
Financial literacy has become a compulsory school subject. Financial literacy has become a compulsory school subject My experience in conducting financial literacy classes

Giving your child financial literacy skills now means providing and protecting him in the future.

Everyone knows what money is and what you can buy with it. But does everyone really know how to use them? It is worth learning now from the example of people who have accumulated billions like D. D. Rockefeller. And he started earning money at a very young age.

Finally, people realized that, contrary to the stereotype that had developed in Russia in the recent past, not only people who work in the financial market need to touch on this topic.

The earlier a student begins to develop financial literacy, the more conscious an attitude towards money can be fostered.

The topic of development is becoming increasingly popular among schoolchildren. There are many reasons for this:

  • This is a way to stop the constant requests “Buy! Oh please! Want!"
  • You protect your family from scammers, of which there are so many everywhere.
  • The student becomes more independent, everyday literacy develops
  • An “adult” theme makes your relationship more trusting and intimate
  • You save the family budget
  • You develop initiative in the student and open up a world of possibilities.

In the end, undergoing financial literacy training now means not deciding how to get children off your neck tomorrow.

It's amazing how important understanding finances is! Every area of ​​our life is connected with money; it influences everything.

The government also saw poor financial literacy of the population. In 2017, a strategy was approved to eliminate illiteracy in financial matters, designed until 2023.

Right now, answer a few questions in our test and test your financial literacy. You can read the correct answers below.

  1. At what age can you get a bank card?

    a. At 18 years old;
    b. From 14 years of age with parental consent;br> c. From birth;
    d. After applying for a job (ed.)

  2. Imagine that you have 100,000 rubles in your savings bank account and the bank annually charges 10% on the account balance. How much will the top account be in 2 years?

    a. 100,000 rubles;
    b. 110,000 rubles;
    c. 121,000 rubles;
    d. 200,000 rubles;

  3. Which of these banking instruments have the purpose of increasing funds?

    a. Deposit, debit card, loan
    b. Mutual investment fund, deposit, individual investment account
    c. Endowment life insurance, deposit, debit card
    d. Investment life insurance, deposit, mutual fund, credit card.

The topic of finance is a basic component of a successful future person. Our center has developed a special literacy course, in which children are introduced to the topic of money in an accessible form and learn to use the knowledge gained every day.

Features of the financial literacy course at the K.O.T. center

The main objective of the classes is to introduce schoolchildren to basic concepts and give a general idea of ​​how the world works. And also teach schoolchildren how to manage finances, plan a budget, save correctly, and also strive to earn money.

Financial literacy training for schoolchildren provides instructions for every day to develop a “billionaire mindset,” save money, and increase income.

Based on different approaches, we have developed a system of correct simple techniques so that schoolchildren not only hear them, but begin to apply the information they receive about finances in their lives every day right now.

Our course is not an easy lesson. Students gain theoretical knowledge, literacy and working practical techniques to use every day.

  • First, we understand the basic concepts - where does money come from?
  • We study the topic of saving, learn to set financial goals and achieve them.
  • Then we study techniques to increase our income. Money can be saved, invested, received interest and earned.

The most interesting thing is that schoolchildren can do this now!

Your child will learn not just to ask, but to plan purchases, save and get what they want.

All parents are probably familiar with the problem “I WANT! BUY! NOW!" The result of this conversation is usually either the waste of a tidy sum from the parents’ wallet or the student’s resentment and tears. There is a solution to the problem - teach your child not to make impulsive purchases, but to analyze and set financial goals.

For example, a child loves kinders and constantly asks for them. And at the same time he wants a new expensive toy or phone (let’s say the price of this thing is 5000 rubles). We will show the student how he can save money, manage his pocket money, small purchases or gifts correctly. The amount that needs to be saved is 5000 rubles. Kinder price - 60 rubles. That is, by putting aside 1 Kinder per day, the child will receive the toy he wants in 2.5 months. As a result, the student is proud of himself because he himself has achieved the desired goal, the parent does not listen every day to “I want - I want - I want!” and the apartment is not littered with rubbish.

Let's get acquainted with “adult” tools and take the first step towards financial independence in the future.

