you can begin to carefully pursue your interests. Again, convincing him along the way that no one but him can help you. Don't make any demands. Try to express all your desires in the form of a request, or even better - a slight regret: “Oh, how nice it would be...”

If the relationship between a man and a woman is based on respect and affection, he will certainly want to fulfill your whim. And if he feels like a knight on a white horse, his ego simply will not allow him not to give you a royal gift.

The secret of how to subjugate a man is quite simple. Give him confirmation of his significance, his uniqueness. This, in general, applies to any person. There is only one “but”: even if you openly flatter him, never let him feel your insincerity. Try to believe in all the virtues that you praise. Everything else doesn't really matter. One more caveat must be made: never convince a man that you “mean nothing.” Among them there are few psychologists who are ready to increase your self-esteem. Most likely, your partner will believe you and look for someone who has a better opinion of herself.

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