
Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child. Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child 28 weeks of pregnancy, what happens to the baby and mother

The 28th week of pregnancy has arrived, and there is very little left until we meet the baby. What happens during this period, how the child develops and possible problems.

What happens at 28 weeks of pregnancy

The third trimester of pregnancy is approaching, and you are preparing to go on maternity leave. Many women already find it difficult to work due to the rapid growth of the abdomen and various ailments. Although you are still leading your usual lifestyle, you should take care, not lift heavy things, and not do work that tires you and makes you nervous.

Childbirth is approaching, and you may feel fearful about the upcoming event. To get your anxiety under control, start preparing for childbirth now. Follow the link: Five steps to a successful birth >>>

  • You will find recommendations for changing your diet for a better birth$
  • Important actions needed to create peace of mind;
  • Breathing exercises.

What's happening to mom?

  1. At the 28th week of pregnancy, the uterus rises 8 cm above the navel, and the length of the umbilical cord itself ranges from 30 to 60 cm. It contains the umbilical vein and two arteries;
  2. During a 28-week pregnancy, the cervix should be 35 mm, this is its permissible value. If you see a shortening of the cervix on an ultrasound, they will definitely send you for a consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist;
  3. It is this week that fat begins to be deposited on the buttocks, abdomen and thighs, so you will have to control your weight and carefully monitor your gains;
  4. The kidneys and liver already bear a heavy load, as they remove the baby’s metabolic products and you may hear from the doctor a ban on large amounts of drinking. Before following this recommendation, thoroughly study the information on this issue and read the article on the topic: Lingonberry leaf during pregnancy >>>;
  5. If you have the Rh factor, you will be prescribed an additional blood test for antibodies, which will show whether there is a conflict between the child and the mother. Also, read the article on the topic: What tests are taken during pregnancy?>>>);
  6. From this period you will have to visit the gynecologist twice a month, even if nothing bothers you;
  7. At 28 weeks of pregnancy, stretch marks may appear on the skin (current article: Stretch marks during pregnancy >>>), leg cramps, pigmentation on the face, constipation, varicose veins, anemia, insomnia and heartburn;

Many problems in your condition are quite reasonable and natural. Many of them can be corrected by changing your diet.

  • Step-by-step instructions on what your diet should be;
  • You will find how to solve the most common problems of pregnancy not with pills, but with proper nutrition, in the e-book Nutrition Secrets of the Expectant Mother >>>.
  1. It is very important to monitor the placenta. If the placenta at 28 weeks of pregnancy has a thickness of less than 22 - 37 mm. – this is already a reason to think about your lifestyle.

Nutrition, physical activity, a good supply of oxygen to the body - all this allows you to maintain the placenta at a good level and make it possible to carry the baby to term.

Know! There is no proven evidence that you can somehow influence the degree of aging of the placenta with pills or injections. Only a healthy lifestyle, in the broadest possible sense of the word, can slow down the process.

A low placenta during pregnancy at 28 weeks is not a reason to worry. This information will once again be confirmed by the doctor at an ultrasound scan at 32-33 weeks. Only after this can we talk about low placentation and decide what type of birth will be available to you: natural or caesarean section.

Baby development at 28 weeks of gestation

  • At 28 weeks of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus is about a kilogram and its height is 33-34 cm;
  • The child continues to grow, the uterus tightly hugs the baby and this position is the most comfortable and safe for him;
  • The child develops a certain routine in which he either pushes or sleeps, and you already feel these actions well;
  • From this week of pregnancy, the baby feels and tugs on the umbilical cord, his tactile sensations continue to develop, and the baby begins to recognize his mother's voice.