The course has an “adult” section about investments, stocks, and credit cards. Here children will learn a little about the world of finance, and will also understand how they can participate in it now in order to gain freedom and independence in the future. We will figure out how to make a competent contribution and receive interest from gifts from parents and grandmothers. We will try to calculate how profitable our investment is.

Financial literacy training creates a “millionaire mindset” - the ability to use money correctly, treat it confidently, believe in yourself and look confidently into the future.

This is really important for the development of correct financial thinking in a student, the ability not only to use funds, but also to earn money, increasing their capital.

Some useful tips for parents who want to teach students literacy and how to manage money:

  • Explain that it is important that money does not “fly away” - everything has its own value and the child needs to know about it
  • Already now teach your schoolchild how to manage his money wisely - teach him to see prices, understand what it costs (your toy costs 10 ice creams. Do you really think you need to buy it now?)
  • Show how and why to keep records of income and expenses (it is better to explain this based on the basic needs of the student, which he cannot refuse)
  • Tell us what “debt” is and why you should avoid unnecessary debt obligations
  • Teach him to plan a personal budget - start a piggy bank, give him pocket money.
  • Tell us how you can use money: spend, save, invest, borrow, etc. - expand students’ understanding of the world of finance. It is very interesting and important for every person.

The Rockefeller School program will help your child understand the world of finance.

Schoolchildren will see money from a new perspective, and finance will become an interesting tool for them, and not just a way to buy something.

Our trainings are practice! The guys solve interesting life cases themselves

Judging by the feedback from participants in past groups, the course exceeded their expectations in its usefulness and intensity!

Some graduates became so captivated by the world of finance that they opened their own businesses after the course.

The most profitable investment for financially literate parents is the education of their children. Sign up for the course and contribute to your child’s successful future now.

Course format:

  • 5 trainings, 2 hours each
  • Classes 1 time per week

On September 1, financial literacy classes began in Russian schools. For now - optional, and in the future - within the framework of the subjects of social studies, mathematics, life safety, history and geography. The pioneers are Tatarstan, Saratov, Volgograd, Tomsk, Kaliningrad regions, Krasnodar, Stavropol and Altai territories.

The RG correspondent got acquainted with the textbooks that will be used not only by children, but also by parents and teachers from 2nd to 11th grades. Materials developed for them were developed within the framework of the project of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the World Bank "Promoting the level of financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation."

Project director Andrei Bokarev spoke with his own example about how to properly cultivate a careful attitude towards money in yourself and your child and whether it is worth encouraging children financially.

Andrei Andreevich, in recent years, children have become much more likely to buy goods themselves, use mobile applications, plastic cards... And all this - imitating adults. How savvy are Russians themselves in financial matters?

Andrey Bokarev: All social studies show that we are far from outsiders in matters of financial literacy, but rather a confident “average”. There are obvious leaders - Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand. Their leadership is due to the fact that they came to understand the importance of financial literacy 20 years ago, at the same time they had the first programs that other countries use to replicate their experience. Moreover, Russia is adjacent in the rankings to countries characterized by a high level of per capita income, which once again proves that financial literacy problems are common to all countries, regardless of the stage of economic development.

What makes us different?

Andrey Bokarev: One of the key problems is that in Russia people do not realize the importance and significance of financial planning for their budget. Unfortunately, recent NAFI studies show: no more than 10 percent of Russian families plan their expenses for more than a month. Another problem is that people do not know where they can turn to protect their rights in the event of unfair financial services provided to them. Many believe that Sberbank is dealing with these issues. Unfortunately, the Central Bank and Rospotrebnadzor are rarely mentioned, and few people remember consumer rights protection societies. But even if respondents know where to go with their claims, more than 60 percent of them will not do this, being sure that they have no chance of winning a dispute with banks. Although practice shows that in almost 90 percent of lawsuits the decision is made in favor of the injured party. The situation is not hopeless.

People are used to learning financial literacy from their mistakes. Apparently, it is better if knowledge and skills are instilled from childhood. But at what age and is it necessary?

