
What is esophagitis 1 tbsp. How is esophagitis treated with folk remedies? Pain behind the sternum

Reflux esophagitis grade 1 what is it? A similar question interests a sufficient number of people who are often tormented by heartburn.

Description of the disease

Reflux esophagitis of the 1st degree is a rather difficult disease caused by dysfunction of the closing functions of the esophageal lower sphincter, after which inflammation of the mucous membrane of the organ occurs. Pathology begins due to obesity or wearing tight clothing that compresses the esophagus.


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The main provocateur of the disease is the weakening of the neuromuscular esophageal region. Children suffer the most because of the pathology. Also the reasons are:

  1. Strong internal pressure of the stomach suppresses the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Because of this, gastritis or peptic ulcer occurs.
  2. Stressful situations suppress intestinal motility.
  3. Poor nutrition provokes pathology. Abuse of sweets leads to the appearance of esophageal diseases.
  4. Uncontrolled intake of drugs that have prostaglandins or nitrites as ingredients.
  5. Smoking is a significant provocateur of reflux esophagitis.


GERD is classified as follows:

  1. At grade 1, the area of ​​damage to the esophageal mucosa is small, it is limited by folds.
  2. Reflux esophagitis of the 2nd degree is characterized by the presence of several defects or one, but exceeding 5 mm in diameter. All of them are limited by folds.
  3. The third degree of pathology is characterized by the presence of several lesions, while up to 75% of the surface of the esophagus is affected.
  4. At the fourth degree of the disease, the prevalence of defects exceeds 75% of the esophageal circumference of the esophagus.
  5. 5 degree reflux esophagitis was not detected.

In the first stage of reflux esophagitis, the following clinical symptoms occur:

  1. The whole esophagus is as if subject to burning.
  2. A person often burps gastric contents or air. There is acid in the burp.
  3. There is an unpleasant odor in the mouth.
  4. Often there are diseases inside the oral cavity.
  5. The patient feels pain behind the sternum and some burning. Sometimes these signs are given on the left.

Signs of chronic gastroesophageal disease:

  1. Hacking cough. This cough rarely causes expectoration of sputum.
  2. The voice becomes hoarse.
  3. There is always a lump in the throat.
  4. The headache is concentrated on the surface of the face.
  5. The nose is often blocked.

The severity of symptoms is not always comparable with the stages that the disease has.

To confirm the diagnosis of catarrhal distal reflux esophagitis or to identify erosive reflux esophagitis, the following studies are used:

  1. Endoscopy, since during the examination the condition of the mucosa is visually observed on the monitor, allowing you to confirm the changes, as well as determine the degree of pathology. At the same time, the endoscope allows you to take a biopsy.
  2. With the help of daily monitoring of the pH of the esophagus, the severity, duration of exposure and frequency of reflux are determined.
  3. Using a contrast agent and radiography, a hernia of the esophagus is detected, and the reflux of gastric chyme is monitored.

To cure first-degree reflux, drug therapy is rarely used. Enough lifestyle adjustments. Recommended:

  • normalize the balance of leisure and work;
  • streamline the diet;
  • be treated with herbs.

The basis of a therapeutic diet for a similar disease of the esophagus is a ban on:

  1. Sweets. Forget about chocolate and coffee.
  2. Bad habits. It is undesirable to smoke and drink alcohol.
  3. Fat containing products.
  4. Spices. Any spicy seasonings must be removed from the diet.
  5. Fast food, fast food.

Priority should be given to the following products:

  • dried fruit compotes;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • baked apples;
  • boiled eggs.

Herbal treatment

The first treatment option is performed with herbs. To normalize the situation, it is recommended to use different plants for certain situations:

  1. Improved digestion. Such herbs are suitable: anise, oats, oregano, St. John's wort, fragrant bison.
  2. Constipation. Spicy amaranth, elder, highlander, watercress, medium clover will save.
  3. Restoration of the mucosa. Highlander snake, tenacious, erect cinquefoil, sea buckthorn, smooth licorice will bring benefits.
  4. Weak gastric peristalsis. The immortelle unifolia, the city gravel, the branched broomrape, the field toad will help.
  5. Enveloping herbs. These include buckwheat, panicled mullein, paznik, common ragwort.