What happens to the baby at 28 weeks of pregnancy? What is characteristic of fetal development during this period? The fetus at this stage:

  1. the lungs continue to develop;
  2. the adrenal glands begin to produce hormones;
  3. sucking and grasping reflexes are formed;
  4. During this period, the child gains weight and gets better, accumulates fat;
  5. His skin becomes soft and smooth, eyelashes lengthen, pigment appears that colors the hair, and nails actively grow;
  6. The muscles finish developing, strength appears in them, the bones begin to harden and accumulate calcium;
  7. At 28 weeks of pregnancy, you already have a full-fledged little person inside you;
  8. During this period, the baby's brain becomes larger. On the surface of the brain, grooves and convolutions are already visible;
  9. Movements become more active;
  10. He can close and open his eyes and blink;
  11. The baby reacts to the voice with its heartbeat, the fetal heart rate is 150 beats per minute, and when it doesn’t like something, the heartbeat increases, and when the voice is calm or the baby is sleeping, the heart rate calms down;
  12. The baby shudders from sharp sounds, and from loud sounds, he begins to actively move;

After the birth of a baby, many young fathers joke that they hear notes of mother’s dissatisfaction during pregnancy in the baby’s cry.

  1. The child already reacts to light, distinguishes emotions and feels pain;

It is very important to listen to the movements of the fetus, since during this period the child is usually very active and any disturbance in movement should alert the expectant mother. In the morning, babies usually roll from side to side, and in the evening they begin to be more active.

There are situations when a child’s activity increases:

  • the woman lies in a comfortable position, but the child is uncomfortable;
  • mom ate sweets (find out what you can and shouldn’t eat in the article Sweets during pregnancy >>>);
  • the mother has overeaten and has discomfort in the intestines, which also makes the child uncomfortable;
  • the mother got scared or upset and the child got stress hormones.

Sensations in the body of the expectant mother

The uterus puts pressure on nearby organs, causing pain and discomfort.

  1. During this period, nausea may appear - late toxicosis, which is corrected by nutrition;
  2. With a lack of vitamins and microelements, dizziness and weakness may occur. In this case, tests and specific treatment are prescribed;
  3. At 28 weeks of pregnancy, the stomach may feel a little tight because training contractions are appearing. Due to the growth of the abdomen, lower back pain appears, which can radiate to the hip, ankle or knee;
  4. You need to pay attention to the discharge at the 28th week of pregnancy, it should not change and should be uniform. A woman should be alerted to the following discharge:
  • with an unpleasant odor and unusual color, which may be a sign of infection;
  • bloody, which signal placental abruption;
  • watery, which may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid.

Bloody discharge can be spotting, slight or profuse. Color: brown and scarlet.

Attention! If heavy bleeding occurs, you should urgently call an ambulance, as this is a risk of premature birth.

With other bleeding, if the stomach hurts at the 28th week of pregnancy, this is also a threat to pregnancy.

Due to the fact that the uterus has grown, it begins to put pressure on the diaphragm, causing heaviness when breathing and shortness of breath.

Interesting! When the baby moves a lot, stroke the belly and sing a song or read him a fairy tale, the baby in the tummy will immediately calm down. Tested by many mothers.

Examinations of the pregnant woman and child

At 28 weeks of pregnancy, you can already actively prepare for childbirth.

This can be done either in face-to-face courses on preparation for childbirth, or use the opportunities of the modern world and take courses online.

This is in many ways more convenient than face-to-face training because:

  • no need to waste time on the road;
  • adjust your schedule to your class schedule;
  • experience fatigue and discomfort from prolonged sitting. At home, you turn on videos whenever it’s convenient for you, even with your spouse. Listen to theory and do practical tasks.

Our Easy Childbirth course will help you with this. Click on the link to see how detailed and extensive the program is for you: Easy childbirth >>>.

During this period, routine ultrasound is not performed, only according to indications, if there is any pathology or problem with pregnancy.

However, this week the gynecologist may order a CTG of the fetus to rule out hypoxia. You shouldn't agree to this right away.

In general, each prescription must be accompanied by strict indications for it.

Know! The doctor can assess the efficiency of the fetal heart, its growth and development through an external, visual examination and listening to the heartbeat with a stethoscope.

Narrow issues of pregnancy

The expectant mother, during the period of gestation, may be alarmed by various aspects in life. She may worry whether a cold with a fever, intimacy and alcohol will harm the child. Let's look at these questions together.

Colds and fever

A pregnant woman has a weak immune system and is susceptible to viruses and colds, which are dangerous at any stage of pregnancy.

Treatment during this period is allowed only with medications that are safe during pregnancy.