Andrey Bokarev: Definitely necessary. Children in schools study many subjects; knowledge of some of them is unlikely to be useful to them in everyday life, unless, of course, a specific science becomes their vocation. For example, if you are not a mathematician or an engineer by profession, then I don’t think you will ever remember tables of integrals or tangents with cotangents. But everything related to finance is our reality.

Last year, 5 regions tried to take a financial literacy course. How many Russians took the first step?

Andrey Bokarev: More than seven thousand children, parents and teachers then took part in the testing. The textbooks have been approved, and starting from the new school year, many schools in pilot regions are starting to teach financial literacy using them. Now, under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Science, work is underway to include the basics of financial literacy in the social studies course. Subsequently, we plan to include certain aspects of the course in other school subjects, for example, in the mathematics course. This could be a series of tasks to solve the simplest family budget situations.

Let’s say the school has expressed its readiness to teach children digital literacy. Who will teach it?

Andrey Bokarev: Now we are creating federal and regional methodological centers. By the end of 2017, over 15 thousand teachers will be trained in these centers, who will then teach classes in schools. A teacher of any qualification can take the course and receive a certificate. But we believe that the lion's share of participants will be social studies teachers.

Parents try to ensure the child’s independence by giving him pocket money. What amount, in your opinion, should be limited so as not to spoil the child?

Andrey Bokarev: Each family decides how much to give a child for pocket money, depending on their income. There is no clear answer. From the point of view of whether this should be done, I think that children should have pocket money. Children need to experience the value of money firsthand.

Great responsibility lies with parents, who must convey to their children that money does not come from a dresser drawer, that the family has a limited budget. And from a certain age, roughly 8-10 years old, you can already involve your child in discussing family expenses. Participation in budget planning will allow him to feel like a full-fledged member of the family. Now, unfortunately, 77 percent of Russian families with children do not talk to them about money at all. There is no such tradition, and there are no practical skills.

Children from orphanages and boarding schools will be taught financial literacy

At one time, British colleagues were faced with the fact that more than 60 percent of young people graduating from schools and colleges found themselves with debt. And it’s not surprising: teenagers rent houses, actively use gadgets, and shop online. It was this situation that forced the British to instill the basics of digital literacy in children at school.

A child has money from his mothers, fathers, and grandparents. What to do next: intrusively advise your child on how best to spend money, or let him manage the first finances?

Andrey Bokarev: In order to foster a responsible attitude towards money in a child, he must be given the opportunity to decide for himself what to spend it on. Parents should only help with advice, for example, how to save up for a purchase with pocket money.

A simple arithmetic calculation is very revealing. Invite your child, for example, to give up unhealthy treats such as chips or soda. Thus, he will be able to save roughly 50 rubles per day - at first glance it seems not much, but per month - already one and a half thousand rubles, in a year he accumulates 18 thousand. Or offer to divide the money into two parts: let him spend the first on anything, the second - in a piggy bank. Even if he doesn’t listen to you and decides to “waste” the money on small everyday joys, you don’t need to “nag” him for it. Just the next time he starts talking about a new phone, let him know that empty spending does not lead to a dream come true.

77 percent of families in Russia do not talk to their children about money, as parents do not keep track of their expenses and income

How is it going in your family?

Andrey Bokarev: My son is six years old. And he is quite restrained in his desires. It doesn’t happen to us that, walking past a store window, he pointed his finger at the toys shouting: “I want, I want, I want!” You can walk around children's stores with complete peace of mind. If he likes something, he can gently pull your hand and admit it, without any hysterics. Now he went on vacation with his grandparents, and I, of course, gave him some money with me. I know that he wanted a water pistol, and he bought it there. But at the same time he bought a gift for mom and dad. Although no one told him that he should bring something. He did it himself.

The publication was prepared within the framework of the joint project of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the World Bank “Promoting the level of financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation ».

In grades 8–9, children study at the age of 14–16 years, when from a legal point of view they acquire some rights and responsibilities, including in the financial sphere. Therefore, it becomes necessary to teach teenagers the skills that will be needed for optimal behavior in the modern financial world.