Medical therapy

For the treatment of the first stage of pathology, two types of drugs are used:

  1. Antacids. They are taken every couple of hours. The main ingredients of the preparations are aluminum and magnesium. It is not recommended to use drugs for kidney failure. Then, instead of them, only those agents in which aluminum is present are prescribed. Therapy with antacids is long, however, very effective.
  2. proton pump inhibitors. Blockers are used, which are prescribed to those patients who are diagnosed with the first stage of esophagitis. When ulcers have already affected the esophagus, there is no effect from inhibitors. Treatment with such drugs brings an effect only at the very initial stage of the pathology.

Estimated price tags for treatment in the main centers

X-ray of the esophagus Average cost of the procedure
Moscow2000 rub.
St. Petersburg1700 rub.
Ekaterinburg1050 rub.
Kyiv900 UAH
Dnepropetrovsk760 UAH
Minsk60 Bel. rub
Alma-Ata6000 tenge
Omsk717 rub.
Novosibirsk1033 rub.
Kharkiv780 UAH
Nizhny Novgorod1000 rub.
Samara1540 rub.
Chelyabinsk1005 rub.
Odessa865 UAH
Volgograd870 rub.
Permian800 rub.


To prevent recurrence of the disease, it is required to exclude the factors provoking it:

  1. The first requirement is to normalize nutrition.
  2. The second step is to monitor your own weight. Obesity is a direct path to the onset of reflux esophagitis.
  3. The third stage is to pump up the press.
  4. The fourth rule is to quit smoking.
  5. The fifth stage is to equip the sleeping place correctly. The head should be higher than the stomach.
  6. The sixth requirement is to eat on time. make a clear meal schedule.
  7. The seventh postulate is the normalization of sleep.

At the initial stage of reflux esophagitis, hoarseness sometimes occurs, a person often has a cough, he is prone to bronchitis or laryngitis. Other symptoms characteristic of reflux may not be observed at all.

Treatment in such a situation is selected carefully, they seek to eliminate the signs of both diseases at once. Active medication and diet therapy are the main directions of therapy. It is imperative for people suffering from reflux of food back into the esophagus to stop smoking forever.

Reflux esophagitis is a pathological condition in which the mucous membrane of the esophagus becomes inflamed due to the reflux of stomach contents into the organ. Most often, this condition progresses in case of insufficiency of the cardia - the sphincter, anatomically located between the esophageal tube and the stomach, does not completely close, and because of this, hydrochloric acid and particles of undigested food enter the esophagus. The distal part of this organ is usually affected. The disease itself has several degrees of development, and each of them has its own clinical picture. It is important to know the symptoms of such a pathology, so that when they are first expressed, immediately consult a doctor and carry out treatment.

Reflux esophagitis can begin to progress in humans due to such etiological factors:

  • regular consumption of large quantities of alcoholic beverages;
  • carrying out an operable intervention on the esophageal opening of the diaphragm;
  • pylorospasm;
  • smoking;
  • the formation of a hernia of the esophageal opening, localized in the diaphragm;
  • scleroderma;
  • progression of peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
  • pregnancy (reflux esophagitis of the 1st degree is often noted in this condition, since the growing fetus begins to put pressure on the bottom of the stomach, provoking the reflux of its contents into the esophagus);
  • taking for the purpose of treating pharmaceuticals that have a relaxing effect on the lower esophageal sphincter;
  • defective work of the sphincter due to obesity;
  • gastritis caused by Helicobacter pylori.

Degrees of pathology

In total, there are four degrees of progression of distal reflux esophagitis. The main criterion for separation is the severity of the lesion, as well as the intensity of the manifestation of symptoms. Diagnosis and treatment must be started as soon as the symptoms of the first stage appear, until the clinic of the disease worsens and complications begin to develop.

Stages of distal reflux esophagitis:

  • first or A stage. In this case, one or more erosions are formed in the distal esophagus, the dimensions of which do not exceed five millimeters. Between themselves, these inflamed areas do not merge. Erosive reflux esophagitis of the first degree responds best to conservative therapy;
  • second or B stage. Distal erosive reflux esophagitis of the 2nd degree is characterized by the fact that about 50 percent of the circumference of the esophageal tube is already affected by erosion. In diameter, the inflamed areas exceed five millimeters, and can merge with each other;
  • third or C stage. Extensive areas of erosion are revealed on the mucosa. About 75% of the area of ​​the distal esophagus is affected. Not only conservative, but also surgical treatment may be required;
  • fourth or D stage. In this case, a chronic ulcer of the esophagus is already formed. At this stage, various complications are already beginning to progress, in particular, narrowing of the esophagus, perforation of its walls, and so on. Treatment is usually surgical.