Can be treated with folk remedies. To do this you need to drink:

  1. tea with honey, raspberries and linden;
  2. warm green tea and cranberry juice;
  3. warm milk.

Also useful:

  • gargle with chamomile and sea salt;
  • do inhalations;
  • ventilate the room and constantly moisten it.

If you have a fever, you need to draw up a temperature chart, and you can only bring it down above 38 degrees with paracetamol.

In critical cases, the pregnant woman is admitted to a hospital under the supervision of a doctor. In some cases, antibiotics are prescribed if they cannot be avoided. But they select ones that are less harmful to the child.

It is very important to prevent colds. To do this, it is necessary, when planning pregnancy and during it, to carry out the following activities:

  1. strengthen immunity;
  2. take a contrast shower;
  3. do not freeze or overheat;
  4. replenish the body with vitamin C;
  5. walk more in the fresh air;
  6. do not contact sick people.


As for intimate relationships during this period, they are not prohibited. If there is no threat of premature birth, then sex at 28 weeks of pregnancy will add only positive emotions to a woman.

For a child, sexual contact has no effect, much less harm. The main thing is to choose the right position so as not to put pressure on the stomach. For such a case, a suitable position is when the woman is on top or the man is on his side from behind.

During pregnancy, the sensitivity of a woman's breasts and body may change. Be sure to tell your partner this to adjust your affection. Be sure to make sure that you feel comfortable and comfortable during sexual intercourse.


Even when planning a child, a woman should take into account that alcohol is prohibited during pregnancy. It has a bad effect on the development of the unborn child and his health.

The alcohol that the mother drinks penetrates the placenta in full and reaches the fetus. Then this ethyl alcohol begins to influence the embryo, leading to very bad consequences. Even the smallest dose of wine can be fatal for a child.

Lifestyle at 28 weeks of pregnancy

Throughout pregnancy, a woman should follow a daily routine, walk more, stop smoking, eat right and take care of her body. Let's talk about this a little more.


  • Your diet should be varied, nutritious and not harmful. Every day you need to eat meat and fish, dairy products and fruits and vegetables (read the current article

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 22 minutes


This record was checked by a gynecologist-endocrinologist, mammologist, and ultrasound specialist.

What does 28 weeks mean?
The 28th obstetric week corresponds to the 26th week of fetal development and ends the second trimester of pregnancy. Even if your baby asks to come out at 28 weeks, doctors will be able to help him, and he will live.

Feelings of the expectant mother

In general, a woman’s health at 28 weeks is satisfactory, but some unpleasant sensations appear that are characteristic of the later period:

  • Possible disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: heartburn, cramps, indigestion;
  • Periodic, mild and most often painless contractions appear ( uterine contractions);
  • It begins to secrete from the mammary glands colostrum;
  • Due to skin stretch marks itching appears;
  • The skin becomes dry;
  • Pulling back pain(to eliminate them, you need to avoid standing for long periods of time);
  • Edema legs;
  • Appearance shortness of breath;
  • Difficulty in breathing;
  • Pain and burning in the anal area when visiting the toilet;
  • Are clearly drawn veins on the mammary glands;
  • Appear body fat(the most common area of ​​their habitat: the stomach and thighs);
  • Sharp weight gain(by week 28 reaches 8-9 kg);
  • Stretch marks are becoming more and more noticeable.

Reviews from forums:

Before we draw any conclusions regarding the presence of certain symptoms, we must learn everything about how real women feel at 28 weeks:


I'm already at 28 weeks. I feel good. Only one unpleasant moment still does not go away - my back hurts very much, especially when I walk even a little. I’ve already gained 9 kg, but it seems to be normal.

I have already gained 9 kg. The doctor swears that this is too much, but I don’t eat much, everything is as usual. In the evenings I suffer from heartburn and a tight stomach. My left leg is numb because I sleep on my side. I can't wait to lay down on my tummy!

Also at 28 weeks, but I’m still working, I’m very tired, I can’t sit normally, my back hurts, when I get up it also hurts, and I constantly want to eat, even in the middle of the night I get up and go eat. I’ve already gained 13.5 kg, the doctor is cursing, but I can’t do anything. Should I not go hungry?!