At the same time, students in grades 8–9 are able to expand their horizons in financial matters thanks to the development of general intellectual abilities formed by the school. Also at this age, schoolchildren begin to realize their personal self-determination; they move into adulthood, mastering some new adult roles. Therefore, during the training, it is important to rely on the personal needs of the student, not only to develop in him the ability to act in the field of finance, but also to connect the internal mechanisms of self-determination of the student. We need to teach him not to be afraid of adult life and show him that there are algorithms for action in certain financial situations. At the same time, the main skill that students develop is the ability to assess the financial situation and choose the most appropriate solution to a family problem.

In this course, budgeting issues are examined at a more complex level than in previous classes, issues of long-term family budget planning are explored and special attention is paid to personal budget planning.

Considerable attention in the course is paid to developing the competence to search, select, analyze and interpret financial information from various sources, both electronic and paper.

Most of the time is devoted to practical activities to gain experience in operating in an expanded range (compared to previous classes) of financial relations.

Financial literacy: curriculum. 8 – 9 grades of general education organization (basic general education)

The program indicates the goals and objectives of the course, the planned educational results and the system for their assessment, describes the forms and methods of organizing the educational process, and also provides a list of educational, methodological, and material and technical resources.

Training program

Financial literacy: materials for students. 8 – 9 grades of general education organization

The materials are designed to familiarize teenagers with the basics of rational financial behavior - how to wisely organize and optimize the future family budget, what needs to be done to improve personal and family well-being, why it is important to foresee the possibility of financial losses and how to minimize them, how to learn to manage your finances from a young age in order to have a comfortable life old age, etc.

Financial literacy: guidelines for teachers. 8 – 9 grades of general education organization

For each lesson, goals are defined (concepts to be mastered, knowledge, competencies), forms of lessons and teaching aids are given. The organization of educational activities to achieve the goals is described step by step. Additional material has been selected for the teacher that will help him in explaining financial phenomena or processes. At the end of each lesson, topics are proposed for discussion both in class and with the family.

Methodological recommendations for teachers

Financial literacy: materials for parents. 8 – 9 grades of general education organization

The materials are designed to help families learn to solve emerging financial problems together with their children. The nature of the materials is different: these are questions for joint discussion of financial topics, tasks like a financial simulator with answers, additional information on the topic being studied for the parents themselves. Practical advice is offered that will allow adults to become financially literate and successfully cope with financial problems, as well as teach this to their children.

Since the beginning of the school year, Russian schoolchildren have been studying a new discipline - financial literacy. Starting from the second grade, students will be taught how to put personal finances in order and how to establish economic stability in the family.

While the project is being implemented as an experimental one, lessons are held as electives. In the future, it is planned to study this subject in social studies, life safety, and mathematics classes. The first to take part in the experiment are schools in the Kaliningrad, Volgograd, Saratov, Tomsk regions, Altai, Stavropol, Krasnodar territories and Tatarstan.

Experts from the Ministry of Finance have developed a draft educational manual designed to improve the financial literacy of the Russian population and develop mass economic education. Moreover, financial literacy will be developed not only by the schoolchildren themselves, but also by their parents, as well as students from orphanages and boarding schools.

The project for introducing a new subject is headed by Andrey Bokarev, head of the international finance department at the Ministry of Finance. In his opinion, Russian citizens occupy approximately the average place in the world in terms of financial literacy, that is, we are, of course, not leaders, but at the same time we are not outsiders. However, there is a problem: our fellow citizens pay little attention to the issues of family and personal budget planning. As social research data show, 90 percent of Russian citizens do not make spending plans for a period of more than one month.

The head of the international department said that another weak point was the lack of awareness among the population about where and how they can defend their rights in situations where they were not provided with high-quality financial services. The majority believes that for such reasons one should contact Sberbank branches. Unfortunately, many have not even heard of the fact that you can contact Rospotrebnadzor or the Central Bank. Rarely does anyone remember about consumer protection organizations.

At the same time, even those citizens who know about their rights and which organization should accept their complaints, as a rule, do not apply anywhere. This happens due to the extremely low level of trust in such organizations. Most of the Russian population does not believe in the possibility of winning their case in a dispute with representatives of banks. On the other hand, as Andrey Bokarev notes, the situation is by no means hopeless: if the case is still heard in court, then most often (according to the study, about 90%) decisions on claims are made in favor of the injured consumer.