The most informative diagnostic method is endoscopy. With the help of an endoscope with a camera at the end, the doctor has the opportunity to assess the condition of the mucosa, identify the presence of erosions or ulcers, identify areas of pathological narrowing, and so on. In addition, such a disease can be diagnosed by radiography of the esophagus using a contrast agent. Treatment is prescribed only after all the results of the examination are received.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment of the disease can be both conservative and surgical. Usually, doctors resort to operable intervention with 3-4 degrees of progression of reflux esophagitis, as well as in the presence of complications. Most often, drug therapy is prescribed. Proton pump blockers, antacids, enveloping drugs, and others are prescribed. In addition, it is very important that the patient follow a sparing diet during and after treatment. It excludes the use of alcohol, caffeinated drinks, solid foods, smoked meats, too spicy dishes. It is allowed to eat dishes cooked in a steam or in the oven. The diet includes lean meat, skim milk, mashed bananas, mousses, soups (not in fatty broth). It is best if the menu is compiled by a competent nutritionist.

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Reflux esophagitis is a disorder of a chronic nature, which is characterized by the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus, which is accompanied by irritation of its walls. A feature of the disease is that it is expressed by mild symptoms, so often the diagnosis of the disease occurs when completely different disorders are detected, for example, peptic ulcer or gastritis. Often such a pathological condition is one of the signs of a hernia of the esophageal opening.

Catarrhal reflux esophagitis is a pathological condition characterized by edema and hyperemia of the distal esophageal tube. It progresses due to the reflux of gastric contents into this organ. This disease can occur in two forms - acute and chronic. It has no restrictions regarding gender and age category, but most often it is detected in people of working age.

Reflux esophagitis is a pathological process in which food is thrown from the stomach back into the esophagus. At this time, irritation of the mucous membrane occurs. The disease affects absolutely all people, regardless of gender or age, because of which it can be diagnosed even in children. Therefore, it is important to know which drugs can cure this disease.

Many people are concerned about the question, what is it - reflux esophagitis of the first degree? Reflux esophagitis is a type of gastroesophageal reflux disease, characterized by a constant reflux of gastric contents into the lumen of the esophagus and a negative effect on the mucous membrane of the latter.

GERD is characterized by regular episodes of acidic stomach contents back up into the esophagus.

Reflux esophagitis is an extremely common disease among the population, characterized by prolonged irritation of the esophagus by gastric juice. Despite this, there is some bias towards this condition among the population and doctors, associated with its underestimation as a possibility of developing serious conditions and complications. Therefore, each of us is recommended to know the main causes of reflux esophagitis, the first symptoms of the disease, as well as the basic principles of correct diagnosis and treatment.

Reflux esophagitis of the 1st degree is characterized by minimal symptoms (heartburn, belching, and others), which many people interpret as a consequence of eating poor-quality food. However, behind them is a serious disease, prone to constant progression and the development of a number of complications, up to cancer of the esophagus.

The prevalence of the disease in the population

The prevalence of reflux esophagitis in Russia is unknown, since a holistic record of the incidence is not kept. However, according to a recent social medical survey in Moscow, the main symptom of this disease, namely heartburn, is observed in 35% of women and 15% of men. Such figures indicate the occurrence of reflux esophagitis in every 8 people, which makes doctors sound a certain alarm. At the same time, no more than 10% of people with this symptom seek medical help.

A more complete picture of the prevalence of reflux esophagitis can be obtained by studying the statistics of the disease abroad. According to the US medical services, symptoms of reflux esophagitis are found in 30-50% of adults, and about 20% of people experience heartburn on a weekly basis. As in Russia, people with symptoms of the disease do not rush for medical help - only one in three people go to see their doctor.