I'm 28 weeks. The weight began to increase sharply starting at 20 weeks. At the moment the weight gain is already 6 kg. It’s a lot, but I don’t understand why there’s so much if I eat just a little, and I don’t have much of an appetite. Doctors say there will be a big baby.

I only gained 6.5 kg. I thought that this was not even enough, but the doctor scolded me that it was too much. She advised me to do fasting days. The only unpleasant sensation I have is constant swelling, maybe a fasting day can at least temporarily eliminate this problem.

We've reached 28 weeks! I have gained 12.5 kg, there is no swelling, but heartburn often bothers me, and sometimes my limbs go numb. Our belly has become a little calmer, kicks and tumbles less. The belly is very large and has already become covered with fluff, the nipples have darkened, and the colostrum has become somehow yellow!

What happens in the mother's body at 28 weeks?

More than half of the journey has been completed, with only 12 weeks left, but certain changes are still happening in your body:

  • The uterus increases in size;
  • The uterus occupies a position at a distance of 8 cm from the navel and 28 cm from the pubic symphysis;
  • The mammary glands begin to produce colostrum;
  • The uterus rises so high that it props up the diaphragm, making it difficult for a woman to breathe;

Fetal development at 28 weeks

Appearance of the fruit:

  • The child recovers sharply and his weight reaches 1-1.3 kg;
  • The baby's height becomes 35-37 cm;
  • The baby's eyelashes lengthen and become more voluminous;
  • The skin becomes smoother and softer (the reason is an increase in the volume of subcutaneous tissue);
  • Fingernails and toenails continue to grow;
  • The hairs on the baby's head become longer;
  • The baby’s hair acquires an individual color (pigment begins to be actively produced);
  • The face and body are covered with protective lubricant.

Education and functioning of organs and systems:

  • Continue their development alveoli in the lungs;
  • Increases brain mass;
  • Typical gyri and grooves on the surface of the cerebral cortex;
  • The ability appears distinguish thin varieties taste;
  • The ability is developed respond to sounds(the baby may respond to the voice of the mother and father with slight movements);
  • Are being formed such reflexes, like sucking (the baby in the mother's tummy sucks his thumb) and grasping;
  • Are being formed muscles;
  • Movements child become more active;
  • Certain The biological clock(period of activity and period of sleep);
  • Baby bones finish their formation (however, they are still flexible and will harden until the first weeks after birth);
  • The baby has already learned open and close eyes, and also blink (the reason is the disappearance of the pupillary membrane);
  • The beginnings of understanding are formed native language(language spoken by parents).

Ultrasound at 28 weeks

With an ultrasound at 28 weeks, the size of the baby from the coccyx to the crown is 20-25 cm, by this time the legs are significantly lengthened and amount to 10 cm, that is, the total height of the baby reaches 30-35 cm.

An ultrasound at 28 weeks is usually prescribed for determining fetal position: cephalic, transverse or pelvic. Typically, babies are in the head position at 28 weeks (however, if your baby is not positioned properly, he has another 12 weeks ahead). In case of a pelvic or transverse position, a woman is most often offered a cesarean section.

At an ultrasound at 28 weeks you can observe how baby moves in the tummy, and how opens and closes eyes. You can also determine who the baby will be: left-handed or right-handed (depending on the thumb of which hand he sucks). The doctor must also take all the basic measurements to assess the correct development of the baby.

For clarity, we provide you with normal fetal size:

  • BDP (biparietal size or distance between the temporal bones) - 6-79mm.
  • FZ (fronto-occipital size) - 83-99mm.
  • OG (fetal head circumference) - 245-285 mm.
  • Coolant (fetal abdominal circumference) - 21 -285 mm.

Normal indicators for fetal bones:

  • Femur 49-57mm,
  • Humerus 45-53mm,
  • Forearm bones 39-47mm,
  • Shin bones 45-53mm.

Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child

Photo of the fetus at 28 weeks

Ultrasound of a baby at 28 weeks

Photo of mother's belly at 28 weeks

Video: What happens at 28 weeks of pregnancy?