This is what Russian schoolchildren will be taught as part of a new project about where and how to protect their financial rights. Children should understand the value of money; it is earned through labor, and not taken out of the nightstand. Therefore, schoolchildren must learn to count money, store it correctly, and make savings.

Another problem in our society is the belief that all financial losses arising from unsuccessful investments or ill-considered loans must be somehow compensated by the state. That is, rash decisions are made by citizens independently, and the state is asked to respond. This somewhat infantile mentality of Russians has developed due to historical reasons, traditions and, again, an insufficient level of financial competencies.

With the introduction of a new school subject, the organizers of the project consider it their task to change this situation, increase the level of economic understanding of citizens, teach them to competently plan their budget, thoughtfully approach issues of lending, borrowing and personal responsibility for their financial activity.

What should a financially literate person be like?

According to experts from the Ministry of Finance, this is, firstly, a person who plans a personal budget for the year ahead.

Secondly, a financially literate citizen analyzes the banking services market, and does not come to the first bank he comes across to conclude an agreement. After all, it is quite possible that you can get more favorable conditions at a neighboring financial institution.

Thirdly, a civilized and literate person knows everything about his rights, how and where they can be defended.

Fourthly, an important condition for stability in any budget, including a personal one, is the presence of an airbag. There must be a certain reserve of funds to last through dark days. The circumstances can be very different, you can lose your job, the bank can go bankrupt. A person who plans his budget competently should have a reserve of funds of at least three or four months’ earnings.

Most of our people, unfortunately, are accustomed to learning from mistakes. But this is not at all necessary. Let children at school gain knowledge about how to properly handle money. At school they have a lot of subjects that may not be useful in life. Unless you are an engineer or a mathematician, it is unlikely that you will ever need to know cosines and cotangents. And we buy food every day. This is real life, you also need to prepare for it and manage your funds correctly, like a civilized, financially literate person.

Nesterova I.A. Financial literacy at school // Nesterov Encyclopedia

In 2017, it was decided to introduce financial literacy lessons into schools. This initiative caused a stir in society. Not all parents and teachers were delighted with the new subject. Let's try to figure out why financial literacy is needed.

Financial literacy concept

In 2017, from the first of September, a new subject appeared in schools in a number of regions, such as Tatarstan, Saratov, Volgograd, Tomsk, Kaliningrad regions, Krasnodar, Stavropol and Altai territories - financial literacy. In this regard, the question arose: who teaches financial literacy at school? In most schools, this mission went to teachers of mathematics, social studies or life safety, since the subject “economic theory” is not offered in all schools.

Before addressing the question of whether financial literacy is needed in school and who should teach it, it is important to develop an understanding of what is financial literacy.

European and American scientists showed particular interest in this concept. Separately, it is necessary to highlight the fact that in the EU countries and the USA, financial literacy is supported at the state level. Having studied foreign experience, we can highlight the following list of authors whose works in the field of developing financial literacy of the population and achievements are recognized throughout the world: R. Kiyosaki, B. Schaefer, N. Hill, J.S. Clason, D. Ron, W. Wattles.

Unfortunately, since the days of the dashing nineties, when gullible citizens took money to scammers, no significant changes have been noted either in the attitude towards money or in the skills of managing it in Russia. People continue to thoughtlessly take out loans and actively turn to microfinance institutions.

Interpretation of the term "financial literacy"


G.V. Belekhova

Financial literacy– an organic combination of knowledge, awareness, practical skills, individual attitude and specific behavior of an individual or household when making decisions regarding money and other financial resources in order to achieve their own economic well-being

M. Yu. Shevyakov

Financial literacy– the ability to use knowledge and skills in managing financial resources to ensure one’s own well-being and financial security.

Financial literacy– the ability to interpret, summarize, calculate and develop independent judgment regarding monetary resources and take action based on this to thrive in a complex financial world

M. Ovchinnikov

Financial literacy– the ability of consumers of financial services to use available information in the decision-making process:

  1. when performing special calculations
  2. risk assessment
  3. comparison of comparative advantages and disadvantages of a particular financial service

O.E. Cousin

Financial literacy is knowledge and skills in the field of finance that must be applied in everyday life and bring positive financial results.