GERD is a very common disease

Causes of reflux esophagitis

All causes of the disease can be divided into four large groups:

  • Associated with a congenital or acquired decrease in the activity of the antireflux mechanism, which prevents the entry of gastric juice into the esophagus.
  • Decrease in the rate of passage of food through the esophagus, which leads to its overstretching and disruption of the sphincters, which normally close the place where the esophagus passes into the stomach.
  • Increased sensitivity of the inner lining of the esophagus to irritants, in particular, to gastric juice.
  • Hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid and active enzymes in the stomach, which leads to an increase in the aggressiveness of gastric juice.

In most cases, in patients with reflux esophagitis of any stage, there is a combination of several factors leading to constant irritation of the esophageal mucosa and the appearance of symptoms of the disease. It should be noted that some of them may be congenital in nature (the nature of the antireflux mechanism, the sensitivity of the esophageal wall, and others).

Clinical manifestations of reflux esophagitis

Reflux esophagitis is often characterized by painful symptoms

The clinical symptoms of reflux esophagitis are varied. It should be noted that the severity of all symptoms does not depend on the nature and severity of changes in the inner lining of the esophagus, which makes it difficult to set the correct severity.

The manifestations of reflux esophagitis are divided into two large groups:

  • Associated with damage to the esophagus, which includes heartburn, swallowing disorders, belching, retrosternal pain and regurgitation.
  • Not related to the esophagus: cough, dry throat, hoarseness, shortness of breath, increased salivation, caries and others.

According to patient surveys, the most common symptoms are heartburn and belching of sour foods, most often occurring either during sleep or when leaning forward. The second most common symptom of reflux esophagitis is chest pain that mimics angina pectoris. The rest of these symptoms are not as common.

Heartburn and belching

The most common complaints in patients with reflux esophagitis. Heartburn is a burning sensation of varying strength behind the sternum (corresponding to the lower third of the esophagus) or in the region of the shoulder blades. It occurs in nine out of ten patients with the disease. The reason for the appearance is the effect of the contents of the stomach with a very low pH on the mucous membrane of the lower esophagus. Both the doctor and the patient must remember that the severity of heartburn does not reflect the severity of the esophageal lesion. At the same time, heartburn attacks occur more often when the diet is violated, the use of various carbonated and alcoholic beverages, during exercise and during sleep.

Chronic heartburn is the most common symptom of GERD.

Very often, heartburn is the first symptom of a disease that requires attention from a person and seeking medical help.

Belching and regurgitation of food are observed in half of the patients. The most typical occurrence of these symptoms after eating. Most often, regurgitation of acidic contents occurs.

Pain behind the sternum

Pain sensations are localized behind the sternum, between the shoulder blades and can move to the neck, lower jaw, left half of the chest. Very often similar to angina attacks, but not stopped by taking nitroglycerin. In this regard, in order to exclude angina pectoris, myocardial infarction and other diseases, it is necessary to pay attention to the factors that caused the pain syndrome. Retrosternal pain is often associated with a poor prognosis for the patient, especially when combined with rapid weight loss and impaired swallowing.

Swallowing disorder

Swallowing disorder, or dysphagia, is less common than other symptoms, and is associated with impaired progression of the food bolus through the esophagus. One of the rare signs of the disease, along with extraesophageal symptoms.

Feeling of food stuck in the esophagus

Diagnosis of reflux esophagitis

The following methods can be used to make a correct diagnosis:

  • An X-ray examination using a contrast agent allows assessing the motor function of the esophagus, identifying a diverticulum of the organ wall, various strictures and narrowing of the lumen of the esophagus, as well as indirect signs of an inflammatory process in the wall (its thickening, changes in the nature of folding, unevenness of the contour).
  • Endoscopy with or without 24-hour esophageal pH monitoring is considered the gold standard for diagnosis. In addition, it is endoscopic examination that allows you to correctly set the severity of reflux esophagitis. Daily monitoring of pH in the esophagus allows you to identify its changes and detect the strength and frequency of reflux of gastric contents.
  • Evaluation of the motor activity of the esophagus allows you to evaluate the evacuation function of the organ and the work of antireflux mechanisms.
  • Morphological examination of the esophageal wall plays an important role in the diagnosis of Barrett's esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma. Barrett's esophagus is a precancerous condition characterized by changes in the wall of the organ with the replacement of the esophageal type of the mucosa with the gastric type.

It is important to remember that all these diagnostic methods should be supplemented by the history of the patient's illness and life, as well as his complaints. None of the diagnostic methods guarantees 100% accuracy of the result.