Video: 3D ultrasound, 28 weeks of pregnancy

Since the third, last and quite important trimester is ahead, it is necessary:

  • Go to 5-6 meals a day, set meal times for yourself and eat in small portions;
  • Maintain sufficient caloric intake (for week 28 3000-3100 kcal);
  • Food containing a large amount of protein should be taken in the first half of the day, since it takes a long time to digest, and for dinner it is preferable to consume dairy products;
  • Limit salty foods, as they can negatively affect kidney function and retain fluid in the body;
  • To avoid heartburn, exclude spicy and fatty foods, black coffee and black bread from your diet;
  • If heartburn does not give you peace of mind, try snacking on sour cream, cream, cottage cheese, lean boiled meat or a steamed omelet;
  • Continue to load up on calcium, which will strengthen your baby's bones;
  • Do not wear tight clothes that impede breathing and blood circulation in the legs;
  • Spend more time in the fresh air;
  • If you work, then write a leave application, having considered in advance whether you will return to your previous place after caring for the child;
  • Starting this week, visit an antenatal clinic twice a month;
  • Get a series of tests, such as a blood iron test and a glucose tolerance test;
  • If you are the owner of a negative Rh factor, you need to take an antibody test;
  • It's time to think about labor pain relief. Familiarize yourself with such nuances as promedol and epidural anesthesia;
  • Monitor fetal movements twice a day: in the morning, when the fetus is not very active, and in the evening, when the baby is too active. Count all movements for 10 minutes: all pushing, turning over and moving. Normally, you should count about 10 movements;
  • If you follow all our recommendations and the doctor's recommendations, you can easily survive another 12 weeks until your baby is born!

The most detailed pregnancy calendar by week

How did you feel at the 28th obstetric week? Share with us!

The 28th week of pregnancy is the seventh obstetric month. If you look at the pregnancy calendar ->, then 190-196 days have passed since conception. This means that you have reached the finish line. The 28th week of pregnancy begins the third trimester. Very soon the agonizing wait will end, and now we need to do everything to prepare for the most important event in the baby’s life - his birth.

The last trimester is a very important time for a woman who is expecting the birth of a child. Starting from the 28th week of pregnancy, a baby (in medical terminology, a fetus) can be born. Yes, this is premature and extremely undesirable, but doctors can already do everything possible, and the child has a very good chance of survival.
However, during the normal course of pregnancy, the time for labor to begin has not yet come, and the baby grows and gets stronger in the expectant mother’s tummy so that when the due date comes, it will be born.

Mother's feelings at 28 weeks of pregnancy

What happens to the mother at 28 weeks of pregnancy? The baby continues to quickly and confidently gain weight, and the mother’s belly becomes even larger and more noticeable. The expectant mother is already accustomed to such ailments as heartburn, nausea, constipation, dizziness (it is quite possible that not all women have encountered such sensations).

The weight of the expectant mother at the 28th week of pregnancy will continue to increase, the baby is growing and the uterus is stretching. Stretch marks may form on the mother's belly. Don't forget to take care of the skin on your stomach. Now there are many creams and oils to prevent stretch marks on the abdomen during pregnancy. However, olive oil gives the best effect.

Belly photo. What does the belly look like at 28 weeks of pregnancy?

At 28 weeks of pregnancy, a woman may begin to feel pain in the lower back and back, which occurs for several reasons:

  • the baby continues to grow, the belly of the expectant mother increases, and with it body weight;
  • a woman’s center of gravity shifts due to her growing tummy;
  • joints and ligaments soften to prepare the body for childbirth.

However, these pains, although they cause discomfort for the expectant mother, are intermittent, aching in nature, and should not cause concern.

Many women at 28 weeks of pregnancy begin to complain of pain and fatigue in their legs, and leg cramps are common. To avoid such situations, you should follow simple recommendations:

  1. Pain in the legs can be avoided if you periodically take foot baths, keeping the water cool.
  2. Do light exercises for your legs.
  3. Get more rest.
  4. Be on your feet less often.

The 28th week of pregnancy is the time when a woman may develop veins in the mammary glands and release colostrum. To prevent traces of colostrum from appearing on clothing, you can use bra pads.

Expectant mothers may worry due to increased urination. Frequent urination is a natural process, as the uterus enlarges as the fetus grows and begins to put pressure on the bladder.