The World Bank

Financial literacy– a person’s ability to make informed decisions about the use and management of their money.

Ministry of Finance

Great Britain

Financial literacy– the ability to live according to the current level of income, keep track of funds and plan, including your retirement savings, competently use financial instruments, and also keep abreast of current financial events.

Financial Literacy Report

Financial literacy is the knowledge, understanding of financial concepts and risks, and the skill, motivation and confidence to apply this knowledge and concepts in making effective decisions across a range of financial situations to improve the financial well-being of individuals and society as a whole. economic life.

All approaches to the interpretation of financial literacy presented in the table above can be divided into three types:

  1. financial literacy as an ability
  2. financial literacy as knowledge
  3. financial literacy as a skill

A feature of financial literacy in Russia is its low level and the population’s complete rejection of all government initiatives aimed at improving it. At the same time, the results of surveys and studies are disappointing. Recent NAFI studies show: no more than 10 percent of Russian families plan their expenses for more than a month.

Attitude to financial literacy lessons in modern Russia

In a modern school environment introduction of financial literacy as a separate subject or as part of a program for the study of social studies and economics, I was faced with an acute reluctance of teachers and parents not only to teach, but also to realize the need to teach their child how to handle money. Deeply financially illiterate and overburdened teachers and parents stubbornly refuse to understand that a child cannot become successful without certain financial skills.

Many believe that the introduction of financial literacy will worsen knowledge of other subjects and make the child materialistic. Parents' concerns are understandable. The level of knowledge of the Russian language in schools is low. This problem cannot be denied. However, financial literacy is not a dance or a religion, but a subject directly related to the reality in which the modern world lives.

Since 2016, when the joint initiative of the Ministry of Finance, the Central Bank and the Ministry of Science and Education began to take real shape, serious passions have been boiling on social networks, on forums, and in comments to specialized articles. Typical comments on the Internet on this topic can be seen in the table below.

Comments about financial literacy in school

Positive comments

Negative comments


Everyone needs financial literacy now. Teenagers also need to be provided with reliable information about credits, loans, etc. Otherwise, they have one song: parents, buy the latest model phone, take a loan if you don’t have money. But they don’t understand that a loan is a terrible debt hole. So they need to explain what and how it really is. The only question is from which grade you need to introduce financial subjects. It seems to me that from the 9th grade, when they already have a passport and some serious views on the world around them appear. Below we wrote about the need to develop special programs, I support this, but theory will not explain all the nuances.

Against. Children should receive financial literacy lessons along with the ability to manage their own money! And no one can show children about their value better than a family. And children study issues of the structure of the country’s financial system, taxes and banking services as part of social studies.

There is no such thing as too much literacy. Another question is that there are already too many subjects at school. It's time to introduce a system of compulsory subjects + student choice. So that I can choose my own specialization. In 9th grade. You can start teaching the basics of economics, and then choose from (optional). but just who will teach? Where can I find economics teachers? PS: in my time at school they also tried to teach economics. We started from ancient Roman times. It was a terrible item, absolutely useless to me. And someone might get a kick out of it. He learns how to make money and at the age of 14 he goes into business and opens a car wash.

I am a mother of two children and am convinced that financial literacy lessons are necessary for children and adolescents. Today, at the age of 7 or 8, they already have pocket money and how to manage it correctly, it is better to learn the skill at a young age. Financial literacy is a reality of life and if you are “armed”, then you will get into fewer troubles. Our family is for it!!!

Definitely not, for me as a parent, quality teaching of basic subjects is more important.

Hello. Stop experimenting on our children already. Every second schoolchild has one or another health problem. They need to be given extra sleep in schools, an enhanced vitamin-fruit lunch and a two-hour walk. Do you want to add extra workload to schoolchildren? For what? To check another box? The experimental program “Planet of Knowledge” has not justified itself, and yet children continue to be taught using it, since textbooks have been purchased. Is it the same here? No place to put your teaching aids? We are categorically against this initiative! To begin with, let schools strengthen the level of teaching of basic disciplines in schools. Otherwise you can’t go anywhere without a tutor...

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