Treatment of the disease

In the treatment of reflux esophagitis of the first degree, non-drug and drug therapies play an important role. Remember that the appointment of treatment should be carried out by the attending physician after a complete examination of the patient, taking into account all indications and contraindications.

Non-drug methods

Any patient with a diagnosis should follow a number of recommendations:

  • Do not eat large portions of food and do not overeat, especially before bedtime. It is important to adhere to fractional nutrition with the use of small portions. Reduce the amount of fatty, spicy, sweet foods, which in themselves can serve as an irritant. Carefully use drugs that promote the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus (sedatives, theophylline, nitrates, verapamil and other calcium channel inhibitors).
  • Reduce the amount of physical activity associated with lifting heavy weights and tension in the abdominal muscles.
  • Raise the head of the bed and sleep with your head elevated.
  • Give up bad habits (smoking and drinking alcohol).
  • Reduce body weight in case of its excess.

Medical methods

For the treatment of reflux esophagitis of the first degree, drugs are used for a long time that help reduce the acidity of gastric juice and accelerate the movement of food through the esophagus:

  • Drugs that reduce the acidity of gastric juice. This therapy is aimed at increasing the pH of the gastric juice and, thereby, at reducing its ability to damage the mucosa of the esophagus. The most effective in this respect are proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole, rabeprazole and others), which inhibit the production of hydrochloric acid and increase the pH level. Less often, blockers of H2-histamine receptors (Ranitidine, Famotidine) are used, which also reduce acidity, but are less effective.

proton pump inhibitor

  • Drugs that speed up the passage of food through the esophagus and prevent the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus. This group of medicines includes Domperidone, Cerucal and others. Can be used as the sole drug in combination with lifestyle changes for grade 1 reflux esophagitis.

Reflux esophagitis of the first degree is characterized by mild symptoms (heartburn, belching) and most often does not cause concern in patients. However, the progression of the disease without appropriate treatment can lead to the development of severe complications, up to oncopathology.

In the event of the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to immediately seek medical help for timely diagnostic measures and the appointment of the necessary treatment.

Reflux esophagitis is a disease of a chronic nature, which consists in the pathological reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus.

Since there is no protection against such aggressive substances in the mucous membrane, epithelial damage occurs due to contact with them, with further inflammation and, accordingly, painful sensations.

When reflux esophagitis occurs, the acidity level of the esophagus drops markedly due to the mixing of the contents of the esophagus with acidic gastric reflux and digestive enzymes. The result of prolonged contact of the mucous membrane of the esophagus with such an irritant is its inflammation and trauma.

In this article, we will look at reflux esophagitis, its first symptoms and the basic principles of treatment, including at home.


Why does reflux esophagitis occur, and what is it? The cause of reflux esophagitis lies, as a rule, in the excessive relaxation of the esophageal sphincter at the entrance to the stomach. This muscle should be in a compressed state most of the time. A healthy esophagus only relaxes for 6-10 seconds to allow food or liquid to pass through. If the sphincter remains relaxed for longer (up to a minute for patients after each swallow), this causes a regression of the acidic contents of the stomach into the esophagus.

Often reflux esophagitis accompanies diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as:

  • or stomach cancer;
  • vagus nerve damage;
  • violation of duodenal patency of the esophagus;
  • pyloroduodenal stenosis;

It is not uncommon for reflux esophagitis to occur after stomach surgery. Also, the disease can be the result of smoking, drinking alcohol and drinking a lot of coffee. In some cases, sphincter relaxation occurs in people suffering from a hernia of the esophagus or from penetration of part of the stomach into the chest. This is seen in obese people, as a large belly increases pressure on the diaphragm.

Erosive reflux esophagitis

A complicated form of the disease, in which small ulcers (erosion) form on the esophageal mucosa. With erosive reflux esophagitis, all of the above symptoms become more pronounced, bringing tangible discomfort to the patient. Manifestations of the disease are aggravated after eating, as well as certain drugs, such as aspirin.


The course of the disease is characterized by several stages, and the symptoms gradually increase, and the erosive lesion of the esophagus becomes more pronounced.

  1. degree - manifested by separate non-merging erosions and erythema of the distal esophagus;
  2. degree - merging, but not capturing the entire surface of the mucosal erosive lesions;
  3. degree - manifested by ulcerative lesions of the lower third of the esophagus, which merge and cover the entire surface of the mucosa;
  4. degree - chronic ulcer of the esophagus, as well as stenosis.