The 28th week of pregnancy is a period when the load on the kidneys increases and edema may appear, leading to the occurrence of such a dangerous disease as gestosis. If the expectant mother is concerned about swelling, she must:

  • agree on your diet with your doctor
  • limit fluid intake
  • follow a salt-free diet
  • control weight

Fetal development and movement at 28 weeks of gestation

What happens to the baby at 28 weeks of pregnancy? The child continues to grow. Now he already weighs more than a kilogram (approximately 900 - 1100 grams), and his height reaches 38 cm.

The baby has less and less room for movement, the mother may notice a decrease in movement, but at 28 weeks of pregnancy it is very important to continue to monitor the number of movements and their intensity.

By the 28th week of pregnancy, many babies have already taken the correct position (head down), which they will maintain until the moment of birth. Do not worry if the child has not yet managed to take the correct position, he still has enough time.

Achievements of the baby at this time:

  • formation of alveoli in the lungs;
  • active strengthening of the skeletal system;
  • increased brain development and the appearance of several convolutions;
  • opening of the eyelids and the beginning of blinking;
  • the baby’s interest in his hands and body;
  • setting wake and sleep modes.

Discharge of the expectant mother at 28 weeks of pregnancy

At 28 weeks of pregnancy, during normal pregnancy, the discharge should not change. They have a sour smell, while continuing to remain light and transparent.

A woman should think twice and definitely consult a doctor if:

  1. The discharge has become cheesy, which indicates the appearance of a gynecological disease (thrush).
  2. The color of the discharge has changed to green and an unpleasant odor has appeared, which may indicate the development of an infection.
  3. Burning and itching appeared.
  4. Mucus or pus was found in the discharge.
  5. They have become very watery, which may indicate leakage of the membranes (amniotic fluid) in which the baby is located.
  6. Bloody discharge has appeared, which may be the beginning of the labor process or placental abruption.

If the nature of the discharge changes, you should urgently visit an antenatal clinic.

Medical examinations of the expectant mother during pregnancy

A routine ultrasound is not performed in the case of a normal pregnancy at 28 weeks.

Cases when a woman is sent for an ultrasound examination:

  • according to indications;
  • the expectant mother did not undergo an ultrasound scan until 28 weeks of pregnancy (for example, due to a late application for pregnancy registration).

At the 28th week of pregnancy, the interval for visiting the antenatal clinic is once a month.

Tests that will need to be taken at 28 weeks of pregnancy:

  1. Checking blood for antibodies.
  2. Blood sugar test.
  3. Analysis of urine.
  4. General blood analysis.

A blood test for the presence of antibodies is very important because it helps determine whether the expectant mother has an Rh conflict with the fetus. Thanks to early determination of the presence of Rh conflict between mother and child, doctors will be aware of possible complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

Ultrasound photo at 28 weeks of pregnancy

Intimate relationships at 28 weeks of pregnancy

Young parents are very often concerned about the possibility of continuing intimate relationships during a long period of pregnancy. There are no contraindications to having sex at 28 weeks of pregnancy if the pregnancy proceeds normally, without complications. It is important to choose a position so that the expectant mother is comfortable and does not create pressure on the stomach.

The 28th week of pregnancy is the next milestone in fetal development. The baby reaches a weight of 1 kg and, if born prematurely, has every chance of survival outside the mother's womb. All processes occurring in a woman’s body are aimed at successfully bearing a child and preparing for the upcoming birth.

Fetal development

The weight of the fetus at the 28th obstetric week is approaching the mark 1000 g, and the body length is 34-35 see The child continues to develop in the mother's womb. The skin of the fetus still remains bright pink, but every day the blood vessels are less and less visible through it. In places of natural folds, on the abdomen, hips and buttocks, adipose tissue is deposited. Facial features become soft, cheeks become rounded, making the baby more and more like one of the parents.

In the third trimester, the accumulation of pigment in the hair follicles continues. The amount of pigment determines whether the baby will be a burning brunette or a light-haired blond. The formation of pigment occurs quite quickly, and soon the child acquires his own individual hair color. The amount of hair and its distribution on the head is determined genetically.

At the 28th week of pregnancy, the cerebral cortex is actively developing. At this stage you can already guess whether the baby will be left-handed or right-handed. For a left-handed person, the right hemisphere will be dominant, while for a right-handed person, the left hemisphere will be dominant. Some babies, after birth, are equally dexterous with both hands.

During this same period, the baby begins to open his eyes from time to time. All structures of the eye are already formed, including the optic nerves. There is still very little pigment in the fetal iris, so most children are born with blue or gray eyes. Over time, pigment gradually accumulates, and the color of the child's eyes changes.

Lung formation is almost complete at 28 weeks. In the event of a premature birth of a child, a developed capillary network will deliver all the necessary oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Surfactant, a substance that prevents the alveoli from sticking together during breathing, builds up in the lungs. Insufficient surfactant prevents babies born prematurely from breathing on their own.

In the middle of the third trimester of pregnancy, the formation of the endocrine system is completed. The production of important hormones is now much more intense. The fetus develops its own metabolic rhythm. The rate of nutrient processing, as well as many other processes occurring in the body, depends on the characteristics of metabolism.

Woman's condition

In the third trimester of pregnancy, a woman’s nervous system gradually enters the inhibition phase. All processes occurring in the cerebral cortex slow down. The expectant mother may feel a loss of strength, weakness and even apathy. The closer the due date, the more often fatigue sets in and the desire to hide from the whole world arises. Some women suffer from depression and low mood until the day they give birth.

The total weight gain at week 29 is 5.5-7 kg. During this period, experts advise monitoring your weight weekly on sensitive electronic scales. You need to weigh yourself in the morning, before meals, wearing the same clothes each time. Weight control allows you to timely identify some dangerous complications of pregnancy and take all measures to prevent them.

Normally, the expectant mother should add 300-500 g per week. With an initial weight deficit, the weight gain will be much more noticeable. The wise body thereby tries to compensate for the missing mass by depositing fatty tissue in the right places. Nature provides that subcutaneous fat on the abdomen, buttocks and thighs should protect the baby from any mechanical influences. In contrast, overweight women gain weight much more slowly during pregnancy.

An important point: all of the above is true only if the expectant mother adheres to a healthy lifestyle and limits herself to eating frankly harmful and heavy foods. Indulging in baking, fried foods and fast food does not contribute to maintaining optimal body weight during pregnancy.

Fetal movements

The baby’s motor activity at 28 weeks of pregnancy deserves special attention. It is known that at this stage the child makes up to 300 conscious movements per day. Starting from the 28th week of pregnancy, the number of fetal movements can be used to assess its condition and detect deviations in its development in time.

Two methods are used to count fetal movements:

  1. Method No. 1. For 12 hours, a woman needs to carefully listen to her feelings and count all fetal movements. Every tenth movement of the baby is noted on paper. Normally, over the specified period of time, there should be 10 marks, that is, 100 fetal movements.
  2. Method No. 2. Within one hour, the woman counts all fetal movements, from the weakest to the most intense. Normally, the baby should announce himself 8-12 times per hour. If the child does not move within an hour, there is no need to worry. The baby can sleep or just rest during this period. In such a situation, the study should be rescheduled for another time.

Each baby is individual, and it is impossible to predict in advance how he will behave on the day of the study. Some children move more in the morning and afternoon, while others are more active in the evening and at night. The frequency of fetal movements is influenced by the following factors:

  • individual character traits;
  • Times of Day;
  • mother's position;
  • physical activity of a woman;
  • emotional state of the mother;
  • eating;
  • surrounding area;
  • condition of the fetus.

It has been noticed that at the 28th week of pregnancy, children react with movements to certain stimuli. If the baby does not make itself known for a long time, you can provoke contact in one of the following ways:

  1. Pat your belly.
  2. Take a shower.
  3. Turn on soft, pleasant music.
  4. Talk to your baby out loud.
  5. Change your body position: lie on your side, turn on your back.
  6. Eat something sweet, drink milk or kefir.
  7. Take a walk.
  8. Do yoga, gymnastics, or any simple housework.

In most cases, one of these actions will necessarily lead to a surge in fetal activity. If your baby does not move within 12 hours, consult a doctor.