Symptoms of reflux esophagitis

If reflux esophagitis occurs, the symptoms of this disease may be pain behind the sternum, extending closer to the heart and even to the left shoulder, and can also suck in the pit of the stomach. Very often, the patient does not even associate these symptoms with problems with the esophagus at all, they are mistaken for an angina attack.

So, the main signs of reflux-esophagitis in adults are:

  • belching air or food;
  • heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • regurgitation;
  • sour taste in the mouth;
  • incessant hiccups.

Symptoms of reflux esophagitis often worsen when lying down (especially after eating) and disappear when sitting.

Chronic reflux esophagitis

Esophagitis in a chronic form, with a characteristic change in periods of exacerbation with periods of remission, can either be the result of acute undertreated reflux esophagitis, or develop against the background of alcoholism and the intake of coarse poor-quality food.

According to the types of changes, reflux esophagitis can be:

  • superficial (distal);
  • erosive;
  • hemorrhagic;
  • pseudomembranous, etc.

Signs of reflux esophagitis in the chronic stage, with a medical examination using X-rays, may be a violation of the mucous membranes of the esophagus, the appearance of ulcers and erosions.


Today, quite different methods are used to detect gastroesophageal reflux. Thanks to the x-ray of the esophagus, it is possible to fix the ingress of contrast from the stomach into the esophagus or to find a hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm.

A more reliable method is long-term pH-metry of the esophagus (measurement of acidity in the lumen of the esophagus using a probe). This allows you to set the frequency, duration and severity of reflux. And yet the main method for diagnosing reflux esophagitis is endoscopic. With it, you can get confirmation of the presence of the disease, and determine the degree of its severity.

In general, the symptoms and treatment of reflux esophagitis depend on the severity of the disease, the age of the patient, and comorbidity. Some forms require no therapy, while others require surgery.

How to treat reflux esophagitis

When symptoms of reflux esophagitis appear, treatment consists in eliminating the disease that caused it (gastritis, neurosis, peptic ulcer or gastroduodenitis). Proper therapy will reduce the symptoms of reflux in adults, help reduce the harmful effects of gastric contents thrown into the esophagus, increase the resistance of the esophageal mucosa, and quickly clear the stomach after eating.

Conservative treatment shown to patients with uncomplicated disease. It includes general recommendations:

  • after eating, avoid bending forward and do not lie down for 1.5 hours
  • sleep with the head end of the bed raised by at least 15 cm,
  • do not wear tight clothing and tight belts,
  • limit the consumption of foods that are aggressive to the esophageal mucosa (fats, alcohol, coffee, chocolate, citrus fruits, etc.),
  • give up smoking.

drug therapy with reflux esophagitis, at least 8-12 weeks are carried out, followed by maintenance therapy for 6-12 months. Appoint:

  • proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole, lansoprazole, rabeprazole) in regular or double dosage,
  • antacids (almagel, phosphalugel, maalox, gelusil-lacquer, etc.) are usually prescribed 1.5-2 hours after meals and at night,
  • prokinetics - domperidone, metoclopramide.

To reduce the manifestation of symptoms such as heartburn and chest pain in the supine position, you should adopt the correct posture - the upper body should be slightly elevated, for which several pillows can be used.


This treatment is rarely used. Main indications for surgery:

  • Ineffectiveness of long-term drug treatment.
  • Development of Barrett's esophagus with the risk of malignancy (development of cancer of the esophagus).
  • Esophageal strictures.
  • Frequent esophageal bleeding.
  • Frequent aspiration pneumonia.

The main method of surgical treatment is the Nissen fundoplication, which restores the normal functioning of the cardiac sphincter.


With reflux esophagitis, the diet is quite strict and prohibits eating a certain amount of food. Among them:

  • alcoholic drinks, natural fruit juices, carbonated drinks;
  • pickled and smoked foods, pickles;
  • strong broths and soups cooked on them;
  • fatty and fried foods;
  • fruits (especially citrus fruits);
  • spices, sauces;
  • chewing gum;
  • products that increase gas formation (cabbage, black bread, milk, legumes, etc.);
  • products that relax the lower gastric sphincter and provoke stagnation of food masses in the stomach (sweets, strong tea, chocolate, etc.).