Possible problems

At 28 weeks of pregnancy, the following health problems may appear:

Numbness of the limbs

Discomfort in the legs, numbness of the toes and hands, a crawling sensation - all these symptoms are familiar to pregnant women. The cause of this condition is edema - the accumulation of fluid in the soft tissues. The accumulated fluid compresses the nerve endings, which leads to the appearance of all the unpleasant sensations. Numbness of the limbs increases in the evening and at night.

Edema during pregnancy, which is not accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, is not too dangerous. You can get rid of discomfort caused by fluid accumulation with a light massage. Elevating your limbs will also help. If swelling gets worse, you should consult a doctor.

Sciatic nerve compression

The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the human body. It runs along the back of the buttock from the sacrum and down to the thigh. Pressure from the growing uterus in the second half of pregnancy can lead to compression of the sciatic nerve. In this condition, severe pain appears in the gluteal region, a feeling of numbness, and stiffness in the lower back. Light massage, therapeutic exercises and wearing a prenatal bandage will help you cope with unpleasant sensations.

Compression of the inferior vena cava

Inferior vena cava compression syndrome occurs in many pregnant women after 28 weeks. In this condition, there is a sharp decrease in blood pressure until loss of consciousness. All symptoms occur only when the woman is lying on her back. In this situation, the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the inferior vena cava, which leads to disruption of blood flow in it and the development of all signs of pathology.

Compression of the inferior vena cava leads to loss of consciousness only when blood pressure drops below 80 mmHg. Art. At higher pressure levels, the following symptoms are observed:

  • noise in ears;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • increased breathing;
  • feeling of lack of air;
  • increased heart rate;
  • pale skin;
  • nausea.

If discomfort occurs, you should roll over to your side or take a vertical position. You need to rise slowly so as not to provoke an attack of dizziness. After 28 weeks, all pregnant women are not recommended to sleep on their back to prevent accidental compression of the inferior vena cava during sleep.


  • lower abdominal pain;
  • bursting pain in the perineum;
  • severe pain in the gluteal region or lower back;
  • bleeding;
  • heavy vaginal discharge;
  • headache;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • swelling of the legs.

Among all the symptoms, rising blood pressure deserves special attention. It is no coincidence that the doctor measures blood pressure with a tonometer at every appointment. Measurements are taken with the woman sitting, in a relaxed state, on each arm in turn. High blood pressure numbers indicate the development of gestosis, a dangerous complication of pregnancy. In such a situation, additional examination and treatment in a hospital may be required.

The appearance of pain in the lower abdomen may indicate a threat of termination of pregnancy. To assess the contractile activity of the uterus, external hysterography (EH) is performed. This technique allows you to assess the nature of uterine contractions, their frequency and intensity. NGG is a non-invasive procedure and is considered completely safe for the woman and fetus.

NGG is carried out in a specially equipped room. A sensor is installed on the expectant mother's belly, which records all contractions of the uterus for 15-20 minutes. The results are assessed by a doctor. With increased activity of the uterus, conservation therapy is prescribed.

Week 28 is the time to prepare to meet your baby. In addition to collecting things and searching for information about the upcoming birth, it would be a good idea to thoroughly study the theory of breastfeeding. Properly established lactation will allow you to establish contact with your baby from the first days of life and avoid supplementary feeding with artificial formula.

Where can I find useful information about breastfeeding?

  • in specialized literature;
  • on forums on the Internet; m
  • in the club of expectant mothers;
  • at lectures in the antenatal clinic;
  • from experienced friends and relatives;
  • from lactation consultants.

A lactation consultant is a fairly new phenomenon. We are talking about a person who has some education and some experience in feeding their own children with breast milk. The consultant can give advice on organizing breastfeeding in the maternity hospital, as well as immediately after discharge home. If necessary, the consultant will help establish lactation that was interrupted for one reason or another. Many specialists provide assistance not only in person, but also online.

Whatever method you choose, it is important to find all the information you need before your baby is born. It can be difficult for inexperienced young mothers to feed their baby immediately after birth, especially in the unusual conditions of a maternity hospital. It wouldn’t hurt to take notes and write down the main important points. It’s also worth keeping the phone number of a consultant or other trusted person on hand, whom you can contact with any questions of concern.

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