The diet of a person suffering from reflux should include the following foods:

  • soft-boiled eggs,
  • low-fat milk and mashed low-fat cottage cheese,
  • dairy products,
  • porridge,
  • meat and fish soufflé,
  • steamed cutlets and meatballs,
  • crackers soaked in water or stale bread,
  • baked apples.
  • nutrition of patients suffering from reflux disease should be fractional and include five to six meals a day, the last - four hours before bedtime.
  • portions should be small so that the stomach is filled with only a third of its volume.
  • Afternoon sleep is better to replace with a quiet walk. This contributes to the fact that food quickly gets from the stomach to the intestines, and the reflux of acidic contents into the esophagus will not occur.

To reduce gastroesophageal reflux, you must:

  • lose weight
  • sleep on a bed with a high headboard,
  • observe time intervals between meals and sleep,
  • stop smoking,
  • stop drinking alcohol, fatty foods, coffee, chocolate, citrus fruits,
  • break the habit of drinking water.

Folk remedies

Treatment of reflux esophagitis with folk remedies can only be carried out as an auxiliary procedure. Alternative treatment of reflux esophagitis is based on taking decoctions that soothe the mucous membrane of the esophagus, products that stimulate the tone of the sphincter, reduce acidity and fight heartburn.


Reflux esophagitis has, as a rule, a favorable prognosis for working capacity and life. If there are no complications, then it does not reduce its duration. But with inadequate treatment and non-compliance with the recommendations given by doctors, new relapses of esophagitis and its progression are possible.

This is a lesion of the esophagus caused by the reflux of the contents of the stomach in the opposite direction. Reflux esophagitis is not a separate disease, but one of the components of the development of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Causes of reflux esophagitis

As a result of disturbed nerve connections between the sections of the gastrointestinal tract, gastric juice with hydrochloric acid, as well as bile, appear in the lower sections of the esophagus. There is a so-called. The mucous membrane of the esophagus is not adapted to the effects of acidic contents and enzymes, therefore it reacts with inflammation.

The cause of reflux can be called mechanical pressure from the peritoneum through the diaphragm. This phenomenon occurs with overeating, a large abdomen (obesity, ascites), hernia of the esophageal part of the diaphragm, flatulence (bloating).

Taking drugs containing sedatives and antispasmodics (papaverine, platifillin, spasmalgon and others), which women are fond of with menstrual pain, migraine, can also cause reflux with subsequent inflammation.

Antispasmodics are included in many over-the-counter pain relievers.

Symptoms of reflux esophagitis in the initial stages

The classic manifestations are pain in the epigastric region, heartburn, belching with sour or bitterness, a feeling of "coma" in the esophagus when swallowing. Often, patients themselves associate symptoms with the intake of plentiful food, hard physical work in the forward bending position.

Sometimes there is hiccups, salivation, nausea.

If symptoms occur once a month, then functional disorders quickly recover on their own. With more frequent complaints, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a gastroenterologist.

Diagnosis of reflux esophagitis 1 degree

Inflammation of the esophagus is visually detected by a doctor conducting esophagogastroscopy.

The method is based on the introduction of a thin tube with an optical device at the end into the stomach and upper part of the duodenum. It allows you to examine all parts of the esophagus.

In the first stage of esophagitis, the esophageal mucosa is intensely red in color with erosion (crack or scratch).

Treatment of reflux esophagitis of the first degree

To eliminate the initial stages of esophagitis does not require special medicines.

It is enough to comply with some conditions:

  • do not overeat, provide six meals with small amounts of food;
  • stop drinking alcohol, carbonated drinks;
  • do not eat at night;
  • get rid of excess weight;
  • do not lean forward after eating;
  • do not wear tight belts and clothes;
  • stop taking antispasmodics and sedatives;
  • no smoking.

A good effect is provided by folk remedies in the form of decoctions of herbs, medicinal teas.

Children love dandelion flower syrup: pour dandelion flowers and granulated sugar in layers in a glass jar, crush on top. Steep until juice is formed. One teaspoon of juice is diluted in half a glass of water, taken before meals three times a day.

Brew calendula flowers, lemon balm leaves, oregano, plantain as tea in a tablespoon per glass, take 1/3 before meals.

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